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Had a last minute gig a couple of weeks ago, us and 2 other bands filling in because the 3 bands who were meant to play cancelled 2 days before.
We're told the headline band were bringing backline for everyone to use. Great I though, just bass, cables and pedalboard then.
Get to venue and talking to the owner I've known for years and she tells me we're headlining!!
The opening band, a 15 year old girl, 16 year old lad and a drummer they've never met before, don't have a bass player and the other band, group of 20 something emo kids, say they haven't brought a bass amp. Bassist from emo band calls me a twat to his band mates then knocks my bass (still in gig bag) over and laughs. And they all mutter that they should be headlining... My band decide that the emo kids can headline and suddenly a bass amp, of sorts, appears. Any hoo, I decided to DI from my Sansamp and put my faith in the monitors to do what they're meant to do.
5 mins before the bands start the "crowd" consists of the bands and the emo kids girlfriends.
The opening band were great! Mix of acoustic guitar, electric "textural" guitar and a drummer winging it!
We go on an had a good practice, first gig with new drummer. DI'ing worked perfectly!!
The emo kids go on and immediately slag off us and the opening band for not sticking around to watch, despite the fact we're all still stood there...
They're stuff was just bland dropped-D chugging single finger rhythm snorefest.


Last night pretty good. Landlady was happy at the end of the night saying that they are finding the third week of every moth a struggle as everyone has run out of money abnd stays home, but it did fill up nicely.

Third outing for Ready & Willing and it's getting a nice swing/move to it - not in a Paul Anka big band swing way but it's sounding good IMO. B vox sounded pretty good, the guitars duelling nicely, and got the stabs (well ok I missed one at the very beginning but better that than be miles out)

I bought a couple of LED panels to add a bit of moving light rather than the static boxes with some 150W garden floodlight & make shift gel holders, and last night the vocalist said he'd been talking with the sound guy about fixing for them and two more he intends to get :) as finding womewhere to hang them has been a trial. Now all we need to do is work out exactly which piece of one of the guitarists gear is picking up interference from the boxes and work out how to stop that

Been messing with a video and some external sound this evening, but as it was a digital camera in video mode, and sat on one of the mid bins, coupled with a lot of the house lights not working it shows [list]
[*]my left hand
[*]vocalist in silhouette
[*]the guitarists in the spotlight - TCHA!!
[/list] so I'll probably only share that with the band


Gig was a bit lacking..although we went down well...but you know when something is missing.
Poor gig for me...felt too flat or tired and couldn't prep well enough, I wonder how we were regarded after that as we have a decent name for
doing well. If I had been in the audience, I would have knocked it

We did get asked about a wedding in Newcastle..!!! which is as far as we could travel and still be in England.
We quoted a SILLY price so if it comes off...I'll shut up belly-aching about 'poor' gigs as the punters are clueless..thankfully..!!! :) :)

No excuses..move on.


[quote name='JTUK' post='1275515' date='Jun 20 2011, 07:25 AM']Dave, if you were at Hever..you should have taken your golf clubs as the course is worth it, IMO. :lol :)

Lovely place[/quote]

Well we had plenty of time for a round or two (or three or four), just as well it was a nice venue and plenty to see.

We were in Knaphill (OHM's village) on sat, just a social club but one of the best crowds we have had this year. Very vocal and up dancing all night. This was one gig were really weren't looking forward to as the pay isnt great and, well, its a social club but we all agreed it was one of the most enjoyable gigs we have done for a long time.

The only issue i had was i took my Jazz with P neck and struggled all night. Ive now decided to give up on P necks altogether.


Saturday night at the Queen Vic in Stroud with my soul-pop covers band. Place was rammed but they couldn't have been less interested if we'd hung up a big sign saying 'PLEASE IGNORE US'. More life in a tramp's vest, etc. Miserable tossers like that don't deserve live music. Well worth the long trip up the M5, that was. :)


Saturday night at the Red Lion, Brackley. Fantastic night with a full house. It makes a change to play to a packed pub and an audience who is up for a good time with live music.


Waiting for Happy Jack's post about Saturday's gig with the tanked up post Ascot ladies who got up on stage at a couple of points. One of them did release the puppies by mistake while dancing at the front later on but I think she had her back to the band. :)
Most entertaining.


We had a few post Ascot ladies at our gig. They certainly stood out from the crowd. That probably why we had a good crowd. Very entertaining in a pervy way.


Saturday night at a Bistro/Wine Bar. Not too busy to begin with but those that came in stayed. Got really busy towards the end of the night with a flurry of dancing from some very energetic young ladies. Even better, access to the stage was brilliant as was parking and i was home before midnight. Cashback!


Barn dance in Norton, near Daventry, on Saturday. The pub landlord had rather optimistically organised it for the pub car park. We unloaded and set up between showers on a raised stage which was covered by a couple of folding marquees - they had pivoting arms stretching fore and aft which were perfectly placed to bang my head on, so I did most of the gig sitting down. The weather stayed reasonably clear, with just one shower briefly interrupting proceedings. At 9.45, as it was getting very cold, we took down the gear, decamped into the pub and did the rest indoors acoustically (I'm the only one that needs an amp). Our timing proved impeccable - just after we'd got the gear offstage and loaded into the cars, it tipped down for an hour or so.


