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Barefaced or not?


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Id echo a few sentiments here.  I'm a Barefaced user (original 15" compact) and it does exactly what I wanted it to do when I bought it i.e be easy to carry. 


Does it sound as good as the cheapo Eden 4x10 it replaced - no.  Is there a trade off on sound for the lightweight carry ability of the barefaced? Yes.


It does sound good and is very lightweight.  It doesn't do as some mentioned on other threads though and replace a bigger cab tone/sound wise...for me

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I’ll be getting my first Barefaced cab this weekend, a Super Compact. I needed a smaller and lighter cab as my poor suffering wife is now my roadie due to my foot being badly broken. I play in a typical pub band so no larger venues, maybe the odd outdoor gig in the summer. I will be pairing it up with a TKS 1x12 for the time being which I know will be ample for the gigs we do. I’m sceptical if any 1x12 cab would be enough but it would be nice to be proven wrong. I’m really looking forward to getting it and testing it out on its own at a rehearsal. We practice in a function room with a good sized stage, a bigger room than anywhere we’ve played so far so it should be a good trial. 

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