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Hi, I'm a Stoke-on-Trent based bass player & general equipment nut.

I currently have three basses, my main bass a Dean Demonator, a Traben Chaos Obsession & a Fender P-Bass Special. My amp set up in a Hartke LH500 head into a Marshall VBC 412, although I do want to pick up either an Orange or vintage Marshall head at some point in the future. And for anyone that's interested, my pedal board (right now) consists of Korg Pitchblack -> Ashdown James LoMenzo Hyperdrive -> Blackstar HT-DistX -> EHX Big Muff USA -> Nobles Analog Phaser -> Digitech Digidelay (& a Boss SX-700 in the loop). But, due to my guitarist borrowing my Blackstar pedal ALOT I'm looking to pick up another high gain distortion pedal, aswell as replacing my Muff with a tighter soundinf fuzz & picking up a tremolo pedal, I'm also considering removing the delay in favour of a chorus.

I play bass in a band called Blue Origin, the easiest way to descibe us would be Hard Rock, although our newer material is taking a different route & sound, our Myspace page is: www.myspace.com/blueorigin if any of you are in the Stoke-on-Trent/Staffordshire area & either want tickets, or want to play some gigs together just give me a shout.


Hi Higgins666 and welcome :)

That's a monster old pedal chain you've got there - check out the effects for sale sub-forum - there's quite a lot of OD's, fuzzes and stuff floating around at the mo. Once you start sticking all that through a valve head, you'll be getting complaints from Dundee. Sooner the better.

Oh, and keep an eye open for Pete Academy's posts - he's from Stoke and runs the bass dept at the Academy of Sound.

Enjoy the forum

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