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I've recently joined the exclusive Shuker club and want to put some new strings on. The B string slot on the (individual) bridge looks a bit narrow and is currently sporting a tapered B string.

Before I waste money on the wrong strings, does anyone know if a standard 125 fits or do I need a tapered B every time?

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The individual bridge on mine (I assume the same as on yours) has been using a 130 B string for the last year, and currently has a 135 on. I've been using Rotosounds until now, and the 135 is an Overwater. I don't think either are tapered.

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Can't claim experience because I've only played 4 strings, but my knowledge of Warwick basses says that the Warwick bridge on a 5er also has trouble with non-tapered strings. To that extend I believe that Warwick Black Label strings have a tapered B to make sure that it fits over the Warwick bridge.

I'm planning on putting Warwick Black Labels on my impending Shuker 6 string.

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