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Does anyone remember the M channnel on sky about 4 years ago...It used to have range of people and presenters teaching you different instruments including Bass..Twas very good...

Whatever happened to it?


Indeed I do. It was one of the reasons I signed up (...that and the Sci-Fi channel :) ).
I often wondered what happened to it though suspected it was probably too specialised and lacked funding (advertising).



I think I remember one where some Bird was being taught the drums (quite informative) and the info trailing across the bottom of the screen saying that Bass lessons were coming up next (need them!) but waited and waited..............then got infomercials for crap but no bass :)



Yeah, I used to watch it regularly for a while. First saw Newton Faulkner perform on it and thought he was amazing then... although I saw some other utter s**** bands play also.

The bass lessons were of course basic, but I lapped it up at the time because they were free! (Well... free with my Sky subscription of course. lol)


What amazes me is that with so many utterly wasted TV channels and with the fairly large UK population of amateur and semi-pro musos that there isn't a market for a freeview available music channel that properly caters for people wanting to learn instruments. You'd think the overheads would be quite small compared with, for eg funding a drama series or whatever. A half decent teacher with half decent gear sitting there and telling you how to play should be pretty cheap to make surely? All these kids are spending thousands going to music colleges, there must be a market there to be tapped into?

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