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Two Very Individual Straps for sale....

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As part of the spring clearout these are now up for grabs, both quite individual but both actually really good.

First is a D'Addario inflate strap thingy. Its got a wide shoulder part on it that actually inflates to cushion the weight of the bass, and believe me it feels waaaay more comfortable than a comfort-strap or whatever. I paid about £35 for it many moons ago before our local music store closed down, and its just been sat in my bits-bag ever since.
It had strap locks on it since new, but apart from that its in great condition.
Hows about £17 delivered?


Second up is this beauty (:) )
I think its by Levys but can't remember, I paid about £30 for it from the London Music Show about 5 years ago, put straplocks on it but never used it. I'm a sucker for things that look nice but I don't actually use them.
Its got mock-croc skin on the flamey-top bits, and the underside of the strap is proper leather. Hows £17 delivered again?


Bank transfer much preferred, but will do the PayPal thing if you pay the evil fees.
Cheers my lovelies!

Edited by BassJase
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