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First rig:

Vox Standard Bass,
Carlsbro 90 Bass amp
2 Marshall 15 folded horn PA cabs (big heavy beasts taht was too big to stack on yer own).

Current rig:
Ibanez SR-1000e Bass
Markbass CMD102p 2x10 combo
Selection of fx pedals.


First and only rig: Hartke 2500 head, Schroeder 12 cab, Squier '77 VM jazz bass. Small but mighty!, esp. with fairly low-volume trio of keyboard, violin and bass.


First gigging rig: Westfield Precision through the PA (1998)

First 'proper' gigging rig, 1978 Fender Precision through Trace Elliot GP7 SM 300 1x15 combo (1999-2009)

Current rig: Vigier Arpege five string, EBS Fafner through Trace Elliot 2x10 and 1x15/ Mesa Boogie Walkabout 1x15.


Mine was a H||H vs100 head into a tatty old Marshall bass 4x12.
Now it's a genz Benz shuttle 9.0 into two Bergantino AE210's.
For a long time it was a trace AH400smx into two trace 1048's and a bright box

I'm happy :0)


Aria P bass copy (really well made bass.. with DiMarzio PU that I'd put in)
1st gigging rig was a Fender bassman 100 & Leech 2x15 cab ... used that for a long while!...

Now it's EB Musicman Stingray 5 or Sandberg basic 5
with either a Genz Benz neo-pak or GK RB1001-II & Aguilar GS112 x2 cabs

Posted (edited)

First: Fender MIM Std P-Bass, SWR WorkingPro 400 + matching 2x10 and 1x15

Current: Musicman Sterling, Ashdown ABM500 Evo III + matching 6x10

Edited by danhkr

First thing I gigged with was a Trace Elliot Commando combo + Vester Stage Series Jazz. My first "real" rig was a Trace AH300-12 with Ashdown MAG 4x10 cab (an early one, black speakers, shallow depth).

Now rocking an Eden WT550 into a Barefaced Vintage :)


first proper Bas amp (after a 30watt WEM combo) was a King head that I think was 100watts plus a 2x15 cab that I bought from my Law lecturer at Sentech (south east nurthumberland technical college - now north tyneside college of FE i think).

Currently I split my signal into an Ampeg SVP-PRO preamp and a FenderTBP-1 preamp. This then feeds either side of a QSC PLX2402 power amp and usually a pair of EBS NEO212 cabs although sometimes I replace one with an EBS NEO410.


First gigging rig - Selmer T&B + 4x12 cab (unknown in the mists of time) + Shergold Marathon

Current rig - Pair of G&L US L2500's + Wal Pro1 for special occasions + currently expected/on order Markbass LM Tube + Barefaced Super Twelve T

Can't wait for the new amp & cab & will have a strange one Saturday without anything...feel free to come and laugh at a man who sold his gear on a whim with a gig in the offing and nothig to replace it :)


First gig rig - Sunn Mustang P-bass, Vantage 30w Amp
Current gig rig - Fender USA P-bass/Lakland 55-01 NTMB, Korg PitchBlack Tuner, Ashdown ABM400RC (soon to be replaced with Orange Terror Bass), Tech Soundsystems 4x12


First gig was with a Peavey tko65 watter miked into the pa system, couldn't hear a thing. Next gig borrowed a 18" house sized cab with a 100 watt H&H head still couldn't hear a thing so added a 4x10 with another head to the 18 and H&H and used my peavey combo as a monitor and occasionally backed that with a friends trace amp and cab, volume was more important than sound.

Been about 14/15 years since i last gigged still got the Peavey tko and will be doing a slot soon, so not sure what i'll be using as the gig provides backline. so looking around for a new rig

oh and as for basses Hohner jazz copy first few gigs until i got my fender power jazz special which i still have


First was a Vintage brand Jazz bass clone into a Behringer BX3000 head and matching 2x10" cab. I got the amp and cab on ebay, collected in person, in mint condition for £100. I actually liked that amp. It was a little too heavy, and the fan was noisy... and it wasn't extremely loud with that cab alone... but it sounded quite good.
I sold the amp + cab for £150 a year later... hey, I could not possibly refuse that offer :)

Now I play a MM Stingray (2EQ originally, but I put a John East MMSR preamp instead) into a TC Electronic RH450 through either (or both) of TC Electronic RS210 and Peavey 410TX cabs

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