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Amp repair in Newcastle / NE

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I've got an 11-year-old Trace Elliot Super Tramp Twin guitar amp that's developed a bit of a problem. Well, actually, it's a huge problem. When you turn it on, it just emits a horrendous earth-type hum... at full volume. 100W of full volume. :rolleyes: I don't know where the problem lies. I'm not a hugely amp-techy kinda person, so I'm not too keen on even getting into the innards. My guess is that something's died and shorted in the SS power stage, but I suppose it could be the preamp valve.

I'm looking to sell the amp, so obviously I need to get it seen to first. Anybody know a decent amp repairer they can recommend in/near Newcastle? I'd prefer not to have to go to Sunderland... sorry... not to have to go [i]as far as[/i] Sunderland. :) I'm in Corbridge, so it's a bit of a trek down there.

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