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Finally took some pics!


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My new cab showed up today so thought I'd grab some photos of that with my basses.

The lighting's incredibly bad in my front room, so the pics are all a bit dark but the general idea's there.

Ibanez BTB406QM (left) and Brice HXB406 (right) basses. Korg DTR-1000 tuner, Gallien Krueger 700RB-II head and a GK 210RBH cab. (and yes, I need to get a vent to fill that stupid gap between the DTR and the 700RB)

Close up of the BTB (yes she's a filthy but I like 'em a bit dirty):

Back of the BTB (showing a bit of the 5 piece neck and a few rather nasty looking scratches):

The Brice:

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Thanks :) Still not sure about the cab, it doesn't seem loud enough but I won't find out till tomorrow night at band practice. Might end up swapping it for a Neo 212.

The Brice is excellent, it's never really been played in though as I just wanted it as a backup bass. Probably going to sell it soon because I'm after a Warwick (when I recover from buying the amp!) Feels really good for the price though and feels just as good as the Ibanez, just the tone isn't quite there (though I have some EMG45Hz pups to put in it, just never got around to it).

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[quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='749208' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:34 AM']Still not sure about the cab, it doesn't seem loud enough but I won't find out till tomorrow night at band practice.[/quote]

Would be very interested to know how it goes... was thinking about one of these myself.

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[quote name='discreet' post='749210' date='Feb 18 2010, 01:41 AM']Would be very interested to know how it goes... was thinking about one of these myself.[/quote]

Being honest, I think I'm half just being paranoid. I'm just finding it hard to judge in my home because my old amp was a lot cheaper and only 150w so it used to get muddy at higher volumes while this stays clear so it's not as easy to judge. Plus I'm still getting used to the head, only spent a day or so playing with the bi-amp feature. I need to get used to the boost dial which seems to distort it faster when it's up than with that down and the volume up (like a gain usually, but it seems the wrong way around).

My mind's just pulling me in two directions. It sounds great, but if it's not going to be loud enough, it's better to return it now and spend the extra £50 or so to get a neo 212 (which has an extra 200w and more surface area, plus people say is mind bogglingly loud) than to decide later on that it's not enough and have to fork out for a new cab (which would probably have to replace this one rather than add to it due to space restrictions, so that'd cost me an arm and a leg).

Either way, I'll try and remember to stick up a post tomorrow evening/friday morning and let you know how it is. :)

Edited by ThomBassmonkey
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Ok well it was ok in practice. I found that I had to push it a bit so it lost a bit of it's clarity (not enough to be bothered about really, it still sounded great just not quite as good as it did 1 lower on the volume dial). If that was the highest volume I ever used it, I'd probably keep it, but it left me little/no headroom so it's going to go back and I'll be after a Neo 212 probably (though considering a Neo 410 too).

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[quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='750246' date='Feb 18 2010, 09:40 PM']I'd probably keep it, but it left me little/no headroom so it's going to go back and I'll be after a Neo 212 probably (though considering a Neo 410 too).[/quote]

Shame - looks good on paper. No good if you're not 100% though. Thanks for the info, hope you get what you want!

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