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Originally Spiral Six were booked in for this gig but our vocalist was holidaying in Florida so we said that The Lightning could do it instead. So that's what we did. The venue is the Vertu bar in the jewellery quarter in Birmingham, near where we rehearse and just over the road from where the drummer works. Got set up, went on fairly early (about 8:15) as the gafferess wanted us to try to keep the clientele from fading into the night. We were quite successful at that, and by the second set we had a bunch of drunken off-duty coppers dancing around to, er, "Mustang Sally". :) Quote of the night had to be from one of them, who was obviously fascinated by Mrs Zero - "You're like my grandma only much more sexy". Also nice was that Spiral Six's drummer brought his twin sister down for additional support for us.

By the end of the night, we'd been put into the roster of bands to be used regularly, got an offer from someone to play rhythm guitar with us (we're sticking to our current lineup), and someone else took a couple of cards to pass on to venues he knows to try and get us more gigs. All very pleasing.


[quote name='barneyg42' post='1239898' date='May 22 2011, 01:36 AM']Thinks....hmm yeah she's a bit alright, might be on a winner here, but then she followed up with "shame I'm here with my boyfriend otherwise you'd be in!" Oh well got paid.
Got approached by one of the local girls, bit of a piss head admittedly and guess what........yeah she wants to snog me! When I point out that her other half who's in the other bit of the pub might not be too please she says oh don't worry about him! Err, I declined on this one![/quote]
Nice to see you're showing consistency there... :)


Local bike rally , 6th or 7th year in a row we've done it .
Big PA run by my mate . Good support band .
3 of the guys do a prog offshoot with another couple , so they went on 2nd , with us other 2 coming up for the last hour and a half .
Bloody loud as usual . Bit a farting noise when I detuned to a low C for one song , unsure if its the speaker or the amp . I suspect my Eden WT400 probably reached it's limit , as at times all 3 clip lights were on :) .
I'm probably gonna sell some gear and either buy a CA-9 or a DB750 , that should sort it . Money I havn't got though - ho hum .
Bloody cold in the marquee , as the first 5 or 6 songs I couldn't get the fingers to do what they should .

Corker of a gig though - gotta love those rallys .


Last night I plugged my bass, set flat, into the head, also set flat, and for the first time in the history of the venue the bloke behind the ridiculous £20,000-something desk said "That sounds really cool, I'm just going to leave the EQ flat!" :)

Made my day. :)


Had a last minute gig last night at a local pub, and it was awesome! I played my Squier P, and oddly enough I got far more compliments about my bass' looks and sound in one evening than I have in numerous gigs with my Warwick... me no understand!


[quote name='Evil Undead' post='1248036' date='May 28 2011, 11:05 AM']Had a last minute gig last night at a local pub, and it was awesome! I played my Squier P, and oddly enough I got far more compliments about my bass' looks and sound in one evening than I have in numerous gigs with my Warwick... me no understand![/quote]

Haha funny that, I was playing the same model Warwick yesterday, judging by your Avatar :)


Played at the Giffard in Wolverhampton - went pretty well, a couple of songs fell a little flat while others got a fair bit of applause. Had an embarrassing moment when I tried to go and dance with my mate in front of the stage while playing and pulled my lead out (the input socket on the amp was a tad loose) :)


Had a cracking wedding gig with two full sets playing to packed dance floor with a bit of a mosh pit on the rockier less wedding type songs ( Skunk Anansie's Weak etc )

Cross Keys at Morley tonight then a 40th in Harrogate on Sunday night....pretty decent bank holiday weekend ahead it would seem :)

Bugger.....just remembered that we slipped Summer of 69 back in last nights function set after a long break and both me and the drummer had our "moments" in it !!!!


Consett Stonedskis bike rally.

Massive PA, and you can't beat playing on the back of a farm trailer in a marquee in a field in the middle of absolutely no where

We don't gig regularly but played last weekend so we were in the groove almost from the first note. I did manage a couple of jazz notes when one biker kindly exposed his girlfriends breasts to me when I went on my customary crowd walkabout :lol:

I love playing rally's, good job as we've four more this summer :)

On a sadder note, I'm hearing rumours that the bass player from last nights headline band fell off the stage and was knocked unconscious and suffered a suspected broken neck. Heres hoping he's ok!


