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I've just got Sciatica in my back and i use an Ashdown MAG410T...

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Hi guys
Basically, after a bad accident at work, i've now got Sciatica which means no heavy lifting
Problem is, i have gigs coming up soon and as you can see, I use an Ashdown 410T as my cabinet and theyre heavier than a horse.
so, i need some recomendations on 4x12 cabinets that are cheap and lightweight as i've come to the conclusion i cant keep the Ashdown even though it's a great cabinet.
Please help guys!
I was even thinking of buying the Marshall MG412 guitar cabinet and fitting it with bass speakers and a tweeter which i know some other people have done before and it works a treat, and it's lightweight too.


If you are a fan of 4x12s and you want lighter than you have, you should definitely at least try the Bergantino NV412. That is lighter than most 4x12s can ever hope to be, and is extremely well made.

Or, you can do what I did and go for two 2x12 cabs, with casters. Mine are Aguilar DBs.....fairly pricey, but those 12s are so fat, aggressive, responsive and articulate.

Plenty of options.

Or....how about Genz Benz 2x12s x 2....they are quite light cabs.

Good thing about having two cabs is take two to large gigs or one to small gigs!


[quote name='davidmpires' post='595822' date='Sep 11 2009, 04:44 PM']I know someone will mention it, so might as well be the first. Barefaced cabs all the way. and now lighter than ever.[/quote]

A gnat's over 30lbs for the compact. Worth buying just for the light weight alone but also sounds great and is relatively cheap.


Cheers guys
Thanks so much for your help
I tried to lift my cab tonight, didn't even get it off the floor and nearly burst into tears as i've ruined my back completely
It may sound pathetic to you lot but i just can't believe i've done it, i'm only 19 for christ sake! haha
I'm going to check out the Barefaced 412 and see what thats like, and at 30lbs, that sounds like it'll be a bit more handy.
My guitarist will still have to help me lift it though =(


[quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='596284' date='Sep 12 2009, 04:02 AM']I'm going to check out the Barefaced 412 and see what thats like, and at 30lbs, that sounds like it'll be a bit more handy.
My guitarist will still have to help me lift it though =([/quote]
There's been a misunderstanding somewhere dude - the Barefaced Compact is a 1x15, not a 4x12.... It's the best 1x15 you can buy (IMHO) :) And no, I don't own one. I one the Vintage, which is two Compacts stuck together in one bigger box :rolleyes:


[quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='595806' date='Sep 11 2009, 04:24 PM']I use an Ashdown 410T as my cabinet and theyre heavier than a horse.
.......i cant keep the Ashdown even though it's a great cab[/quote]

If you like the sound you already have.....
A risk free solution would be to get 2 Ashdown 2x10's!


can you not just treat the sciatica and keep the cabs you like? my wife has just recovered from a bout of it - (I don't know how bad hers was relatively but she's a tough old bird!) - she used pain killers from the docs and a few sessions of acupuncture and she's almost back to normal.

Whatever you do, good luck with it, I know from her experiences its not pleasant


Ouch man, I'm glad your wife got over it
apparently it's a really easy thing to get on my dads side of the family as they all had it. weak muscle or something, i dont know
im on 2 sets of painkillers and sitting against the wall in an L shape with a pointy hat that has a D on it right now... haha

Tried out a Marshall Dynamic Bass rig today, think it was 4x10 cabinet but it was really good. seemed light too
Might buy one, strip my ashdown speakers and tweeter out, put them in that, put the marshall ones in the ashdown and flog it on ebay haha


I also suffer from Sciatica. Comes on for a couple of days maybe once every 6 months for some reason or other.
Only advise I can give is definately go lightweight as I know with me heavy gear can aggrevate the condition, just a case of finding the right cab(s), but the options are numeous.
Also when carrying don't twist the up part of the body at the same time.
If you do want to stay with a 4x12 then keep an eye out for a used Neo Tech Soundsystems 4x12, ND412 the model I think. Possibly the lightest 4x12 out there.


