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Have you ever played a song or part that you know like the back of your hand, and suddenly forgotten it?

This has happened to me many times. Usually I turn to my amp and pretend my lead has malfunctioned, until I then feel confident to re-enter the song.

This a strange phenomenon.


It happens to me sometimes, song's that i've played for years week in wek out suddenly get the odd jazz moment in there

I can't for the life of me remember any Oasis songs either, i have to re-learn them the night before. I think that's because they're so basic and samey!

My solution is to scowl at the drummer so the audience think it's him!

Posted (edited)

Yup happens to me sometimes, because i play in a metal band i just rock out hard for a few seconds till it comes back to me. Works every time.

Edited by metaltime

It sometimes happens to me when the drummer is counting the song in. As long as I can remember what the first note is the rest of it comes back to me.


[quote name='spike' post='633819' date='Oct 22 2009, 08:45 PM']It sometimes happens to me when the drummer is counting the song in. As long as I can remember what the first note is the rest of it comes back to me.[/quote]

+1, but only seems to happen on really basic stuff :)


I find if I don't think about any of the songs, they literally play themselves. When we play Josie I have a part midway where I play a little solo riff. I find if I think about it coming up I get panicky, and sometimes f@ck up.



I have a guitarist mate who told me a story.

He used to back Cliff Richard. One night on the gig, he played a really simple guitar riff wrong. On the next gig he developed a phobia of that guitar part, even though it was amazingly simple. Consequently, he got the riff wrong every time, despite practising it over and over again beforehand.


Happened to me on Sunday (as it does all the time). I just aim for something that will sound ok and when I remember what it is I should be playing I just go on as if it was meant to sound like that :) ... but I blame Sunday's incident(s) on learning a sets worth of new material with a new band in only 3 practise sessions over 2 weeks.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Pete Academy' post='633852' date='Oct 22 2009, 09:11 PM']I find if I don't think about any of the songs, they literally play themselves. When we play Josie I have a part midway where I play a little solo riff. I find if I think about it coming up I get panicky, and sometimes f@ck up.

It doesn't tend to happen when you're playing out a lot as long as you don't think too much - as you say the songs just play themselves

I used to sometimes get that in the past where I would think too much and screw up solo bits, but not so much now - I think that I've managed to master over confidence at last!

Edited by peteb

I never forget any pice of any song.....

Time to wake up and get back to reality!!! For a long time, for the life of me, I kept forgeting how to play "she loves you ", even after putting the chords in front of me! I think it was a nervous thing and I can play it fine now.
If I do ba*ls it up, I kid on that I am adjusting the pa or do the same the next time around and say I was trying something out. :)



yeah happens to me occasionally, even songs i've been playing for years... best thing is to just relax and 9 times out of 10 your fingers will remember to go even when your brain doesn't.




Yeah I've done that.
What happens to me most is when I'm playing a song and then suddenly think "Oh crap,
I've forgotten how the bridge goes". Usually the 'muscle memory' kicks in and it's fine,but
occasionally.............Look out!!


it occasionally does for basslines, but one time our entire band seemed to forget to play summer of 69. we just couldn't start it, we looked so foolish on stage, so told everyone it was the drummer's fault. but we had to skip it in the end, after a couple of attempts to get it started. never had that problem before or since though.

and i sing one of our bands songs, i can't ever remember one of the verses, and i usually have to sing the first verse again, or we play through the verse without me singing at first and then i come in.

Posted (edited)

Certainly has happenned, and its really scary because I play with a bunch of musos who can spot a single wrong note a mile off, and they turn as one (well, maybe not the rhythm guitarist who is at the same keen but superficially talented level as me) and scowl at me. Thats the problem of being in a band with 3 teachers I suppose.

Anyway, to combat that, I have a music stand and book in front of me (usually hidden behind the sub speaker or lights)which I use all the time as a crutch, just in case. Sod the rest of them who moan at me for being "unprofessional". Which is worse, a crib book or possible jazz improvizations in the middle of I am the One and Only?

How many of the BassChat gang use music books? I find doing 40-50 covers a night sometimes tests my 55 year old memory and I think I would panic now without it (although I dont even look at it for 90% of the songs)?

Edited by bobpalt

Happens to me all the time. I'll find myself panicking until I'm right on top of the chord change, and then suddenly my fingers find the right notes. Remember, you're only ever a semi-tone away from a 'right' note.


I remember when i played my first gig for the band im in and we had not practiced enough and i didnt know the songs well at all. One of the guitarists say if you forget just hammer open C as we play drop C and almost everything is in C so i cant go wrong.

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