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Posted (edited)

Earlier this week I was asked by a couple of Basschatters more charitably minded than me, "Are you planning to run a collection in Tim's memory?" and I couldn't think what purpose that would serve.

Now I know.

Tim's body has been recovered but, inevitably, he was travelling without insurance. That means that his family are now facing a VERY substantial bill to have his body flown back to England.

As I mentioned in my original thread, this is not a wealthy family ... far from it.

[size=3][b]As of now, I am running an appeal on Basschat to raise funds to help get Tim back to England.[/b][/size]

If you wish to make a donation/contribution, please PayPal ONLY to my account.

This email address (my PayPal address) needs to be typed [color="#FF0000"][b]backwards[/b][/color]:


All donations will be kept anonymous, but please ensure that your "Message" makes clear that this is a donation to Tim's fund. The appeal runs until I hear from Tim's family that they have the matter under control, and I'll report back here.

I'm sorry if this seems rather brusque and business-like ... I'm a Finance Director and I tend to deal with money in this way. :)


Edited by Happy Jack

Maybe some newspapers should be covering this? The family should contact the media for help in this matter, generally could be covered by that.

Either way, a good cause. If i sell a bass i'll be donating :)


[quote name='Happy Jack' post='725476' date='Jan 26 2010, 05:24 PM']Earlier this week I was asked by a couple of Basschatters more charitably minded than me, "Are you planning to run a collection in Tim's memory?" and I couldn't think what purpose that would serve.

Now I know.

Tim's body has been recovered but, inevitably, he was travelling without insurance. That means that his family are now facing a VERY substantial bill to have his body flown back to England.

As I mentioned in my original thread, this is not a wealthy family ... far from it.

[size=3][b]As of now, I am running an appeal on Basschat to raise funds to help get Tim back to England.[/b][/size]

If you wish to make a donation/contribution, please PayPal ONLY to my account.

This email address (my PayPal address) needs to be typed [color="#FF0000"][b]backwards[/b][/color]:


All donations will be kept anonymous, but please ensure that your "Message" makes clear that this is a donation to Tim's fund. The appeal runs until I hear from Tim's family that they have the matter under control, and I'll report back here.

I'm sorry if this seems rather brusque and business-like ... I'm a Finance Director and I tend to deal with money in this way. :)


Done, Jack.

Posted (edited)

If anyone missed the thread about this, or doesnt know, visit,please Copy paste it into your browser, i dont know how to link it


A true hero.

Its linked already

Edited by aznbass

[quote name='Clarky' post='725809' date='Jan 26 2010, 11:15 PM']Jack, any idea how much needs to be raised here, ball-park?[/quote]
keep us updated on this and any shortfall please.


Just back from band rehearsal.

I've no real idea of the amounts involved - there are some very silly numbers floating about on this issue. As I understand it, a collection amongst Basschatters is never going to cover the entire cost anyway, so we're simply making a contribution.

Similar collections are under way in a number of other areas, e.g. my daughter and all her friends are contributing funds through Facebook.

Picking up on Shockwave's earlier point, obviously it is possible that a newspaper will suddenly step forward and offer to cover all costs (in exchange for exclusive interviews blah blah blah). Equally obviously it is possible that this will not happen.

On balance, I would prefer to be doing something to help and I'm willing to take the risk that my contribution will not be the deciding factor.


Thank you to everyone who has chosen to support this.



[quote name='Happy Jack' post='725881' date='Jan 26 2010, 11:12 PM']On balance, I would prefer to be doing something to help and I'm willing to take the risk that my contribution will not be the deciding factor.[/quote]
I salute you, and I will make a contribution in the morning when I am compos mentis enough to grapple with financial systems.

I'm astounded that the F&CO cannot sort this out. What do we pay taxes for? This boy died a hero, trying to save a life. If he'd been wearing a uniform , this much at least would have been assured.

Bringing him back is not something that people can do - this is something that governments and news media can do. Write to your MP, write to the Evening Standard, people.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='silverfoxnik' post='725926' date='Jan 27 2010, 12:10 AM']Small contribution made Jack. I hope that the family finds a way to bring their son home...[/quote]


Edited by skankdelvar

[quote name='Toasted' post='728615' date='Jan 29 2010, 12:51 PM']This would have been a lot simpler if he'd just spent £40 on travel insurance.[/quote]

I think that lesson is there for us all to learn.

How exactly do I donate by PayPal? I've never done it like this before...

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Conan' post='728621' date='Jan 29 2010, 12:53 PM']How exactly do I donate by PayPal? I've never done it like this before...[/quote]

* Log into your paypal account.
* Click on the 'send money' tab on the menu across the top.
* A 'Send Money form will open up.
* Put jack's email address (as detailed in his post) in the 'To' field.
* Put your donation value in the 'amount' field.
* Below these fields are two tabs - 'Purchase' and 'Personal'. Click on the 'Personal' tab
* The 'Personal' dialogue box will open, showing buttons next to a range of descriptions of the nature of the personal payment. I left it as 'gift'
* Click on continue and a confirmation of payment page will appear, similar to the usual paypal confo page, with funding options etc.
* If funded from your credit or debit card, there is a fee, which you can elect to pay yourself. If funded from your bank account it should incur no paypal charge.
* Add a note in the message field indicating that the payment's for the Tim Kennelly fund
* Confirm payment
* Log out

Edited by skankdelvar

Right, I'm absolutely skint right now, but I'm going to hold a raffle round my dayjob office for some free bass lessons to drum up some cash.
(Maybe also find myself some new long-term pupils - charity does after all begin at home!)

Anyone else got any bright ideas how to raise some cash above and beyond?


"Hey mate,

Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about your story on E14. I'm going to run it on Wednesday, as this will give me a chance to give it it a proper write-up. Also, Tuesday/Wednesday is the period we get most readers on, to give it as much publicity as possible.



Jack, I'm absolutely skint at the moment being out of work! Is there anything more we can do apart of the collection? Maybe we can quickly organise a gig for this cause? I reckon we could get quite a few bands and raise much more this way? Just and idea...



That's a really nice idea, but this collection has a pretty short lifespan.

Tim's family are currently negotiating with the authorities over the cost of bringing his body home, and with their bank over borrowing the shortfall (however much that may be).

Aleks (my daughter) and I have collected over £1000 so far - a big slug of which has come from Basschat - and we plan to close down the collection early next week.

The one thing I do NOT want is to still be taking money from people after the main objective has been completed.

Again, many thanks to all who have supported this effort.



I see what you mean, but if they have to borrow the money from bank maybe we can organise a gig and then all the proceeds would go towards paying off that loan ? I don't think any parent should pay ''monthly instalments'' for their kids body, I think this will be a very depressing fact looking at the statements etc and remembering what it's for if you know what I mean...


[quote name='Happy Jack' post='729559' date='Jan 30 2010, 12:06 PM']The one thing I do NOT want is to still be taking money from people after the main objective has been completed.[/quote]

The article I'm getting put up will only have a link to the album sale page, so even if he has been repatriated it will publicise the music he left.

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