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October Composition Challenge


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Great tunes from @Wolfram and @Jean-Luc Pickguard   ('Lean-Luc' to his friends ;)) secured a joint victory for September.

By virtue of no more than a lightning  response to acknowledge his share of the victory, Wolfram got the honour of choosing our October picture 


He offer the thought ...

"The temptation of the serpent and the forbidden fruit. Or an exquisite dessert at Amazónico, Monte-Carlo. Take your pick for this month's inspiration!"





Ok , that's a pretty lush starter for 10 if you like , which is a bit ironic, as its a dessert , well, rules is rules so .... 


✔️ Entries must be <5 minutes and recorded between now and the deadline.

✖️ No illegal samples, copyright infringements or other snide goings-on

✖️ No Bagpipes/panpipes unless they are monogasqueian and played within the sound of the Royal Casino car park 

✖️ No voting for your own entry. We'll know. And we'll shame you..


Deadline-wise, we will go for Midnight on the 25th (effectively afternoon on the 26th), I was considering an extra day, but its my brothers twin grand daughters christening on the Sunday, so I will not get the time.   


A line or two of blurb as usual for the vote thread will be super smashing. 


Good luck, Have fun 



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  • lurksalot pinned, unpinned and pinned this topic

This is NOT my contribution to the October 2024 Basschat Composition Challenge, illustrated with a picture chosen by Wolfram.
No, really. I just happened to finish this just as the new picture arrived, so here it is. Yes, it's composed entirely, from end to end, by AI; I just strung it together. Is this 'cheating'..? Yes, I think it is. It is, however, probably better than what I'll compose by myself. Food for thought : should AI efforts be aloud, or not..? Hmm...
Thanks for listening, if you already have; if you're about to, enjoy. Not suitable as Challenge material; my real, human 'intelligence' entry is below :hi:...



Edited by Dad3353
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What musical input is required to get an A.I tune ?


the challenge is for a bit of fun,  but it is for composition , if the composition is being done by a computer, it does seem a bit incongruous to enter it as one’s own.

I guess if there is a consensus I can make an addition to the simple rules.  

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38 minutes ago, lurksalot said:

What musical input is required to get an A.I tune ?


the challenge is for a bit of fun,  but it is for composition , if the composition is being done by a computer, it does seem a bit incongruous to enter it as one’s own.

I guess if there is a consensus I can make an addition to the simple rules.  


Yes, I just put this one up to stimulate that debate. The 'musical input' is ticking a couple of boxes, waiting a couple of minutes for the cogs to whirr, and choosing what and how to string together the downloaded results in Reaper. The whole thing took about ten minutes.

At least, when I use Band In A Box (BIAB...), I choose the chords and sequence, and what instruments and style I want. I then spend one or two 'nuits blanches' wrestling with it all, until either it or I wins. I often abandon it all and pick up a guitar instead. Where to draw the line..? Ever since virtual instruments, and sampling, the lines have become very fuzzy. This ^^ doesn't have to be a 'test case'; I can quite easily do another or several (as I do, most months...), but it may serve to illustrate the increasing difficulties in the IT era. Back to clashing rocks together..? All is fair in love, war, and BC Composition Challenges..? I don't know; the floor is all yours, folk. :|

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I realise your post was to promote debate Douglas, and commented accordingly 👍.

It’s not a performance challenge , though the performance can influence and enhance a composition.

i use  digital piano occasionally, which I can use to set tracks of different styles, add and remove parts then pick chords etc , but it is all based on musical inputs and choices.

Something that does everything that could be described as a composition, is  obviously not someone enjoying the challenge I’d have thought. 

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15 hours ago, lurksalot said:

I realise your post was to promote debate Douglas, and commented accordingly 👍.

It’s not a performance challenge , though the performance can influence and enhance a composition.

i use  digital piano occasionally, which I can use to set tracks of different styles, add and remove parts then pick chords etc , but it is all based on musical inputs and choices.

Something that does everything that could be described as a composition, is  obviously not someone enjoying the challenge I’d have thought. 


I've just tried doing a few AI songs, and very easy it was, too. They were all generically awful. You may also consider my monthly efforts generically awful but I'm satisfied that at least those cliched chord changes and bum notes were crafted from my own, fair hand.


I have to use artificial drums seeing as a) I don't have a drumkit and b) I can't play drums so I'll use MT Drums, Hydrogen or mess about with a loop from Looperman. I've also used the extensive library available in Ableton Live for various sounds and have done two or three tunes exclusively using it. Everything in those tunes was programmed, changed around, tweaked, moved about a bit, tweaked again and then put back where it started out by me. Same with any drum tracks I use. The idea of just choosing from a list of options and letting your laptop and AI do all the heavy lifting is anathema to me. This is all just for fun and I can't see how I'd get any enjoyment out of the process by doing things that way, although it would mean I might get my entry in a bit quicker every month. Pah! Boo to AI tomfoolery and its sweeping sheen of binary banality! I'll stick with my rudimentary skills on various stringed instruments and flat, tuneless vocals and you'll thank me for it 😁

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This is a dig at my September entry; I'll bite.

Here's a screenshot of part of my "Telegraph Hill" Cubase project - each part was created and arranged separately, with sampler tracks used to re-pitch elements. The workflow was pretty much the same as musicians who use loops and samples to create music, but I used elements created using AI with input prompts that I crafted myself; is that any more or less 'composition' than using loops or samples created by a complete stranger with absolutely no input from myself? I'm sure the debate will rage on...


Edited by Wolfram
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9 minutes ago, Wolfram said:

This is a dig at my September entry...


