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Custom nut


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Just wondering if anyone knows anyone who can make me a custom nut or know a place where i can get one from.
I need a 5 string nut for a 4 string P neck, it would have to be 1 5/8" and the usual fender size. If it helps its a Mighty mite 4 string P neck i am using, i know it can be done as Ric5 from TB has done it but he says he makes them himself from blanks. I you need more details on the neck drop me a PM.


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Last time I made one I'd found a big box of imitation ivory chopsticks in my kitchen drawer which I'd bought from Wing Yip. I hacksawed a few appropriate lengths to have a few to practice on and set to work sanding these down to size. Lots of filing & wet & dry papering later and I had a perfect nut and got the slots exactly right for TI flats. I still have it on the fretless P bass i built.

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[quote name='Metalmoore' post='663146' date='Nov 23 2009, 09:36 PM']Just wondering if anyone knows anyone who can make me a custom nut or know a place where i can get one from.
I need a 5 string nut for a 4 string P neck, it would have to be 1 5/8" and the usual fender size. If it helps its a Mighty mite 4 string P neck i am using, i know it can be done as Ric5 from TB has done it but he says he makes them himself from blanks. I you need more details on the neck drop me a PM.


You can buy nut material from most shops that do setups but I'm assuming you're looking for someone to actually do it for you. To do it properly it really needs to be rough cut then finished on the bass itself to take into account string gauge, fret height, nut slot depth and the neck/board profile.

Otherwise, [url="http://www.luthierssupplies.co.uk/"]Try Here[/url] if you want to get one mail order...

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