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Posted (edited)

The time has come to part ways with this lovely blue Sterling Short scale. Fender gig bag included.


Simply put, it just does not work for me somehow. I have spent the last ~3 years trying to get used to it, but it's just not my thing. I think it's me, not the bass, as I had multiple friends try it and be absolutely amazed by it. It's an exceptionally resonant bass, you can feel every note sustained in the whole neck and body.


I bought the bass from this forum ~3 years ago.


Please forgive how the E is strung. I know, I messed up the short scale measurement... and haven't changed it for a while as these are Elixirs so they did not really lose any tone so far.


Here's what I have done with it:

- used it only at home

- got a luthier grind the frets to shape (they were a bit wacky up the neck) and give it an overall setup, feels a LOT less buzzy

- fix the bendy wonky pots the best we could. It's a thing with these shorties, everyone is complaining about them, and I even sent back my first shortie to a shop due to their quality. They're still not fully straight but they stopped scratching against the plate

- had some grounding issues fixed in the electronics

- single coil and parallel pickup configs sound just amazing


Here's what I DON'T like about it:

- 1-2 weird light green-ish discoloration spots on the neck. Not THAT visible on the photos but they're there, and I have no idea what they are and how they got there

- very light mark on the side the headstock by the Hercules holder (which never marked anything else in my whole life to my knowledge, but here we are)

- the aforementioned wonky pots

- high action. It's simply not low enough for me. If you're a low action player, I DO NOT recommend this bass

- extremely hot passive pickup. In Series mode, especially with the boost on, low E can distort


We can sort out any sort of payment, but I prefer to avoid Paypal. I really dislike the company, their business practices, and everything about them. I had multiple friends seriously burnt by their "scam protection" which can turn out to be "scammer protection". I am a member here for years, I have also purchased the bass here, there won't be any messing around.


I'd prefer local pickup but if you sort out the delivery and insurance with your chosen courier, I'm happy to pack it up for you.







Edited by BabyBlueSound
  • Like 3

I've had one of these and it was awesome - really lovely to play and suitably growly and clanky when necessary.  I think they're beautiful to look at too!  The only reason I got rid of mine was a return to long-scale with an ultra light Shuker.  Otherwise, I'd still be playing my shorty Stingray.



  • Thanks 1
  • BabyBlueSound changed the title to Daphne blue Sterling Short Scale, with extra mirror pickguard and Fender soft gig bag £490

After reading through this topic:



It seems like people honestly believe PayPal, an overseas supercapitalist algorithmyc money extractor app will protect their interests better than a chargeback option with a British bank where you can talk to a human (I have charged back before, hassle free).


Look, if this is the only thing holding you back from getting this bass, we can discuss Paypal, sure. I just really prefer not to use them for anything, I had friends with funds stuck there for MONTHS. They like to sit on it and generate interest I guess.


(Additional advice, just google/youtube: "HONEY SCAM", the whole mess is owned by Paypal, screwing literally every party in the process while making millions).



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