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Brilliant gig last night, one of our best.

New singer in place, only been with us a month and had 3 rehearsals, but she was amazing.

The energy and passion she gave the band fed the other 3 of us no end, and we just get better and better.

The crowd loved it and gave us even more energy as the night went on, if we could bottle that second set last night, we could make a fortune.

Roll on the next gig!


OK. In my town, which we don't play often, and they enjoyed themselves, but we did have the first incident in years where a guy who had been boogieing away quite happily 30 secs previously was suddenly being dragged off another punter, fists were flying, bouncers were involved and people were being forcibly ejected.

All the while in true Blues Brothers fashion we carried on, though unfortunately no wire mesh, and the route to the bogs & smokers hell is straight through the band.

New rig did its stuff again, though I did get some grief early on for being too loud - is that ever possible!? :)


EP launch at Captain's Rest. Think we lost it a bit in the middle pacing-wise but looked out and saw a sea of nodding heads most of the time so thought we must be doing something right...


Ah, from one good gig last week to last night. Got a new drummer who I have locked in with well, very fastidious approach and good time keeping, great you would think but the problem is our singer loves having a waffle ( not to the audience mind) and messing around between songs so the flow and continuity is spoilt. I've said before about it to her nicely and a while back it pissed me off so much I just went at her and said to get on with it FFS! It didn't go down well. So last night we had a setlist for this wedding we were doing, lovely back garden marquee with a few pretty dancing girls, and we get asked to play on for a bit, problem is she then starts calling songs on the fly, we go to start the song and she then changes her mind so said dancing girlies are losing interest. So drummer, quite rightly in my opinion, says come on let's get on with it they are losing interest. Singer starts getting shirty, surprise surprise! So she calls a song which we normally tag on the end of another so we have start it with the drummer, he starts the beat and she turns around and stops him, he just drops his sticks and says oh FFS! She then has a go at him saying smile we are all here to have laugh and turns her back on him leaving him to start the song again, in exactly the same way as before. Now this guy in my mind is good, I've locked in well with him very quickly, he wants to count in on intros and wants a set list sorted before the gig things which I keep saying should be done but have just let slide over the time of the band. She doesn't like being told what to do with her baby ie the band so gig ends and he shakes my hand and says see you around sometime, walks outside and tells her that he doesn't get talked to like that, she says it's my band(I didn't realise that!) and if you don't like you can f*** off. So he did. One very good IMO drummer lost due to her bloody attitude, again I might add! Sorry for the rant but this is now in danger of being moved to a "should I leave my band" thread! She could see I was pissed off and said do you want to talk about it, strangely for me I just said no, normally I say my mind but I just had to packed up and get out and go away and think about it. I must admit I thought there would be trouble because of this guys approach which to me is the right way, it gets embarrassing to me in between songs and she's chuntering on about something that happened in the last song whilst people are stood there waiting for the next song or despite being asked several times to do a setlist (oh yeah SHE has to do it) before the gig she leaves to the last minute and then wants to change it half way through, a bugger for the keyboard player with his patches. Oh well rant over!


Great gig at a new venue, The Vault in Faversham.

Rammed and buzzing and the rider was something else...which you can guest being sponsored by the local brewery.
PA decent enough and a few teething lessons learned but nothing to take the shine of a brilliant venue and a much sort after gig.
We are already cooking up another one.


[quote name='WalMan' post='1257049' date='Jun 5 2011, 02:11 AM']OK. In my town, which we don't play often, and they enjoyed themselves, but we did have the first incident in years where a guy who had been boogieing away quite happily 30 secs previously was suddenly being dragged off another punter, fists were flying, bouncers were involved and people were being forcibly ejected.

All the while in true Blues Brothers fashion we carried on, though unfortunately no wire mesh, and the route to the bogs & smokers hell is straight through the band.

New rig did its stuff again, though I did get some grief early on for being too loud - is that ever possible!? :)[/quote]

Glad we only ever play there Sunday afternoons when they've all just come back from church...

