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Why i'd never sell on eBay..


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This went for a ridiculous price - can't believe there was no reserve on it :).

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[quote name='Machines' post='62458' date='Sep 19 2007, 07:38 AM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=150160666083&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=005"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=005[/url]

This went for a ridiculous price - can't believe there was no reserve on it :).[/quote]

My first Ebay foray a while back was selling an EBS pre-amp. I put a reserve on it but as it wasn't picking up too many bids, Ebay "advised" me to consider no reserve. I followed that advice at the time. The result was a very cheap pre-amp sale way below its real worth. AAARRRGGGHHH.
I was happy for the chappie who bought it but
it would have been more bold if I had sold at what I wanted!
Be careful out there.

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Guest Bald Eagle

Agree with the majority should have set a reserve, i'll always remember Birdys vintage fender, £500 or something daft wasn't it, still that's ebay for you some you win some you loose.

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I'd agree he didn't do himself too many favours with no reserve but to be honest I think the listing title wasn't as bad as many I've seen and it was in the corect category. I think you'll just find that it is one of the worst times of year to try and flog a bass! Everyone's finances have taken a battering over the holidays and most people are too skint to buy which just happens to coincide with many people offloading gear they don't use to pay off their holiday credit card balance... result loads of gear with no buyers; a recipe for bargains.

I've personally watched a brace of Warwick Streamers go for less than £650 and a couple of MM Sterlings ending (with no reserve) for less than £500 (one for £425 inc carriage). I'd have had one of these in a flash but I'm holding out for the right bass in the right finish with the correct hardware etc. I might kick myself for not nabbing one of these bargains but I just know as soon as I buy something that my ideal bass will come along.

The market will steady down after the next pay cheque or two go into accounts... just in time for the post-Christmas bonanza!

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AAARRRRRGGGGGHHH don't tell me if it does reappear!
I'm sure ( am I?) that yon chappie really was going to use it. GULP.

[quote name='MacDaddy' post='62639' date='Sep 19 2007, 12:53 PM']but don't we all want a good deal on Ebay?
If it was me that bought that, I'd be made up, but if I was selling it I be gutted!

What's the betting that will be on sale soon with a reserve? :)[/quote]

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I wouldn't say depressing, desperate or stupid depending on the situation. If quick cash was needed and the bass was not needed or used anymore then selling it may be the only option. That said with something like a stingray I would put a reserve on or it could go for peanuts. There is another stingray 140158093323 on for £500 there is a buy it now of £850 but that will vanish as soon as someone bids as there is no reserve.

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I've sold one item on eBay, but it went OK. It was a TL-Audio FAT-1 preamp/compressor in excellent condition. I put a reserve on it, but I needn't have - it went for a little more than I'd paid for it new, a few years earlier. :)

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And here it is again...


Small world isnt it ? I didn't know inflation was so high in a week either !

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[quote name='john_the_bass' post='65822' date='Sep 26 2007, 12:13 PM']David the dealer[/quote]

Yep, that's me ;-)

Hey I bid over £600 - it wasn't my fault the second highest bidder bid only £488 - I doubt I'll get £795 for it tho, probably not much over £700 - it's a nice bass, I've no idea why no one bid higher - shame it doesn't have a case tho ...

Thanks to all the Basschatters who've offered me their gear over the past few months, reckon I've taken over half of it - sometimes I keep it, sometimes sell it on.

If anyone needs any eBay selling advice, just ask - no charge !!

Thanks & best wishes !!

David :-)

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[quote name='Machines' post='65854' date='Sep 26 2007, 12:59 PM']You doubt you'll get £795 but have put it up for that anyway ? :wacko:[/quote]

Hi, thanks for your question - yeah, I tend to reduce the price till they sell, or depending on how much I need the cash quickly !!!

David :-)

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I really don't think adding a reserve price is a good idea - it tends to put buyers off, cos we might have spent time researching the item, asking questions, sorting our finances etc, be the highest bidder, but still not win the item cos the seller stuck too high a reserve. I almost never bid on items with a secret reserve.

The best way to sell is common sense really - a few nice photos, keywords in the title, correct spelling, and make yours stand out from the rest - easy peasy !!


David :-)

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I always check ebay for typos. I've never forgiven myself for being sniped on a lovely Fendre[sic] base[sic] up for sale in the states. It was a lovely transparent teal MIA Deluxe ash Jazz V with maple board. It went for £420 or something. Even factoring in £100 shipping and £100 duty and admin, that's a hell of a lot of bass for the money.

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[quote name='petra' post='65859' date='Sep 26 2007, 01:14 PM']I really don't think adding a reserve price is a good idea - it tends to put buyers off, cos we might have spent time researching the item, asking questions, sorting our finances etc, be the highest bidder, but still not win the item cos the seller stuck too high a reserve. I almost never bid on items with a secret reserve.

The best way to sell is common sense really - a few nice photos, keywords in the title, correct spelling, and make yours stand out from the rest - easy peasy !!


David :-)[/quote]

As a buyer, a reserve doesn't bother me. I picked up my Takamine on a second chance offer despite not triggering the reserve. I don't know how far off I was, but I got it for a good price nonetheless.

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[quote name='Bald Eagle' post='62655' date='Sep 19 2007, 01:04 PM']Agree with the majority should have set a reserve, i'll always remember Birdys vintage fender, £500 or something daft wasn't it, still that's ebay for you some you win some you loose.[/quote]

:) Thanks for the memories......

I think it got closer to £600 almost and it had been refinned and refretboarded etc but was still a few hundred quid lite.

You win some and you lose some. Sometimes you just want to move things on!!!


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It depends on what I am selling and it's value. If I were selling any of my kit I would put a reserve because I know what it's worth and would rather it didn't sell than let it go for peanuts(that said the 2 basses ive got aren't worth much anyway). Reserves have never put me off, yes I research and see how much things are worth 2nd hand or new. My local music shop has 2 Stingrays a 2 eq sunburst for £850 and a 3eq white for £900 (both used but in good nick). Others Ive seen in shops seem to be about the same price. I tend to use this as a bench mark on Ebay, if there is a reserve depending on where the bass is (is it in collection range) and other factors depends on how much I would be willing to bid. If bidding went over say £700 and the reserve was not met then I would probably just go and buy the one in the shop rather than risk damage in transit or finding out that the bass is an Encore with Fender decals etc. I suppose I'm looking for a new bass at the right time as no one seems to be bidding much at the mo.

Edited by markytbass
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[quote name='Machines' post='65821' date='Sep 26 2007, 12:12 PM']And here it is again...


Small world isnt it ? I didn't know inflation was so high in a week either ![/quote]

Interesting how that pretty harsh 'scuff' looks nearly non-existent in the new listing :) David/Petra/1066/Whatnot normally takes such wonderful pictures. I would be pretty pi**ed if I parted with £600 and ended up with a bass that looks like a grinder ran over the upper bout. Just my 2p...

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