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The "Uncle's Loft" thread

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Given the astounding number of vintage basses being discovered when clearing out the loft at my uncle's house ([i]I don't know much about it, could be anything, even a vanishingly-rare Fender from the early 60's[/i]), I think we need a thread devoted to these amazing discoveries.

Beedster nearly started one by accident a few weeks ago, so I might as well finish the job, starting with ...


In all fairness to the Seller, he makes it very clear that he doesn't think this one is valuable. But his listing has almost the complete set of stock phrases used in these cases, and sets a worthy standard for others to aim at. :)

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[quote name='"Honest" Ged Dixon of Ebay']Wow!!! I can't believe we found this again... Languishing in an attic since at least 1982...[/quote]

Actually a nice & very old Antoria Jazz, probably 1971. I fully expect this to get quite silly in its last few hours.


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[quote name='Bassassin' post='507968' date='Jun 8 2009, 09:31 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=140324776699"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=140324776699[/url]

Actually a nice & very old Antoria Jazz, probably 1971. I fully expect this to get quite silly in its last few hours.


Actually Jarrow (pronounced Jarra) isn't that far from me and in all fairness if I lived there then I'd hide my bass in the attic as well! :)

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the bass has ended, but this made me laugh:

"Q: Hello again, Since this has been left in an attic, what is the neck/action like. How does it play?? Lee
A: Hi Lee. I actually couldn't believe that it was still in tune after all that time hidden away! The neck is dead straight and the action is very low with..."

bahaha! hmmm, I'm not sure bu i would've thought that 27 years of it being in the attic, goign through 4 seasons every year would've changed it's tuning just a TAD!

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[quote name='warwickhunt' post='508706' date='Jun 8 2009, 11:31 PM']Thievin' Bastids in Jarra, so yeh! :rolleyes:

Only joshing it's no worse than the (former) 'worst place to live in the UK' that I reside in! :)[/quote]

I know jarra well,people used to batten down the hatches when the metro stopped there,morning journeys to college could be hazardous if rajies got on there. I think the crusades are still going on.

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Does "under the stairs for ten years" count?


Although at £450 BIN for a beat-up JapCrap Jazz with a shonky sticker, it should probably be in the heroically overpriced thread. Nice enough - possibly a Matsumoku going on the slightly odd end-adjustment pickups, but over the odds by about £300!


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