I know a wistful solo acoustic act who was due to play there for the first time on a Saturday night. He entered the pub at the front, saw the 'carnival atmosphere' and walked straight out the back to his car without stopping.


[quote name='bassninja' post='1257887' date='Jun 5 2011, 10:12 PM']Glad we only ever play there Sunday afternoons when they've all just come back from church...

I know a wistful solo acoustic act who was due to play there for the first time on a Saturday night. He entered the pub at the front, saw the 'carnival atmosphere' and walked straight out the back to his car without stopping.[/quote]
It is sadly very reminiscent of the OK Coral, both the gig and the town. Last one there & we were supposed to have another up the road at Gen Henry's but the bloke has messed us around so much, and it is becoming apparent is an arch bullsh*tt*r no loss there I think. Ah well, back to driving miles for gigs


Saturday afternoon, played at a local football club for their fundraiser. Three sets, about 30 mins, 45 mins, and 20 mins. We had it vaguely setlisted but Mrs Zero said she'd call the numbers on the fly, which unlike barneyg42's experience worked well (it also helped that the rest of us could also suggest what to do next). We were set up in a small marquee just by the clubhouse, so we did have a captive audience of people waiting for refreshments. I'm now feeling a lot less stressed out about setting up the vocal PA and my bass rig now I don't have to think everything through as much.

One of the other items of entertainment was a local dance school - children (almost all girls) from about 3 up to late teens or early 20s. That was pretty entertaining, especially the oldest of them, a very well-built young lady who perhaps needed a stronger sports bra. :)

One of our band's objectives is raising money towards various aspects of MS and epilepsy, and the fundraisers quite unexpectedly gave us £50 towards our fund (it's initially aimed at buying a wheelchair for a lady with MS who's a friend of our guitarists). Which was nice. We're just hoping that the business cards that we spread around will also bear fruit.


Bit late but Friday night's gig was great. Originals at Lock 42 in Leicester. Really buzzing crowd and got some dancing/moshing action towards the end which was a great feeling for the band.


Not bad, did 2 gigs, one at the Sorry Head in Exeter, then a quick jaunt down the road to Bombay Bills, both with my originals band, Secrets for September.
1st was good, 2nd suffered a lot from not being able to hear the keyboard backing tracks so well (guitar player missed a few notes, hey ho, they're his songs as well).
Plus side, guy at the end of the BBs set was very nice to me about my playing, and had a little chat about the legendary Dave fretless home-made nightmare bass. Liked that, not often people are nice about it.


2 gigs this week. Both arranged a long time ago and ones that we had fully committed to otherwise I could well have done without them! Unfortunately due to the requirements of work I have spent my life recently travelling up and down the Motorways, so time for home life (and sleeping) is currently at a premium.

Wednesday night was near Alton and was a very good gig. Apart from the Drummer that is, who kept missing beats, dropping sticks etc. He's just back from holiday and sounded like it! One of the new tracks (beautiful Day by U2) went down a storm. It's certainly not the most difficult of basslines but when the bass comes in full-pelt in the chorus, Boy does it make people sit up :)

The gig last night in Staines was with another band I occasionally help out and wasn't the best of evenings. I thought we sounded very loose and sloppy which ruined the night for me. Feedback from the audience was completely the opposite though and they've been re-booked for a few nights in the future.

It was nice to play through a 15" cab again and good to feel my Jeans flapping around my ankles!


Interesting evening that went pretty well. BUT
[*]One of the new LED panels I got recently seems to have a problem and is chucking out loads of interference that really screws with one of the guitarists gear :)
[*]My radio seems to be playing up. Bass seemed to be coming & going in the first set, much better with a lead in the second :) :lol:
[*]one of the filters in my brand new ACS moulded plugs has disappeared :D :P :lol:
[*]The pain at the back of my knee that started as I finished my session at the gym Wednesday, but had eased off, came back with a vengence as I was running trying to dodge raindrops at lunchtime and has stayed this time. Damn painful to put weight on, and stiffens on a long drive :D
[/list]On the plus side[list]
[*]Once I moved to a lead in the second set the sound was very much better, at least where I was :lol:
[*]the new rig was sounding awesome IMO. Barefaced Super Twelve T living up to its promise of loud, solid, good dispersion, rolls down to the low B (well Bb as we detune a semitone) effortlessly & the sound sitting really well with everything else :D
[*]There were a reasonable number of people there and they were in fine voise and pretty noisy throughout :D

Whilst I have gone from a 1x12 MB combo that was great to a MB LMT plus the 2x12 - so it is not an entirely fair comparison the new system acts as above & I was very happy with that at least.