You are going to have to do your own research after you have picked up a few pointers from here..
whatever anyone touts as the best around or whatever, you'll find just as many that don't like them at all...
There are a whole load of cabs with good pedigree and RnD behind them out there

... and if you suffer from a bad back then lifting properly counts for a whole lot...
Small and light should be quite easy to get...I'd concentrate on 12" cabs and see where they sit with your idea of the sound you like..
You'll need 2, I would think..and that should cover upto a 500 watts amp

Or spend you money on getting your back fixed...
Get a MRI scan and a very decent physio...


[quote name='JTUK' post='597379' date='Sep 13 2009, 02:39 PM']You are going to have to do your own research after you have picked up a few pointers from here..
whatever anyone touts as the best around or whatever, you'll find just as many that don't like them at all...
There are a whole load of cabs with good pedigree and RnD behind them out there

... and if you suffer from a bad back then lifting properly counts for a whole lot...
Small and light should be quite easy to get...I'd concentrate on 12" cabs and see where they sit with your idea of the sound you like..
You'll need 2, I would think..and that should cover upto a 500 watts amp

Or spend you money on getting your back fixed...
Get a MRI scan and a very decent physio...[/quote]



TBH if you are insisting on sticking with a 4x?? cab then I'd say it'd be too much weight for someone with a knackered back NO MATTER who made the cab or whether it had neo drivers in it (be aware that the weight saving of a neo driver accounts for a very small amount of the total weight of a cab)! I'd say that if you are having to transport equipment by yourself then you'd need to look at a modular rig whereby you are transporting smaller individual weights. Saying that if you always have someone to help you lift in and out of a vehicle then the answer is simply casters. :)

Good luck and I hope the health issues don't get any worse too soon.


[quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='595806' date='Sep 11 2009, 04:24 PM']Hi guys
Basically, after a bad accident at work, i've now got Sciatica which means no heavy lifting
Problem is, i have gigs coming up soon and as you can see, I use an Ashdown 410T as my cabinet and theyre heavier than a horse.
so, i need some recomendations on 4x12 cabinets that are cheap and lightweight as i've come to the conclusion i cant keep the Ashdown even though it's a great cabinet.
Please help guys!
I was even thinking of buying the Marshall MG412 guitar cabinet and fitting it with bass speakers and a tweeter which i know some other people have done before and it works a treat, and it's lightweight too.

I've suffered from back problems on and off for many years,but the best advice I got was to stretch my hamstrings every day.Try it for a week and see if you're any better-works for me every time.I you sit a lot at work/during the day your hamstrings get very tight and cause all sorts of imbalances and problems.BTW I've got an Eden Nemesis 4 x 10 cab and it's very light,good sound and value for money.


[quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='595806' date='Sep 11 2009, 04:24 PM']Hi guys
Basically, after a bad accident at work, i've now got Sciatica which means no heavy lifting
Problem is, i have gigs coming up soon and as you can see, I use an Ashdown 410T as my cabinet and theyre heavier than a horse.
so, i need some recomendations on 4x12 cabinets that are cheap and lightweight as i've come to the conclusion i cant keep the Ashdown even though it's a great cabinet.
Please help guys!
I was even thinking of buying the Marshall MG412 guitar cabinet and fitting it with bass speakers and a tweeter which i know some other people have done before and it works a treat, and it's lightweight too.
Have a very similar problem as a result am selling all my Eden cabs and have bought a compact (27Lbs) from barefaced its very diferent from the Edens but is such a good cab that I dont miss them.
Why dont you try to make it to one of the bass bashes be lots of barefaced cabs to try as well as a lot of other stuff give you an idea what you can live with and what you cant :)


What's the position with your PA?

If you've (possibly) wrecked your back at 19, the LAST thing you want is a huge bass cab to move about.

Give your spine a break and focus on DI-ing through the PA until you get some recovery going. With a Sansamp or a Pod plus IEM, and your bass being fed through the monitors so the rest of the band can hear you on-stage, you should be fine.