Well I know it sounds weird , but I just can't hear myself .
Not a problem normally , but on a rally , it's just so bloody loud .
I bought a 6x10 primarily for the really loud gigs , and sometimes it's a stuggle at times .
You'll unlikely to have a 5 way monitor mix , so it's 2 way , and do it as best fits (probably for the drummer and singer) .
We've got a loud drummer with a DW kit that I swear is twice as loud as his old Pearl , and I'm between him and guitarist with a half stack blasting away .
Just need more headroom on the amp , so an upgrade , or a power amp run off the head for the few loud gigs will probably do .

Paul .


Just come back from an afternoon in a field in Leicestershire....

Friday night Dick Venom & The Terrotones were in London for a return visit to the 12 Bar Club. In attendance were BassChatters Clarky, Happy Jack and Musky who were all thoroughly nice chaps and said very nice things about the band and my playing (*blush*). We didn't feel that it was one of our better gigs, but like all live performances unless your mistakes cause the song the grind to an embarrassing halt they are fleeting and normally no-one except the band notices them. We'll take heart from the fact that we got plenty of compliments and that the venue love us and want us back again!

Today's gig was about as big a contrast to the 12 Bar as possible. We were on the in the early evening at Glastonbudget on the smallest of the 3 main stages (which was still about 20x the area of the one at the 12 Bar!) Great sounding PA and even the supplied TE bass combo kicked out a decent sound. Played and absolute rocking set with only minimal errors and although the audience wasn't quiet as big as we would have like, I didn't see anyone leave while we were on which is always a good sign. Only dampener on the afternoon was the fact that earlier bands had overrun so the organisers were having to cut down playing times for the later sets. Unfortunately for us when they told the band on before that they only had time for one more song they promptly launched into an 8-minute post-rock opus... We still had to drop 2 songs to end on time.

Anyway all in all a good weekend's gigging. I had fun!


Two gigs at the Cottingham Springboard festival – I kept looking for the "Come to Cottingham for all your springboard requirements" signs. :)

Cross Keys on Friday night. Supposed to start at 6.00pm but we actually went on at 6.45, so a few more punters had turned up when we did start. Delayed start due to the PA not being ready and set up on time, but it was worth the wait. A 12k rig with properly built subs and so the PA could function without getting anywhere near the upper headroom limit. Keeps everything clear, dynamic and reasonably ear friendly. Excellent sound out front.
Supplied backline rig was a TE AH250 amp and a TE 1048H 4x10cab. Loud and punchy, but I missed the real bass weight and definition of the Barefaced Super Twelve. Still a decent rig though.

Tried out the Alpine MusicSafe ear plugs. Excellent. I could still hear everything clearly but at a comfortable volume - they really work.

Not a bad turnout for that time of the evening, and there were more there when we finished that when we started. It doesn't [i]always[/i] work out that way. :)

King Billy on Saturday lunchtime, 1.00pm and the start act for the day in that venue. Small PA so we relied on backline only and this time I used my own rig. The Old Brewery section where we played has a decent acoustic, and we could all hear each other perfectly. Not a massive crowd but we'd be happy playing to just one.

Harrogate born guitarist and singer/songwriter [url="http://www.karlculley.co.uk/index2.html"]Karl Culley[/url] was on that evening, so I made a special effort to see him. If you ever get chance, do the same. Highly recommended.


Did a dep for a band I've worked with before. We did a 40th birthday with a horror theme. I've never seen so much effort put into decorating the venue and the costumes, there was even a montage of horror film clips projected behind us, they must've spent hundreds and hundreds on the event. What a great crowd too, up for it from the get go. It was a fair way away though and didn't hit the sheets until 4am. The band (who work a lot and for many years) reckoned it was the best gig they'd ever played, high praise indeed. So all in all pretty bloody good around.


