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Hi All,

my lovely wife has bought me Korg Pandora for chrimbo, however the headphones i have are cheap and don't reproduce a very good bass sound. Looking for some advice on suitable headphones. Looking at spending maximum £70. Let me know your opinions

cheers Nathan

Posted (edited)

Maybe try sourcing a pair Grado125's, Sennheiser HD25 or push the boat out for Beyer DT-770's (arguably the nicest for bass production) on fleabay?

Or, get the Beyer dt-250's, still excellent and in budget :)

Edited by TheButler

I recently purchased the [url="http://www.sony.co.uk/product/hed-dj/mdr-xb300"]Sony MDR-XB300[/url] which I'm very happy with. Cost £35 from the Sony Centre but also available in Argos.

They also make an XB500 & XB700 but as the people in the shop wouldn't actually let me try them out I didn't buy them!

Me - "I'm looking for some quality headphones for playing bass guitar through"
Sony Centre - "You'll be wanting our XB Xtra Bass range then sir. Have a listen to these XB300s"
Me - "Very good, I like those. Can I try the other two please?"
SC - "We don't have any out of the packet"
Me - "Well could you open a packet please"
SC - "No, because then we wouldn't be able to sell them"
Me - "Well your not going to sell me a £100 pair of headphones unless I can try them first"
SC - "Sorry Sir"

Who knows, maybe the XB700s are worth it but I'm happy with my 300s


I've got a Pandora PX4D and I use Sennheiser EH150. Good bass, but the clincher for me was the 6' lead. No more putting the bass down and having the headphones ripped off my head, plus no need to sit right up close to the computer when watching DVD's or listening to CD's either.


For studio work, I have a pair of Sony studio monitor headphones. They're great for the price (£12 from Tescos, but a little muffly for bass frequencies. I've just bought a set of £50 Seinhauser inner ear ones for my iPod and they're amazing. The clarity is untrue. Going to try them in the panto this evening...


Audio Technica ATH-M50 - really nice monitor phones and great bass response. Better than my Beyer Dynamic DT120's IMO (for a bass application at least). They are more than your budget, but if they are really very good, and worth the stretch if you can.



I have a pair of Grado SR80's and they are amazing....

I remember having a Fodera Monarch with a Fodera Practice amp and these Grado's

Best Bass Tone I've ever heard in any environment !



[quote name='lowfer' post='674816' date='Dec 5 2009, 11:03 AM']Hi All,

my lovely wife has bought me Korg Pandora for chrimbo, however the headphones i have are cheap and don't reproduce a very good bass sound. Looking for some advice on suitable headphones. Looking at spending maximum £70. Let me know your opinions

cheers Nathan[/quote]

Hi Nathan

I can also recommend the Audio-Technica ATH-M50 headphones, they are excellent for bass and monitoring. Before I bought them I was using a pair of Creative ear buds (EP-630A) which did a pretty good job for the money. The only problem was they can work loose from the ear when singing. You might what to consider them as they're available for around £10.00.



I see everyone is recommending something different. I had a pair of Beyerdynamic 990 Pros, the top of the range. They sounded great but they were not accurate - they had too much top, although they didn't sound unpleasant.

My recommendation is a second hand pair of Sennheiser 580s for 50 to 60 quid. I've had a pair for a while. Last year my wife treated me to some Sennheiser 650s for my birthday. These are recognized as one of the world's finest dynamic headphones. Personally, although I haven't done any serious A-B tests, I don't think there is much, if any, difference between the 580 and the 650.

If you're using the Korg for recording you'll need headphones that are accurate, well balanced and reveal detail. The 580s do that.

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