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Hi there,

On my MIA Jazz, I've noticed that the stings don't align themselves to the pick-up poles on the bridge pick-up. On the attached pictures, you should hopefully see that it is only the D string that seems to be perfectly aligned.

I can't see any obvious way to fix this problem. No amount of adjusting the bridge or where the strings sit on the saddles seems to make any difference. So my questions are:

- is it normal for the strings to not be perfectly aligned
- what impact is it likely to have on the sound of the bass, and how the pickups function

Thanks in advance,



If its bothering you, loosen the strings a little then loosen the neck plate a little. Then while applying some downward(down as if holding the bass in playing position)pressure on the end of the neck(headstock end)tighten the neck plate bolts and re-check alignment. It can be a bit awkward if doing this by yourself. Slow and easy wins the race.


I see from the pic that you've got the type of bridge that allows a choice of string position - just slacken off the offending string a little and 'click' it accross till it lines up. Near enough is OK - most double pole pickups work fine as long as the string is within the magnetic field.


The string spacing between A and D is completley off. That´s another shoddy setup by the guys at 7ucker... soundwise it won´t maker much of a diff. but playing with that string spacing would bug the hell outta me.


you can improve that spacing by moving the saddles...go for spacing on the bridge pup for setting
the neck will take care of itself
a different bridge will cure it and make setting more certain and robust

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