Just to be clear...  This is in no way a 'dig' at your winning entry last month, nor of any other entries, at all. Pure coincidence, and I've not made any such connection until your post above^^. No, Sir, this is just my knee-jerk reaction to another Topic posted recently, show-casing a couple of AI pieces, which triggered my own experiment, which just happened to be created as the October picture came up on my screen. I have always used many methods, more or less self-orchestrated, but also (and more and more of late...) in exactly the same way as yourself, with a mix of 'live' instruments, Vst's, samples and loops; anything that comes to hand and mind that fits the mood of the composition I'm working on. This AI experiment was so quick and easy, I wanted to see what it could mean for the BC Challenge, ie: should it be admitted, or is it best excluded..? Is it just the final result that counts, however the piece is conceived, as that's the way the World is heading..? How could one tell, anyway..? Is it OK as long as it's declared as being wholly or partly AI..? Does it matter in a purely-for-fun nonsense Challenge such as ours..? Personally, I found no satisfaction from posting my offering, and will be composing (I hope...) by more traditional methods another piece, as that's the challenge for me; not the result, but the path towards the result (this explains why my efforts are so weak, of course..! :$ ). It's just to open the debate, with absolutely no aspersions cast on anyone. Just to be clear... :friends:

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2 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:


Just to be clear...  This is in no way a 'dig' at your winning entry last month, nor of any other entries, at all. Pure coincidence, and I've not made any such connection until your post above^^. No, Sir, this is just my knee-jerk reaction to another Topic posted recently, show-casing a couple of AI pieces, which triggered my own experiment, which just happened to be created as the October picture came up on my screen. I have always used many methods, more or less self-orchestrated, but also (and more and more of late...) in exactly the same way as yourself, with a mix of 'live' instruments, Vst's, samples and loops; anything that comes to hand and mind that fits the mood of the composition I'm working on. This AI experiment was so quick and easy, I wanted to see what it could mean for the BC Challenge, ie: should it be admitted, or is it best excluded..? Is it just the final result that counts, however the piece is conceived, as that's the way the World is heading..? How could one tell, anyway..? Is it OK as long as it's declared as being wholly or partly AI..? Does it matter in a purely-for-fun nonsense Challenge such as ours..? Personally, I found no satisfaction from posting my offering, and will be composing (I hope...) by more traditional methods another piece, as that's the challenge for me; not the result, but the path towards the result (this explains why my efforts are so weak, of course..! :$ ). It's just to open the debate, with absolutely no aspersions cast on anyone. Just to be clear... :friends:

Sorry for any misunderstanding; all good.

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2 hours ago, Wolfram said:

This is a dig at my September entry; I'll bite.


Adding to what @Dad3353 said, please don't think I was having a pop. I've seen the thread he was talking about and the OP advocates an AI Composition Challenge, not something that I'd bother with. The AI process, taken to its nth degree, is something that I just don't fancy. To my ears, it sounds 'unsatisfactory', if that makes sense? But, each to their own. Personally, I prefer the struggle with real instruments (boy, do I struggle..!), and wish more folk would have a go in here every month.

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11 minutes ago, BabyBlueSound said:

I think for this specific competition, if you write and actually play the bassline, then just use AI to get something to go with it, that should be fine. I don't do it, just saying 😅


Hmm... Not bad, but I'm a drummer, composing in an classical orchestral style. What is this 'bassline' of which you speak..? :/




:lol: :P

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18 hours ago, BabyBlueSound said:

I think for this specific competition, if you write and actually play the bassline, then just use AI to get something to go with it, that should be fine. I don't do it, just saying 😅

I don’t see this as a competition really . I would soon be disillusioned if I thought I was competing against the quality that gets presented here.

It’s a challenge , which is to create a piece, yes I try to make it fun or interesting and as good as my time and commitments allow, but I’ve always had aspirations to make music and this little corner of the web is just heaven.

help, advice, a bit of pisstaking and a great bunch to share it with. 

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1 hour ago, lurksalot said:

I don’t see this as a competition really . I would soon be disillusioned if I thought I was competing against the quality that gets presented here. 


100% this. I don't gig anymore and the chances of doing so again are increasingly unlikely so this is my haven for whatever small scraps of creativity I can come up with. I treat it as a bit of fun with a DIY punk ethos.

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My song, "Take A Bite" is told from the perspective of Satan, who has taken the form of a snake. This character from a popular work of fiction represents free thinking and rebellion against those who try to keep people blissfully ignorant and obedient, and wrongly label him as evil due to his defiance. In the song, the snake speaks to someone content in ignorance, encouraging them to embrace enlightenment, knowledge, and self-awareness.



Edited by Jean-Luc Pickguard
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Here is my contribution to the October 2024 Basschat Composition Challenge, illustrated with a picture chosen by Wolfram.
It's tempting, to tuck in, taste the Turkish Tavuk göğsü, try the Tulumba, but... What's that, lurking in the shadows..?
The instruments are Vst Darbuka drums programmed in 9/4 with MIDI, and a hypnotic Arabian orchestra and singer (Kontakt...) holding our attention (Stare at the picture; did the snake just move..?). All in Reaper, of course, with only a spot of Ozone 8 on the orchestra and the Master track. There is no AI used anywhere in this production.
Thanks for listening, if you already have; if you're about to, enjoy.



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Got an updated version with some changes.  Another with me actually singing!  Fair enough, I used a vocoder for the backing vocals and I'm autotuned & formant lowered, but it's my crappy vocal.


I played most of the instruments live, with drums now played using Maschine pads.


It's a parody on a popular type of music, about my own personal experience & how things have changed for me.




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