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Can I have a consensus, please?


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It is based on his but is in no way a true reproduction; it was never meant to be, according to RIC themselves. I found this out after I'd bought it! The best Rick bass I've had and played though, and I've owned around 9 over the years.

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[quote name='RhysP' post='573129' date='Aug 18 2009, 04:31 PM']If it was modelled on Squires bass as accurately as it was meant to have been it will indeed be smaller.
Chris has mentioned several times in interviews how he went through a period of having his Rickenbacker regularly refinished in different things (Foil, floral wallpaper etc. - this WAS the 60's!) so it was stripped and sanded quite a few times before he finally settled on the cream colour it's been for ages.

He attributes the instruments unique toppy sound to the smaller mass of the body, and having owned several Ricks & not even gotten close to that sound I'd tend to agree with him.

If I had one of those Chris Squire Ricks I'd definately hang on to it - they'll only appreciate in value. They already change hands for silly money.
Wish I had one......[/quote]

The guy who worked on Chris' Rick was called Sam Lee who was based in Soho. Every year, Chris would take the bass to him to have it sanded down to remove `that year's' finish. Sam would say `Oh that terrible, I better shave it off'. Hence the thinner body depth, as Rhys notes. In interviews, Squire has noted that the CS model is not really that close to the original in terms of sound etc. I think I will hang onto mine though!

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[quote name='Stacker' post='572967' date='Aug 18 2009, 02:56 PM']No, but I've just had a look at that! never ever heard of a silver one before. I have an XL2A, though.

The bass I was after was a 20th Anniv Stingray fretless. I sat there and watched it tick down to zero without bidding. Later on in the evening I decided that I would rob the savings after all so I emailed the guy asking if was going to relist and I haven't heard anything back.

Moral: He who hesitates is bassless![/quote]
Have you mailed him through eBay messages. If so I would try again, they do not always get through.

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[quote name='dazco' post='573393' date='Aug 18 2009, 08:05 PM']Have you mailed him through eBay messages. If so I would try again, they do not always get through.[/quote]
No need it is back on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/musicman-20th-Anniversary-Stingray-Fretless-Bass-MINT_W0QQitemZ130325660581QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item1e5803c3a5&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/musicman-20th-Annive...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url]

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[quote name='Stacker' post='573438' date='Aug 18 2009, 08:36 PM']Hmm. He said he wasn't sure he was going to refloat it. Seems he has.[/quote]
Why would he not if his story is true.

Do you want me to delete the link, you don't want to be in a bidding war if you can help it.

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Well if its not to late, and don't want to sound funny but the CS is a copy of a bass thats not really close and we're not Chris Squire, so I would sell this.

But I always say never ever sell something to buy something else, long time ago I sold a 1969 Jazz bass for £200 to buy a car, it was 100 percent mint, but sonically it was the biggest piece of turd going, now its worth loads ( and the tosspot who would pay todays money for one couldn't even tell.)

Get a loan, buy a new bass, value will outstrip interest eventually, keep all your old stock or sell one when you don't need to.

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You are correct about the CS.

The three Ricks are being kept and the savings are being raided.

And selling something to buy something else? Sure, done it many a time and regretted it only a few. That XL2A in my avatar pic? BAck in the day I sold my old Vauxhall Cavalier to cover the cost of getting that, using the logic that I could always get another car but maybe never another XL2A. ^_^ The only time that backfired on me bigstyle was when I sold a fretted and fretless Warwick Thumb for a Warwick Dolphin ProI. Again, the 'do your homework' rule wnet right out the window chased by impetuosity and I landed the newer Ovangkol version which I hated and not the older Boire version that I coveted. Did get a Boire one eventually.

Howz about a pic of that '69 4001 SS73?

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