We played pretty well & were tight but the level did creep up. Now part of that may be down to me moving to the lead for the second set and IMO getting a far better sound, but though I was barely tickling the bass a lot of the time to try to keep things even I did catch one guitarist sneaking back and tweaking his master volume - something he swears blind he never does - so by the end of the night it had got quite l;oud. Still it was going down well, so never mind, but.......


Just got in from Hunstanton . First time there , and quite good .

Threw in some older ones , and it's shocking how quickly you forget them , not totally , but definately a few passing notes going on . :)

Posted (edited)

Played a wedding at Hever Castle yesterday.
Me and the drummer arrived a hour early (4pm) and we didn't start playing until 10.15pm. Bloody long day but the grounds of the castle are really nice, and the sun was out for the afternoon so i spent a lot of the time taking photos of plants and ducks.

Gig was good, i enjoyed using my Streamliner. Its growing on me. Good crowd although it thinned out quite quickly as a lot of them were old folk.

I had a go at the drummer at the end of the gig. Why is it some drummer just dont get dynamics and have to hit the bloody things so hard. And his reason for doing it.....I couldn't hear anything. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
He is one of those drummers that over plays at the start of the night and tires himself out too early. Then he makes up for it by making a lot of noise to cover the lack of steady rhythm.

Sorry, rant over, i know we have done this to death but wanted dot get it off my chest. Even the others mentioned it, so it must have been bad.

Social club tonight with a big stage, at least i can distance myself from him.

Edited by dave_bass5

A cut-down Rattlin Bone played the 12 Bar in Denmark Street last night. We managed to cram all 8 of us on the absolutely tiny stage - two trombones, trumpet, double bass, sousaphone, two vocalists and guest violin - and played a short (30-minute, as 5 bands on) uptempo set. The audience response was great, lots of dancing, nice applause, great comments afterwards and we sold a few CDs. Highlight was the violin guy who was on a mutual try-out - very nice chap and exceptionally good player. Rattlin Bone may now have a new member! That would take us to about 15 :) Anyways, a good evening and a reminder of why I like being in a band.


Hhmm, what can we say about my band's first gig.

Loads of technical problems. The vocals weren't coming through the PA, I think it was found the mixing desk is knackered. And just what seemed an endless list of problems.

All the tech side is the guitarists domain and tbh I think he's out of his depth, a little knowledge and all. He has a vast array of 'boxes' on his side, including the PA stuff. Most of it wasn't really needed. The drums for example had 5 mics on it, for the size of venue, way over the top.

Major blunder with 'All Cried Out'. The guitarist has a detuning pedal. He'd detuned for 'Every breath..' and then forgot to tune back up for 'All Cried Out'. Sounded bloody awful. I thought for one moment my bass had screwed up or I was playing the wrong thing. I've only been playing for 2 years really, the guitarist for over 30. We (drummer, singer and myself) all become increasingly frustrated with the guitarist holding things up in between songs - changing guitar, mucking about with effects and :) . 3 songs from the end the drummer turned to me and said "Let's cut it short". However, we did finish the set and did two encore songs.

Hopefully he will have noticed that for the last 3 songs where he ditched all the techy jiggery pockery, the audience really got into it.

