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An odd one last night. It had been the town carnival that afternoon which finished at the other end of town and the pub was deserted. I was just waiting for the tumbleweed to starting blowing across. At one point we were down to just 6 punters (and one of those had passed out!) It's hard to rock-out to an empty room and the sound of 2 people clapping is almost embarrassing. Still we put in a bit of effort and the lucky few enjoyed themselves.

The landlady apologised for the lack of punters, said how much she appreciated the fact that we still put on a show and booked us up for next year. So all in all an odd night, but a good one.

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[quote name='Platypus' post='97824' date='Dec 2 2007, 10:04 PM']There you go Homer - two weeks ago you were threatening to chuck it all in due to half empty venues and unappreciative punters :)


Yeh - it was like the good old days - we needed that one. :huh:

[quote name='mikeh' post='97826' date='Dec 2 2007, 10:06 PM']I wish we'd come there, ended up at the Hop Pocket altough only stayed a short time as they had on the worst Elvis tribute ever!!! lol Good band on there next week though :huh:[/quote]

You'd have enjoyed it Mike - it was a stonker. We're down in Amersham this coming Saturday otherwise I would have come to the HP with you.

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Proper Theatre Gig at the Brindley in Runcorn last night supporting the singer who normal sings a few songs at our regular monthly gig...

Band played and sounded well, generally a very good night all round - only issue a slight problem with my DI but thankfully nothing too serious :)

Feeling a bit knackered today *yawns before falling asleep at desk* as it was a bit of a late one and of course you need to unwind a bit when you get home...

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Not that many (if any) here knows Adelaide venues but Sat night we Played the Gaslight Tavern in Brompton with the recording gear all setup and running. Good gig but the 1st set was a bit dry and not loose enough, thinking to much about the extra mics onstage I guess. The rest of the night was a cracker once we got into it and forgot about the recording.

Sunday arvo was at the Bacchus Bar in Henley Beach. The venue looks directly west out to sea into the sunset. That seriously went off. Packed crowd, hot weather with some steamy rain that came straight in from the water. Free Handles of dark Ale, big plates of fresh Calamari for 3 quid (7 bucks) and a crowd that always reminds you why it is that you like to play live.

Gotta love our English place names, Henley, Brompton. Having spent 3 years in the UK it still gives me a chuckle when I see 'em.

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Superb gig last night, its ones like these that makes you thankfull for playing in a band with mates.
It was at the Hop Pocket in Chorley, really good crowd. The table full of women doing shots always helps!!! :)

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In a very small pub 5 mins from where I live - but still had to load the car up and drive there. :) During the first set the place pretty much emptied, apart from our tame followers, so we were worried, but as the second set started it filled up again. We expected to finish at 11, but ended up repeating most of the first set as "encores". So finished at 12 and got a booking for Feb, so turned out well.

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Actually Played at Knebworth House last night...... very posh do....... the sound limiter knocked us out 8 times during the 1st set....... bet Robbie never had that problem when he played there!!!!

Booked again for next year too so not too sad!


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Just had the weekend from hell - an Ebay gig on Friday night (F** this, everything's going on Ebay on Monday) in Lytham St Annes - disinterested punters etc, it was like playing at Moscow Conservative Club. Saturday, we did a wedding near Amersham - about 240 miles from home.

The gearbox on the Mercedes van I'd borrowed from work went 20 miles into the journey, didn't realise it at the time but that was a bit of a blessing, if it'd gone on the M40...jeez. Luckily, we were able to borrow another van and transferred the gear in torrential rain - lovely.

It was a horrible journey with the weather, the M6 was down to 50mph for a lot of the way. Anyway, we arrived at 5.30 - six hours after leaving home, knackered and stressed. They were in the middle of their main course as we arrived and we were advised to come back at 6.45 to set up. We trundled off to the pub next door and sank a couple. Truly lovely.

