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Hi All,

I'm wanting to try some Flatties on my Ric 4003 but unsure of which would work best.
I play finger style and with a pick (depending on the tune). Worried really low tension strings (TI's) might be no good with a pick? (Do like what I've read about TI's though) LaBellas, any good with a pick?
The music I play is 60's influenced Psychedelic/West Coast/Americana so the flatwounds should suit, its just which would work best? Would like a little top end, not too dubby and something with a nice soft feel. Do D'Addario Chromes feel soft?

I know there has been a lot wrote on Flats, and I've read a lot of it. Is there a string out there that covers all my needs?????

These things are fairly pricey, so asking you guy's for help might save me some hard earned in the long run.

Cheers Ears,



Maybe Pyramid Gold Flats which are more stiff than the TIs but less so than the La Bellas - but there isn't really any substitute for trying them yourself and finding out if they suit you.

I believe you can get the Pyramids (or other strings) from [url="http://www.stringstar.com/pyramid-gold-chrome-nickel-flatwound-217-p.asp"]StringStar[/url] with a Basschat 10% discount using the code stringstar10vip


Cheers Dave,

Yeah, Pyramid Golds. Are they really dubby though? Will I get a little top end? I've read in other threads they are very dubby, how do you find them? I suppose if I boost the treble to suit, I'll get to where I want to be. Yeah I'll have another look at them.
Nice one,



[quote name='NoLogic69' post='683191' date='Dec 13 2009, 06:21 PM']Cheers Dave,

Yeah, Pyramid Golds. Are they really dubby though? Will I get a little top end? I've read in other threads they are very dubby, how do you find them? I suppose if I boost the treble to suit, I'll get to where I want to be. Yeah I'll have another look at them.
Nice one,

I've got them on my Lakland Decade and they can certainly do dubby (especially with the neck pup on the Decade) but they are not devoid of treble at all if you want it (especially bridge pup) - I believe McCartney used them on his Hofner and then on the Rick (I'd be happy to be corrected about this) as, I believe, did Casady and Lesh.

It's always a problem with trying out flatwounds that they are usually substantially more expensive so I don't want to tell you you'll like them when you may not. :)

I don't use a pick myself but I don't see why TIs shouldn't work with a pick except that they might be more likely to break if you are (over-)hitting them hard. I think Clarky uses TIs with a pick - maybe PM him and ask.


By the way, I would say the D'Addario Chromes are not as tight as La Bellas but nothing like the TIs; more like Pyramids. They are certainly fine with a pick and can be quite trebly until they are broken in, IMHO.

Posted (edited)

Yep, Dave is correct - I use flats with a pick. Unhelpfully, I have found that it isn't always easy to guess which would work better with a given bass. I have D'Addario Chromes on my Shuker and they feel great, slightly higher gauge and more tension than TI Flats on this particular instrument. On the other hand, on my Fender 72 P bass (and also the many Fender Ps I have owned before, eg the white one I sold to Musicman20) I have found TI Flats to be the easiest to play. I have not been bowled over by LaBella's to be honest, although I know there are loads of BC'ers who love them (eg wateroftyne). All flats in my experience start out slightly stiff and clanky/metallic but settle down with playing time. After a month or so they are usually very slippery and soft feeling. I don't agree with those who say they sound woolly/thumpy etc as you can get clear top end out of them if you set your EQ right. I am the bassist in a fast, noisy punk trio so I need to be heard and I have never had any problems in that respect.

My suggestion would be to try some TI Flats on the grounds that (1) they are available (unlike LaBella's), (2) cheaper than Pyramid Golds and (3) if you don't get on with them you willl have no difficulty re-selling on BC. Alternatively, take Dave's suggestion and try the pricier Golds. Good luck!

Edit: probably the best person to ask is Beedster who recently created a Rick 4003 fretless and tried out various flatwound strings on it

Edited by Clarky
Posted (edited)

Cheers for that guys, I really like what I've read about TI's Clarky, but thought they might be too loose to get a good sound with a pick. It's good to know you use them with a pick and they sound cool. I think it's narrowed down to either the TI's or the Pyramids. I love McCartny's Ric sound, and also like JC's sound, although I know he didn't use a Ric!
Decisions, decisions........ You know the Missus is right, thinking about bass, playing bass, sound and tone really does take up tooo much of my time (not). It's just a shame work has to get in the way!


Edited by NoLogic69

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