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Fender Jazz American Deluxe 5 string on finance?


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Hello everyone!

I've scoured the net trying to find a shop that stocks the bass and has a decent finance option, or even better, a shop that supports the 'take it away' 0% policy but nothing has turned up, GAK said they'll be supporting it in May but it's a bit of a wait, also, If I used a shop with 'take it away' and they didn't have the bass, would it be a problem to have it ordered in? (Presumably they'd want some sort of deposit which is fine.)

I know this is a boring post but you all seem to know what you're talking about, maybe someone has experience of the exact same situation, nothing ventured nothing gained, any help is greatly appreciated!


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There seem to be quite a few on the net, as you said- but the links I followed stated that it was only available in store, and not over mail order - Dolphin was the first one I looked at, as I remember receiving newsletters from them which mentioned it.

So you may have to find one close by if they will only do it in store

EDITED after reading the first post properly

Edited by arsenic
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Andertons music do 9 and 12 months interest free and are sizeable fender stockists, so would order one in for you. Your big problem with a special order and getting one on finance is that there's zero opportunity to bargain/haggle. List prices on the US Deluxe Fenders is high - well over a grand, whereas second hand values are 2/3 of that.

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You might struggle if you get somebody to order one of these in, the majority of the American Deluxe range (if not all) has been discontinued afaik and they don't really have any stock left. With regards to the finance, most of the stores seem to use the same finance company who have just upped all the rates on the 0% so I'd imagine most of them have stopped doing it (it was fine to order an out of stock item on 0% because the 9 months didn't start until the instrument was shipped to you, I think they start taking the monthly payments as soon as the order is placed on 36 months etc though =( ).

Hope this is of some help O.o

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Man if saving is not an option ask your bank for a small loan and pay them back. Or if your folks can fork the cash you can then apply for a Virgin Credit card with 16 months interest free on balance transfers, do the transfer to your card and pay it within 16 months. Beaware that you should then cut the card and never use it ever ever as interest rates are high and you can only pay the balance of purchases when you have paid off the transfer.

my 2 cents

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I've bought a few things over the years on the occasions that Interest Free Credit was available but I don't think I would pay the extortionate standard rates. If I was in a corner I'd shove it on the credit card and then work by posterior off for the next few weeks to raise the dough.

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Great bass though- I`ve got one of these and its the best sounding bass I have had in 30yrs- with Nordstrands though.

Get a small loan from your family and buy one secondhand- quite a few available. That way you wont lose any money and can always sell this for more or less what you paid.

I particularly like 0% interest but there is a reason for it from the retailers point of view. I would rather pay a little interest on a good deal than 0% on a bad one.

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