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Ron Carter and Scott LaFaro


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I have recently bought and read these two new biographies on Ron Carter and Scott LaFaro. Worth a look if your are interested in their respective careers. What really freaks me out is the fact that LaFaro only played the bass for about 7 years from picking it up until his death in a car crash. Incredible. Both books dispell the myth that players are born with these talents. They work damn hard and study, practice and graft to get this good. The Carter book is only available from the US but I got it really easily.



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Thanks Bilbo, as you may recall I am (despite playing in a punk band :) ) a big fan of Scott LaFaro. I have the full Village Vanguard set (the rare one with spoken commentary between songs and all the songs/sets) and its what I always play when feeling mellow. Think I will check out his autobiography

Edit: also, judging by your username you are exactly 3 days younger than me - dunno why I mention that!

Edited by Clarky
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