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Hey all, just wondering if anyone suffered with eczema on there hands and how they prevented it from effecting their bass playing.
Ive had it for around 3 years and haven't found any possible solutions to fixing it and thinking im not the only bass player in the world with it thought this would be a good place to ask around. Any help would be much appreciated thanks =)



I get it in various places, worse around this time of year because of the dry air, I use hydrocortizone on it, but it doesn't work that great.

At least it's an excuse not to do the washing up!

Posted (edited)

Yep, a fair bit. I'm allergic to nickel, which is quite a common cause of eczema (especially if playing bass seems to aggrivate it), so I use Elixer strings which help no end. Besides that, keep you hands moisturised regularly with E45 or similar (best I've used is dermol which I got on prescription - it's mildly anticeptic as well which helps prevent your skin getting infected, which can easily happen if you've got weepy eczema on your hands and then play on sweaty, dirty bass strings!). If your hands flare up badly then steroid cremes like hydrocortizone or eumovate can really help bring your hands back to normal.

Whatever happens, make sure you dont let it get infected! If it looks angry, and doesn't respond to over the counter steroid cremes then it might be infected, in which case it will not improve until the infection is gone - see your GP. I spent about 2 months fighting off infection in my hands, had two courses of antibiotics and antibiotic steriod creme and in the end it still only went away when it felt like it, seemingly. Really crippled my playing for a while.

Edited by Wil

I used to date a girl with eczema. She had cracking tits.

Anyway, E45 as mentioned and try different strings. Or do an Etienne Mbappe and play with some gloves on (although I don't think he actually has eczema)


My friend sells this
[url="http://www.alvanatural.co.uk/sootheit.htm"]Alva Natural Soothe It Cream[/url]

They have had a lot of people say it can help Eczema where other stuff has failed ..
Worth a go

Posted (edited)

Eczema affected my playing for many years, I seem to have grown out of it to some degree, but I found that vaseline moisturiser (yellow bottle with blue cap) was a big help. You need to apply this very, very often during the day, when watching TV etc. Keep some handy all the time or it won't work as well. Microporous tape is also good stuff for getting you through gigs if you have cracked skin, it will protect your skin and won't affect your playing. At worst I've done gigs with split skin on all fingers, including lengthways from the fingernails on my right hand over the top of the fingertip, I learned to put up with a bit of pain!

Edited by DaveSetchfield
Posted (edited)

Ah thanks everyone =D ill try some of this stuff out and see if it helps, i had eczema before like on my arms but i seem to of grown of it hopefully the same will happen with this. oh and ebs freak you just made my day with that haha anyone gonna put that on the quote topic thing ?.

Edited by AduneMoon

As a fellow sufferer, I endorse most of whats said above. Mine has improved since I reduced the sugar content in my diet, use antiseptic gel about 8 times a day followed by a good moisturiser (such as E45). Micropore tape is good, and also Germoline New Skin has got me through a few gigs when I've split a finger end on a flight case or similar. Stings a bit, but it lasts about a full set and keeps the dreaded infection out as well.

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