On the positive, the first set was quite good in the main and towards the end of it I was beginning get into it. Our singer is our trump card, even during a per longed bit where nothing happened she kept the audience on side. And the venue were very happy with us, so hopefully we shall get an invite back there - but I think we'll be taking less gear next time :)

There's an autopsy on Thursday at the singer's house - bacon sandwiches and coffee:)

Posted (edited)

Nice one Marvin! Despite guitard issues it sounds like the audience and the venue loved it, which is the main thing :) In my old punk band, the guitarist routinely screwed up the momentum of the set by fiddle-@rsing about with tuning or dodgy stomp box connections, really used to p*ss the drummer and I off. Your man needs to be told on Thursday. But taking a step back, congrats on your first gig with the band and on winning with the audience!

Edited by Clarky

I`m currently depping for a rock band called Cherry Scream. They`ve been together for 8 weeks (I`ve been with them for 5/6 wks).

First gig last night at The White Swan in Aylesbury, for a friend of theirs birthday.

Gig went very well, did 11 songs, the audience were very appreciative, especially when they found out how short a time the band had been going.


[quote name='Lozz196' post='1265944' date='Jun 12 2011, 12:25 PM']I`m currently depping for a rock band called Cherry Scream. They`ve been together for 8 weeks (I`ve been with them for 5/6 wks).

First gig last night at The White Swan in Aylesbury, for a friend of theirs birthday.

Gig went very well, did 11 songs, the audience were very appreciative, especially when they found out how short a time the band had been going.[/quote]
Nice one Lozz as I know how cut up you were when your last band folded. Onwards and upwards mate :)


I'm in a cover band and playing usualy pubs in North Wales area. Last night we were playing in The Cotage Loaf in Lllandudno. We're playing there quite regular - every 2-3 months, and have to say the crowd in this place is just amazing.
People enjoy what you playing, they are dancing, singing, doing air guitars, it's fantastic atmosphere every single time we are there. And not only us, our friends from the other band saying the same.
If you looking for place to play in North Wales - go for it. It's worth the effort!
Still buzzing from last night :)


Played the Shed last night with my originals band. Reasonable turn out and good comments from both the promoter and the owner.

Recording in a couple of weeks- eeekk


Twas OK for a first one there. Quiet but a few people who came to see us but we haven't seen for a while (my technical FUBAR on the site ahs a lot to do with that I think) and the "regulars" seemed to enjoy. Still got the usual "we're all booked up this year I'll ring you about next year" but perhaps it's that time of year...or perhaps we're just sh1t, but I don't think so.

The raised area was all carpetted and sucked the life out of everything. New rig sounded good when I was nearer it, and ther when further forwards, but... First set the level stayed down as noone wanted to push it in a large, high space with only a few bodies in. Second set sounded a bit better to me after the levels all crept up a bit in the break.

On arrival landlord said (or how we understood it anyway) plug into the socket at the front of the raised "stage" area. Got to the break and suddenly the power goes out on the "stage". Landlord appears muttering about having told us where to plug in and having been ignored :) Now I was going to take photos of the two sockets on offer but it might have been a bit obvious, so anyway there was a choice of a socket with a built in RCD, and another that appeared to be hanging off the wall. Guess which one we [u][i]should[/i][/u] have plugged into!? :)

Hey ho. Onwards & upwards to the Swan at Woolston tomorrow


Bit late, but I saw someone filming and they usually upload pretty swift, but it took a bit longer this time. :)

This was Thurs at the Pulse Bar in Barnsley, awesome venue and Gilby (the guy Joe's talking to at the start about his voice) is an awesome guy.

Song (You Are The Sun, our most recent single) starts after 1:20 of Joe's arsing about.


Last night was a reunion gig.
A band I was in, the A52s, folded 4 years ago. However Peter, one of the guitarists, had a 'special' birthday party last night and at his request we did a reunion set.
We'd done no playing together for 4 years until we had a run through in the afternoon.
In the circumstances we did alright and Peter had a great time, which was the whole point of the event.
It was in a local village hall with a proper stage and lots of room for dancing. I was able to crank up the volume through my fairly recently acquired BareFaced BigOne and feel my jean legs flapping.
The audience didn't know how lucky they were. An old git band who didn't play 'Mustang Sally'.
For the record, it was mostly Beatles, Small Faces, Humble Pie, Neil Young and Chuck Berry stuff.

Had a bit of a hangover this morning. :)

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