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Hi Chaps & Chapesses

Long time lurker, time to introduce myself!

From Sheffield, been playing for a while, recently got a USA Deluxe Precision which is tres lovely, usually through a Selmer Treble & Bass 50 head. It's a dutty sound. Usually play country type stuff although happy to try owt. Check out myspace.com/neilmcsweeney for a taster. Also produced that shizzle :-)

I find myself needing the skills of an upright bass player for a new project in a psychobilly vein (I'll post this in the right place too, but thought I'd mention it). My tiny ladylike fingers are incapable of handling the sheer power of the double bass, also they're quite expensive so I've heard, so I'll be guitaring for that one. If anyone's interested please get in touch.

Hope you're all well and happy and warmer than I



Welcome to Basschat . . . . I love country / rock type stuff . . . have always wanted to get into a band and do some some Bonnie Raitt type stuff ! . . . but not much like that happening round these parts really !

Sounds like you know your way round here already !

Cheers and welcome again.


Alright chaps and chapesses

The Selmer is deeed :-( It started smoking during pracco last night, which I believe is a bad thing? Fair enough in a way though, cos it was many-hands old when I got it years ago (for £20) and it's been solid as a rock since then. Perhaps it's just after a bit of loving attention. Anyways, to repair guy it goes.

Jigster - I'd well well recommend it. It's irrevocably dirty cos there's no input gain so it kind of overdrives by default, but it sounds great. Big, loud, heavy (although not in a modern deeeeeep way, just you know it's a bass), all the good words. As I say, I've had it years and it's been unflappable. It's also dead good for guitars too. I play in a country-esque band with plenty going on and in that kind of sound the dirt isn't too much of a problem - kind of mingles with the guitars a bit - but the bass is always well audible. I reckon it'd also be good for more rocking stuff too where you'd possibly be fuzzing the bass up a touch anyway. Of course, as with equipment of a certain age, there's every chance that they all sound a bit different. All I can say for sure is that I'm well happy with mine :-)

If you can find one for not a lot of cash I'd say don't think twice, although obviously as the price increases so does the commitment...



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