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Yup, made the request and they reposted them for me :).
Will get these into Eagle when I'm back from holiday next week. If I get a decent PCB made up, there will be a minimum of 3 pedals out of this little experiment, so maybe 2 up for grabs :).
I'll probably make it easy on myself and try for PCB mounted pots, so probably looks at a 125b or 1590bb enclosure, but with top-mounted jacks. I've no wish spending hours trying to get it as small as possible haha



I'm away at the moment, but I can feel a Russian Muff Clone build coming on when I get home. I don't need one per se, but I just like building, and they're a lovely dirt-box!

Posted (edited)

Dagnamit! Combined reading of the 'Russian dating ads' thread, and KiOgon's diode search this morning I went and ordered some more board and high gain NPN trannies - Russian specs muffs here we come - probably going to make three. Just because. :yarr:

The game is afoot!

Edited by paul_5

Si, I'd be interested in a PCB if you do have a spare one...

I still haven't finished my Rat and Zen Drive clones as I've been repairing my 4x10" cab...


Mid fi clarinot I've been meaning to build for a while:



Bit sloppy on the inside but it was a tight fit and it worked first time so I don't really care. First opto containing circuit I've built that worked first time too, they're usually fiddly bastards.

Posted (edited)

The 'Ginger' looks (and sounds) interesting..... I might just order a pcb.

errrr..... what does a mid-fi clarinot sound like? I've never heard one, or heard of one. Did you roll your own opto? I cheated and bought one for my Madbean Afterlife.

Edited by ColinB

Yeah I did my own opto, it's worked pretty well, I think the problem is most layouts/recommend you use a 3mm LED but the couple I've done with those have never worked properly, for this one I used a spare ultra bright red 5mm and it works a treat. The clari-not is ostensibly a vibrato fuzz, but it's a bit weirder than that, plus I added the switch is to bypass the fuzz. It's cool for weird noises, which are kind of my thing. The layout and demo vids are here if you fancy a snoop:

[url="http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html"]http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html [/url]


[quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1428583550' post='2742678']
Yeah I did my own opto, it's worked pretty well, I think the problem is most layouts/recommend you use a 3mm LED but the couple I've done with those have never worked properly, for this one I used a spare ultra bright red 5mm and it works a treat. The clari-not is ostensibly a vibrato fuzz, but it's a bit weirder than that, plus I added the switch is to bypass the fuzz. It's cool for weird noises, which are kind of my thing. The layout and demo vids are here if you fancy a snoop:

[url="http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html"]http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html [/url]

Yowza! that's a whole box full of WTF?! Love it.

Posted (edited)

By the same designers of the GK amp sim, here's a boost that uses a transformer to create some drive:




Edited by dannybuoy

[quote name='ColinB' timestamp='1429081095' post='2747682']
I like the colour....... but what is it? (not the colour - the pedal :) )

p.s. What do you spray them with? Plasticote?

The pedal is a Mutron III clone with mods, on a madbean board. Not sure what the paint is...I bought a box of spray cans back from Ukraine when I was last there. All sorts of garish colours. I think they're acrylic based of some sort.


CanI just ask where's the best place to buy decent quality components in small (10 or 20 off) quantities nowadays? I used to order religiously from Doctor Tweek, but his shop's been down for a while and supplies of the usual suspects (10KΩ resistors and 100nf poly box caps) are dwindling...


[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1429132488' post='2748464']
CanI just ask where's the best place to buy decent quality components in small (10 or 20 off) quantities nowadays? I used to order religiously from Doctor Tweek, but his shop's been down for a while and supplies of the usual suspects (10KΩ resistors and 100nf poly box caps) are dwindling...

I use Tayda for resistors,caps, knobs, enclosures etc...but definitely not jfets!


[quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1429132488' post='2748464']
CanI just ask where's the best place to buy decent quality components in small (10 or 20 off) quantities nowadays? I used to order religiously from Doctor Tweek, but his shop's been down for a while and supplies of the usual suspects (10KΩ resistors and 100nf poly box caps) are dwindling...

I use [url="http://www.bitsbox.co.uk/"]Bitsbox[/url].


Thanks guys, placed an order for passive components from RHS Components last night, just looking of the most cost effective supplier for high quality 3PDT footswitches now.


I've been using Alpha 3PDT from Banzai for the last few builds.
I much prefer them, less of a heavy clunk than the standard blue ones.



I buy resistors and caps from China/Hong Kong/Thailand.

Probably the same places the UK based sellers are getting them from but for much less.

Some UK sellers were charging £1 + postage (usually 99p) for 10 resistors and Chinese ones were £1.99 for 100 resistors...


Here's my take on the ROG Ginger.....

The switch at the top doesn't do anything except fill a hole in the box.

I really like this pedal..... and it's kicked the Joyo American Sound off my board at the moment. It's very touch sensitive, and by switching between series and split with my MM p/up and changing my finger attack then lots of different levels of growl can be achieved. It reacts well to a boost pedal in front of it, too.


I buy 90% of my components from Mouser because their parts are guaranteed to be genuine, the catalog is huge (and inventory shown is up to date) and the prices are good too.
They have a minimum order requirement for free shipping though (60€), but I always order enough from them to get it.


OK, so my first 'modded' Big Muff board is done - I overcooked the gain stages initially by only using a 100Ω resistor between the Emitter and ground of the first 3 tranny stages, then came down gradually to 390Ω, and increased the coupling caps from 100nf to 1µf, but I might try dropping them to 470nf as the bottom end is MAHOOSIVE!!!

Big, fat, dirty muff. What's not to like?


The Muff project progresses: Tamed the extreme low end, so it's a whole lot more controlled and focussed down there, and a couple of minor tweaks in the tone shaping mean that I'll get it boxed up and see how it fares at rehearsal this week.

Fuzz on!

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