Played a local pub lastnight with the new fretless for the first time ,i must admit i took the fretted aswell but tell you what , i was enjoying myself so much with the new one i didnt even get round to swapping for the songs i thought would sound a bit strange with it , yes there were a few intonation issues as expected but overall i think it went great . the gig was recorded from the desk although myself and the guitarists just played from backline but hopefully will be able to listen back and see how i actualy sounded.


Played Malones' in edinburgh again. Big irish bar, packed to the rafters, even more so because of the champions league final.
It was so packed wed couldn't set up until the game ended, so after a mad rush to find all the bits of the FOH scattered around the bar and set them up, we got going half an hour late. No sound, check so straight in at the deep end. Managed to find a reasonable sound for the whole band after four songs or so, and after that it was just brilliant. The whole pub was up and dancing and singing along for the next two hours. Fantastic feeling, even our new covers worked very well.


Played Meadowlands festival today. The bad: it was far from great weather - grey, threatening to rain and with huge gusty-y winds - and that, coupled with our early time slot (1.30pm) meant we only played to about 100 people, which was a bit disappointing. The good: we played well, my new DB rig worked fabulously (Acoustic Image Clarus+ through an EA Wizzy 12"), and the audience enjoyed our set. The BBC Radio 'Introducing ...' DJ that played us on her show a few weeks back came along and was really complimentary about the set, so hopefully word spreads :) Next up is a slimmed down version of the band (probably 8/9 of us, instead of 14) at the 12 Bar on Friday 10th June


Cross Keys in Morley on Sat night, great venue, great crowd and brilliant gig with the 7 news songs starting to flow nicely now

Sunday night and a surprise 40th at the Masonic Hall in Harrogate. First set a little early at 8 but decent start and then wow !! the second set had the dance floor rammed all the way with 3 encores after the official cut off time

Great musical weekend :)


Great one last night - a lot of trepidation leading up to it as we played a holiday park in Hastings and we're not what you would think of as traditional holiday park entertainment. However, the lady who booked us knows her punters and knew what we did and we went down a storm, finishing 1/2 hour after curfew with the tiny dancefloor packed! Sound was great and really easily acheived both on stage and out front, and really locked in nicely with the drummer for the first time. Hour plus drive home didn't even tack the sparkle off the night :)


Second to last band on at Graftonbury, an all day gig with several bands in aid of a couple of charities held at the Golden Cross pub in Ardens Grafton, not far from Stratford on Avon. Big marquee in the garden and a very willing (pissed) crowd. Gave them all the classics, Springsteen, Jovi, The Who etc and it went down a storm. We headlined last year and didn't get a lot of time due to over running but this year it went well so we got nearly an hour. Then had loads of time for a bevvie or five!
A sample of the gig below, bit of the old classic Sweet Child of Mine!


Premature post for tonight's gig.

I have just swapped my skinny nickels for a set of heavier steels. My fingers were pretty sore after last week's rehearsal so I'm hoping I get through tonight without too much pain.

The highlight for me tonight will be Kelly Osbourne's version of Papa Don't Preach!



First outing for the new rig and it sounded pretty darn good from where I was. Also got a lot of compliments on the sound.

Earlyish set up and then a sound check on BoRhap with the female vocal group who were on first. They'd asked us to learn it up and finish their set, so we did. Sound check was the fourth time we had all played it, gig was the fifth :) And it went pretty well all in all with us all getting to the end at the same time and pretty creditably I think. Few mistakes, but they were past in a flash so no one will know unless/until I sort out the recording from the Roland.

Had a quick listen to the recording, which was unfortunately off to one side and at first listen it hasn't captured what I was hearing for me which is a shame. Like I say off to one side and diagonally opposite me so that didn't really help.

So we came on to finish their set with BoRhap, then carried on with ours. Went pretty well with the worst fluff in Roundabout, but we played hrough that and got out the other side relatively unscathed.

Onwards to tomorrow with my other lot in a tiny pub we're not sure how it's all going to fit into, but that's life


I played terribly in the first set but recovered somewhat for the second. Crowd was a bit apathetic for most of it until Sex On Fire which got the whole place singing and dancing as usual.

Bit of a meh gig really.

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