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Hey guys, just found this forum in my quest for further knowledge, looks good, so just thought I'd Hi!

I've really only just started learning to play Bass, although I got my Bass in January and toyed with it on and off. It's an Ibanez AGB200. I'm in my final year of Uni, and living with my 2 best friends who used to be in a band....you can see where ths is going! So now the pressure is on for me to get to a decent standard. I've so far mastered the dizzying heights of Help! by The Beatles and Time is Running out by Muse. I've learnt using a pick, although my picking is sub par tbh, any tips and places you can point me for basic finger picking technique?
I'm also incredibly musically challenged, with barely any knowledge of scales and that sort of thing, so again, anywhere I should look for learning scales and the such, apart from obviously browsing the forum?

Any help greatly appreciated, looking forward to being a member!



Welcome to the forum :)

I'm in a band and I know naff-all about scales. I'm not advocating that (in fact I would like to remedy my shockingly low grasp of music theory), but merely pointing out that it's not a pre-requisite.


Hi Chris. :)

You might like to take a look at [url="http://www.studybass.com/lessons/basics/"]http://www.studybass.com/lessons/basics/[/url]

It's a great site for those starting out and easily understandable.


Hi Chris and welcome :)

Scales, theory etc., is definitely useful, but to get started quickly, you can just play the root note of whatever chord the guitarist is playing - e.g., whether chord is A or Amin or Amin7 or A5 or A7 - just play an A.

It won't necessarily sound like the record, but it won't sound too horrible either. This also opens up pretty much the entire Ramones songbook. :rolleyes:

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