When we got back in the hall, there was nowhere to move, it was packed to the rafters and worse still, the stage was full of reindeer, fake trees and fake snow. The 'get in' was along a narrow 30 metre long muddy path that was pitch dark and lined with tree stumps and roots - lovely.

We eventually got all the gear in and started setting up. We agreed to do 'the music' too, so our guitarist spent about 40 minutes trying to set that up through the PA while the rest of us were pestered to death by the 'best man' who was oblivious to the agreement that we'd go on at 9.30 - he wanted us on at 8.00 silly c. He was genuinely lucky not to have got a good tonking and it took a lot of persuading to stop our singer from planting him.

Finally, we got the gear ready and....no time to do a sound check! Lovely. Fortunately, we showed a bit of character and pulled a good'n out the bag, which was miraculous.

Did I mention there was no bar at the hall? Tinned f***ing beer?

After the gig, we agreed to collect the gear in the morning and ordered a taxi to the hotel they'd booked us into - Holiday Inn in High Wycombe. Only a £25 taxi ride away and they'd booked us in to two double rooms - our drummer is female - so she needed one of the rooms, which left the three blokes fighting over a double bed. I'm extremely fussy who I share a bed with and by now it was getting on for 2.30am so I went back to reception, grabbed Vladimir by the knackers and advised him to sort it out quickly, which he did.

Anyway, the weekend was marginally rescued by a sumptuous breakfast the following morning which set us up for the long journey home. It was supposed to be a dream gig, we were paid a lot of money etc but we'll think long and hard before doing anything like that again.

Rock and roll my arse.

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Wedding Reception Saturday night at London Irish Rugby club (my old stomping or should that be "stamping" ground).

We went down a storm and the only downside was when I had to turn down many, many offers of drinks as I was driving.

First time I've used my Schroeder cab in anger and I was blown away.

Which song went down best? Whisky in the Jar of course!!

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Gig at a club with a well known soul group. We the band played great, but the 4 singers...sounded like a tarzan competition :)

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Friday. Well I hated the sound but the crowd were good & I just got the following email so it can't have been that bad!!!

[quote]Hi there,
Have to say what a brilliant gig you did at the RED LION Stubbington on Friday 7th, Sound was great, new guy added a nice touch good crowd as well ,excellent night .Hope you all have a good Christmas.see you in the new year.[/quote] :huh:

Did it as a 6 piece with some harmony guitar bits (worked out quickly before we started) as keys was available as well as the stand in guitarist and there was enough room.

Got some nice comments about my playing too (which was nice) :huh: but I'll take them with a pinch of salt as it was the end of the evening and I know I had some major "sticker" moments. Also got "he's one of the best backing vocalists on the circuit" :) so I [i][b]know [/b][/i]he was pi55ed :huh:

But all in all as my drummer just said - after I forwarded the email - comment/reaction & emails like that make it all worthwhile :huh:

Roll on 2008

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We had a weekend in Blackpool - normal pub gig on Friday (bit quiet) made more interesting by the singer losing his voice halfway through the second set. We were all a bit worried because we'd been asked to stand in at an army do on Saturday night at a well known large hotel on the front and we were being paid a hefty sum. It was an enormous room and our PA stood no chance so we had to hire a 10k rig and soundman for the night, which didn't come cheap.

It was a weird one really cos there was only 100 people at the do and the room could've taken 1000. Anyway, we went down well enough. Here's a pic of the room taken on my phone.

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We did a freebie last night (a mates birthday party in The Tunnels) turned into a bit of a drunken free for all - random birds jumping up on the stage forcing red wine down my neck then at one point I jumped of the stage to boogie with some fit ones down the front then the 2 guitars came down too and we did a sort of cheesy Quo shuffle thing :) it's not often you get to hear front of house during a gig - weird thing is the on stage sound was miles better the sh*tty FOH. We thought we played bollox but we went down really well and all had big fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Huh, it's been sooome time since our last gig...
So, we got drummer's birthday now, and thought of playing some funky-punky-rocky music for public.

