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COG Effects Knightfall 66 Prototype

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Hey all,


This is the original prototype for the production Knightfall 66 pedal, which I ordered as a custom order prior to the design (mainly controls) being slightly tweaked, and put into production.

Drop me a PM and I can show you more info about how it was born.


So this is a two-channel Knightfall 66, with global controls for blend, bass (low) and High (treble), then per-channel controls for gain and volume.

Left switch is for switching between channels, right switch is for on/bypass.

The knobs have been changed by me shortly after I received the pedal so that each channel (blue/red) relates to the LED colour for the A/B foot switch.

In addition (I don’t believe the production Knightfall 66’s had this), there are multiple diode options available per channel.
The interior diode clipping switch (see image) is numbered 1-10, with the options as follows:

1: Ch2 - MOSFET

2: Ch2 - LED

3: Ch2 - Ge

4: Ch2 - 1N4001

5: Ch2 - Si

6: Ch1 - Si

7: Ch1 - 1N4001

8: Ch1 - Ge

9: Ch1 - LED

10: Ch1 - MOSFET


There is also a trimmer inside the pedal, this controls the maximum clean volume when the pedal is engaged. The treble is rolled off the clean channel above around 3kHz to allow for better integration with the distortion, so you may feel you want to bump the clean volume up if there's a perceived volume drop. 

With regards the external control, the Low (Bass) knob adjusts the corner frequency of the first opamp stage, and as a result adjusts how much low-end will be clipped. To the left is tight and thin, and as you roll it round to the right you will loosen things up and saturate more bass. All the way to the right and you're in fuzz territory. I have found between 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock yields the most usable results, though this varies with taste and the position of the blend knob.


All the other controls are as per the standard Knightfall (v1):

High (Treble) is a passive adjustable LPF, with "blanket over your cab" setting at the left, all the way round to "ice pick in my ear" on the right.

Gain and Volume are obviously self-explanatory. You'll get different levels with the different diodes (Ge and LED being the opposite ends of the spectrum in this regard)


Cash is king for this rarity, however would consider a Sire P5-5 in part exchange pending the colour, white being the preference.












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