I was too drunk, as were the rest of the band, notably the drummer who I could shoot right now!
Bands that were playing after us soundchecked after us, moved half our gear to different places in order for their soundcheck, and I'm fairly sure the soundguy didn't preset the levels, just guessed at them when we came on, result being a wall of sound on stage. Oh and the DI cable wasn't properly clicked into my sansamp and liked to come loose at times, and had to be kicked back into place - sigh.


[quote name='dc2009' post='1276366' date='Jun 20 2011, 08:58 PM']I was too drunk, as were the rest of the band, notably the drummer who I could shoot right now!
Bands that were playing after us soundchecked after us, moved half our gear to different places in order for their soundcheck, and I'm fairly sure the soundguy didn't preset the levels, just guessed at them when we came on, result being a wall of sound on stage. Oh and the DI cable wasn't properly clicked into my sansamp and liked to come loose at times, and had to be kicked back into place - sigh.[/quote]

You can't blame the drummer for being drunk if you were.....


[quote name='J.R.Bass' post='1276508' date='Jun 20 2011, 11:08 PM']You can't blame the drummer for being drunk if you were.....[/quote]

Perhaps, though my few bum notes went largely unnoticed by everyone except me, and I was irked by them. The drummer missing beats however, was very much obvious! I've since had a chat with the band and we've imposed a 2 pint pre-show limit for future gigs.


Best gig yet with the new(ish) band - Poet's Corner, Hove, tiny pub, wanted a blues band, we explained we weren't quite that and told the landlord what we did (Dylan, Springsteen, Stones) and he was happy with that. The punters loved it from the first number and were singing along and dancing by the end of the first set. Landlord sidled over and offered us more to do another 1/2 hour which we probably would have done anyway as we were enjoying it so much. One downer, got a huge spasm from lactic acid in one of the fast numbers. Fortunately passed really quickly. Only the second time that's ever happened to me. Something that happened for the first time - I was "gearstalked" :)


bit of a flat afternoon gig at a village pub at a day of live outdoor music with the covers band. Dep drummer (causing band politics issues) which was a bit odd for me, had a bit of trouble locking in. Small audience.

Nice comments afterwards but was lacking a bit of polish for my liking.


[quote name='Mykesbass' post='1282351' date='Jun 25 2011, 06:40 PM']Something that happened for the first time - I was "gearstalked" :)[/quote]

oo fun, what happened?


Played a venue new to us last night, the Temple Hotel in Matlock Bath.
For those who don't know it, Matlock Bath is the one of the top midlands biker run-outs at the weekend.
A grand, but faded, 18th century building with fantastic views over the Derwent gorge. I pondered the Frankenstein connections.
A fairly standard pub gig, plenty of punters but no room to dance. Good selection of real ales. :)
The guitarist was gear stalked, a chap was standing about 2 metres in front of him watching him intently. Might have just been a mesmerised local though :)

Woke up at 2am in the living room with a half empty bottle of Bud in my hand.


Just got in 10 minutes ago. Sleepy little French village with one bar where we played to the annual invading hoards of Solex (Mobilette) racing teams from all over France. Three fights, all caused by the same 65 year old drunk from the village who actually works for the Paris opera house ??

Good gig though.


Just played an amazing gig to a packed crowd of 500 at the Holmfirth Picturedrome to raise money for the Huw Thatcher trust - brilliant crowd, brilliant night, massive mosh pit and 500 happy singing faces bouncing up and down.


Played 3rd on of 4 bands at 'Poison Bar' in Basingstoke last night. To be honest we were a little intimidated at the start of the evening but it ended up being great fun. I felt a bit sorry for the headline band as they had to wait until the boxing finished before playing. We managed to somehow time the ending of our last song to stop exactly 5 seconds before the first round started.


50th Birthday party last night . In her house would you believe .
She's seen us loads of times , and it was a crowd of lots of familiar faces .

Got told to turn down when we were on the break . We weren't loud (obviously governed by the drum volume) , and it pissed us off a bit .

I mean if you're going to get a rock band to gig in your house , you've got to accept a volume infinately louder than your Hifi . Also was asked to turn off our lights as it was too bright . Honestly some people .

We did the gig , got paid , it was local , chatted to an old school friend who's blossomed into a stunning woman :) , so not all bad I suppose .


What a varied weekend. First gig on Friday was through a massive rig at an extremely posh private school. Leavers ball, about 500 people - parents, kids and teachers. It went brilliantly and was capped when a young man said "what a bloody marvellous genre of music you chaps play. What is it?"

Second gig was at a village hall. Amazing family get together where everyone was in the mood to party.

Third gig was at a local festival - again through a decent rig. Great reception and encore - unknown for a 4pm set apparently. Best of all my kids were able to come and watch which is a bit of a treat for me.

Good times.


Did a paino/sax/bs trio gig with a first year music student. Ok player but short on a few of the basic conventions of playing jazz live and so starts and endings were a bit ropey (read: train wreck) and his pacing of the sets was poor (too many tunes at teh same tempo etc). Did 2 sets on double bass and one on electric. Mostly the usual suspects but some new tunes I had not heard before . Noone died.


[quote name='Bilbo' post='1292331' date='Jul 4 2011, 03:54 PM']Noone died.[/quote]

That is one of the most important things for any gig.

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