Evening's theme was "Don't worry, be hippy" :)

Whole thing started up there:

Continued up here:


And ended like that :huh: :


Public was pleased after all, but we weren't that happy about the things - performed Dani California, and I simply Had to mess in few places...


We played at a New Year's do at a hotel in Gateshead. It threatened to be a little cabaret so I wasn't expecting much, but it was quite enjoyable, and the waitresses were dressed up as Playboy bunnies (is that allowed these days?). Plus, we only did 45 minutes.

Anyway, I've decided that I'm completely in love with my current rig. It ROCKS.

Happy new year!

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New Year do for us to. A pub in Newcastle, a sold out 'show' with 300 tickets presold. Unlike WoT we had to do 3x45min slots (stopping the 3rd set at 23:55 restarting at 00:10). It was fun and the new bands 2nd gig so things are settling. Added to which I got to play my refinished Warwick Pumpkin bass with the Demeter 18v curcuit and it's proving to be a stonker :)


NYE gig in a packed bar to 300 last night. Great 2nd set - everyone was really up for it. We went for it! Finished at 1120 and were packed away in the cars by 1155 to see the New Year in. Getting the stuff from the stage to the car through the crowd was a nightmare though. By that time of night, they were so trolleyed, it was like the final scenes from 'Shaun Of The Dead'. Great gig though.


...just had to say the dj where i played last night got confused and instead of 'auld lang syne' we got 'happy birthday' !!!! 10/10


[quote name='stingrayfan' post='111775' date='Jan 1 2008, 01:27 PM']... it was like the final scenes from 'Shaun Of The Dead'.[/quote]
PMSL What a great description I can just imagine it. :)


NYE do for us in a social club in Brum. Three different people telling us different things about times (one of them expecting us to do till the bar closed at 1.30, which wasn't the agreement at all), the club had a crap DJ in the other ground floor room and karaoke upstairs and charged £8 for us and were surprised there weren't more in, and we finished up doing 3 x 1hr sets with a break for the bongs in the third set (and I was just returning from the toilet after we'd stopped and switched the radio on when I heard the DJ next door unleash the bongs, two minutes early).

Took the Trace 1x15 cab I bought recently plus the racked up Ashdown Superfly/Lexicon MPX100/Audio Technica wireless kit - must do some more work to get a better sound, had some clipping at various points in the chain. And I took the upright out for its first covers band excursion for a few months (it was fun playing Wonderful Tonight on it).

Posted (edited)

Small pub about 15 minutes by car for NYE. With both me and the guitarist down with severe man flu and 2 x 45 minute plus 1hr30min (inc. bongs) it wasn't an easy night. I always look forward to the XMas season gigs but I'm always relieved when they're finished. Might have a break from NYE gig wise this year.

Happy new year all...

Edited by martthebass

[quote name='mxm' post='111862' date='Jan 1 2008, 05:05 PM']...just had to say the dj where i played last night got confused and instead of 'auld lang syne' we got 'happy birthday' !!!! 10/10[/quote]
Whoa, what’s that bass in your avatar? George Clinton rules!!!! :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Did my first gig with my Hartke 350watt that i bought off lukeward. had to borrrow a hartke cabinet because i have'nt found anything yet. the sound was awsome, after the first set the drummer and guitar player said that some people were commenting that the bass was a little overpowering. :) . the longer the night wore on the more people got p....d. so i turned it up. really enjoyed doing stuff like rebel yell and Vertigo. i have been using a peavy 130. nice sound but crap if you wanted to let go, am i weird in wanting to go loud?


We did a gig at a pub in Brighton Marina last night. Great crowd - had them all singing and dancing by the end of the evening so can't complain..

..But just how scary is it when pub landlords or managers start telling you how to do your sound!!! :) You want to say something like " P*ss off and go pull some pints and we'll do our F*ing sound, thanks" but you can't, can you....

Typical sh*te acoustics in there as well, but did I start telling him how to rebuild his pub?

Good night though...

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