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Second hand Trace Elliot bargains


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9 hours ago, Downunderwonder said:

That's a lot of faith in the switching jack if you ask me.


No more than in any other cross-over. Just in this case there is an element of user choice whereas in most cabs it all happens internally without you seeing it.


Thus said while we do have a stereo power amp that we could use for biamping purposes, I'm not entirely sure it's worth the faff when we can just use one cable from a mono head in the normal way and get full range. The whole biamping thing may have been a product of the 80s/90s obsession with rack equipment and increasingly sophisticated signal routing, something that seems to have retreated a bit over the last twenty years (although for nostalgic reasons I do still have a 20u rack for my home guitar practicing fun - just coz I can)!

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