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Hello all, newbie here. Newbie to Basschat that is, I've hung out on TalkBass for quite a while. I decided to join here since I now reside in the UK!

Moved here from Aus for a change of pace a few months ago. Not sure of my long-term plans but I'm enjoying myself while I'm here. Unfortunately as you know bass gear is [i]big[/i] and [i]heavy[/i], so all I brought with me was one bass, a couple of pedals and my trusty [url="http://www.cafewalter.com/ha1"]Cafe Walter[/url] headphone amp so I can jam with myself (and my laptop).

The bass I have with me is a six string fretless which I built myself. There's a [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=416444"]build thread[/url] over at TalkBass, or if you just want pics there's a gallery [url="http://killred.net/images/bass/"]here[/url].

I'm feeling a little naked without an amp at the moment... so keeping an eye out for a Shuttle 6.0 or 9.0 at a good price.


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