Unless you're part of a successful band that's just about to break through and which absolutely requires you to have a big stack behind you, then your priority has got to be to recover your health. If that means moving bands to one which is built around a big PA, then that's what you need to do.

Sorry to lecture, and it's none of my damned business, but I can't believe that your response to wrecking your back is to buy another 4x? cab! :)


[quote name='Happy Jack' post='597633' date='Sep 13 2009, 08:14 PM']What's the position with your PA?

If you've (possibly) wrecked your back at 19, the LAST thing you want is a huge bass cab to move about.

Give your spine a break and focus on DI-ing through the PA until you get some recovery going. With a Sansamp or a Pod plus IEM, and your bass being fed through the monitors so the rest of the band can hear you on-stage, you should be fine.

Unless you're part of a successful band that's just about to break through and which absolutely requires you to have a big stack behind you, then your priority has got to be to recover your health. If that means moving bands to one which is built around a big PA, then that's what you need to do.

Sorry to lecture, and it's none of my damned business, but I can't believe that your response to wrecking your back is to buy another 4x? cab! :)[/quote]

Actually, this is perfect. I agree, keep the cab IF you like it, but buy a good quality DI that can do a rock bass tone, like Sansamp BDDI or Aguilar Tonehammer. Then you have no cabs or amp to take. Granted, it doesnt feel right all the time, but I did it on tour and most the audience dont really know.


Thanks very much for the advise guys
I do have 2 people (guitarist and my dad) to help me lift my equipment about so it shouldn't be to much of a problem with another 4x?? if i have casters put on whatever i end up with as well.
I did look into DI'ing my bass but after spending just shy of £500 on a new head, rack tuner and wireless's, i dont really want that stuff to just sit and gather dust.
I'm on a course of physio right now which will go on for a month to try and sort myself out


[quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='596284' date='Sep 12 2009, 04:02 AM']I'm going to check out the Barefaced 412 and see what thats like, and at 30lbs, that sounds like it'll be a bit more handy.[/quote]

4x12" and lightweight just don't go together. Also bear in mind that the tone of a cab is not defined by the size of, or number of the speakers - I doubt any bassist could reliably identify what configuration a cab is if blindfolded. There are many more important specs that define the tone of a speaker than the nominal diameter. If tone was so dependant on diameter I wouldn't have had so many people buy a Compact - hardly any of them were previously using a 1x15".

If you can wait until October you can scoot round the M25 to the SE Bass Bash and try more bass cabs than stocked in any shop in the country!



Solutions? Ashdown LittleGiant1000 and a light 1x12" cab. Neo112 (G&K) or something custom made. I've bought this little head and I'm extremely pleased. Built a 12" cab with marine grade plywood and can lift it with one hand... it bears an Eminence Beta 12"LT (coaxial, so no tweeter needed). Don't put weight on your back for now!


[quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='597023' date='Sep 13 2009, 03:27 AM']Ouch man, I'm glad your wife got over it
apparently it's a really easy thing to get on my dads side of the family as they all had it. weak muscle or something, i dont know
im on 2 sets of painkillers and sitting against the wall in an L shape with a pointy hat that has a D on it right now... haha

Tried out a Marshall Dynamic Bass rig today, think it was 4x10 cabinet but it was really good. seemed light too
Might buy one, strip my ashdown speakers and tweeter out, put them in that, put the marshall ones in the ashdown and flog it on ebay haha[/quote]

i've had this before. all i did was the exercises that i was recommended by my mother. then try and build your back muscles. you're young so you should be fine.


Cheers again everyone, im going to keep having a look around the market but at the same time, im going to look into building my own cabinet like i wanted to before i bought the Ashdown cabinet. See if i can build something thats lightweight but really nice sounding
Apparently the studio i tried the Marshall out at are selling the Marshall 4x10 cab so i might be buying it
But i'll see what happens. im gunna fit some wheels to my ashdown as well

Cheers guys!

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