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[quote name='dc2009' post='1345917' date='Aug 19 2011, 10:28 PM']and it looks like for the second gig in a row I have to play through a f***ing ashdown...



Sorry, shouldn't laugh but thats the best Ashdown comment ive ever read.


[quote name='dave_bass5' post='1345923' date='Aug 19 2011, 10:37 PM']:)

Sorry, shouldn't laugh but thats the best Ashdown comment ive ever read.[/quote]

Glad you liked it. :)

Hope I didn't offend anyone, just not an ashdown fan one bit.

@BRX, i'm not entirely sure, but will find out for you. I know it's called a somethingorother-caster and is fairly old. Made by a company that made them to look like old Cadillac tailfins (if it worked properly there's a brake light and everything!). The company has apparently just come back into business but this is an old one. It's a hunk of junk, doesn't hold leads very well and doesn't keep in tune very well either, it's also about as heavy as those terrible see-through Westfield basses. The guitarist loves it though and it does turn a few heads, there's more photos at our facebook page: [url="https://www.facebook.com/medusauk"]https://www.facebook.com/medusauk[/url]


[quote name='dc2009' post='1346026' date='Aug 20 2011, 02:51 AM']@BRX, i'm not entirely sure, but will find out for you. I know it's called a somethingorother-caster and is fairly old. Made by a company that made them to look like old Cadillac tailfins (if it worked properly there's a brake light and everything!). The company has apparently just come back into business but this is an old one. It's a hunk of junk, doesn't hold leads very well and doesn't keep in tune very well either, it's also about as heavy as those terrible see-through Westfield basses. The guitarist loves it though and it does turn a few heads, there's more photos at our facebook page: [url="https://www.facebook.com/medusauk"]https://www.facebook.com/medusauk[/url][/quote]
Thanks for the info.

In that case it's the original version of the [url="http://www.americanshowster.com/product/american-showster-57-guitar"]American Showster 57[/url], which is a guitar I'm very much interested in. Sad to hear it's a bit crap - hopefully the new ones are better...

BTW I have one of those Wesley acrylic basses and I don't think it's too heavy.


[quote name='BigRedX' post='1346048' date='Aug 20 2011, 07:39 AM']Thanks for the info.

In that case it's the original version of the [url="http://www.americanshowster.com/product/american-showster-57-guitar"]American Showster 57[/url], which is a guitar I'm very much interested in. Sad to hear it's a bit crap - hopefully the new ones are better...

BTW I have one of those Wesley acrylic basses and I don't think it's too heavy.[/quote]

That's exactly what it is. It is a looker but this one isn't great for the reasons I said. That said, it's not in great nick and my guitarist is bloody clueless when it comes to guitar maintenance and setup so I think if you found one in better nick and perhaps put a neutrik locking jack in place of the existing one, perhaps sorted out the locking nut/floyd rose/whatever it has, it could be a fairly decent instrument. Very, very heavy though, and the balance is not great either. So you could find a good one I think, and it could be good if you put money into it, but maybe the new ones will be better.

I used one of those acrylic things at band practice a few years back as the guitarist had one, played it for a few sessions, really, really struggled with the weight, one of the heaviest I've ever played IMO.


On Wednesday, I was on a carnival float dressed as Robin Hood, last night I was in a wee pub in Yeovil where 5 punters were getting their kit off halfway through the first set. This was my fourth gig with this band and not the first time people have got naked..... I've no idea why this is happening but I think there are going to be some very interesting gigs ahead.


[quote name='dc2009' post='1346392' date='Aug 20 2011, 03:07 PM']That's exactly what it is. It is a looker but this one isn't great for the reasons I said. That said, it's not in great nick and my guitarist is bloody clueless when it comes to guitar maintenance and setup so I think if you found one in better nick and perhaps put a neutrik locking jack in place of the existing one, perhaps sorted out the locking nut/floyd rose/whatever it has, it could be a fairly decent instrument. Very, very heavy though, and the balance is not great either. So you could find a good one I think, and it could be good if you put money into it, but maybe the new ones will be better.[/quote]
Thanks. The new ones if you ignore the shape are essentially a Strat with a gibson-style hard-tail. Glad to hear that the lights actually work. Just what I need to as a companion for this:

And to get back on Topic just got back from the last day of shooting for the Dick Venom video. Now off to play at the Waterfront Festival in Nottingham. Will report back later...


Back from a local gig. Unfortunately MrsW's blood pressure dropped through the floor at the end of the evening and she was discovered white as a sheet and passed out in the ladies, now hugely embarrassed as she thinks everyone will think she was p155ed, which she wasn't :) Ah well

Another "dep" with the country band, though as mentioned elsewhere I have a nagging feeling that I have usurped the old bass player. As far as I am concerned it is a dep whenever he's not about, but further snippets of conversations tonight might suggest otherwise.

Got through both sets OK. Did a few songs that were not rehearsed and had been dropped at the last two deps, last week & the week before due to time constraints so a bit of watch the guitarists, keep an ear open to the drummer and busk it. Got through with no really major screw ups.

As Nik said, the set was a bit odd as it went from up tempo to mid and fell a little at the end, but generally pleased and the rig was sounding nice where I was (admittedly stood right on top of it.

Now a bit of a break, but loads of songs to learn for assorted other projects


Wedding..which I wasn't looking forward to..but I'd already been paid and it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.
All good.

I am really looking forward to the next 3 gigs...all goodun's... ending with the Faversham hop fest..which should be fab as they take over the entire town for 2 days with 4 stages...hope the weather holds.


Had a good one last night at The Robin 2 in Bilston with the ELO Experience.
Nearly 300 punters all singing along with 'Mr Blue Sky', brill!


Played with both my bands a small local pub last night for the landlady's birthday bash. When I say small, I would say it was only marginally bigger than where we rehearse and about 100 people were expected for the birthday party alone!

Crammed into a corner, I kept backing into a crash cymbal when our harp player in one band kept backing into me and in the other band the guitarist gave me even less room as he had a pedal board taking up valuable floorspace.

Still, it all seemed to go down well, with plenty of people congratulating us afterwards. The people at the front certainly got a good view of the proceedings and our guest sax player was mingling with the people at the bar for much of the set. :)

But it made me wonder about all the hand-wringing and worrying that goes on here about tone. In such a packed and cosy environment all the fine tuning during rehearsals seems to go out the window.

All good fun though!


My band Cow played at Jagz in Ascot which is basically a Jazz venue that does have a wide range of acts like latin, blues, folk, funk etc. The support act, Natalie and the Long Wait pulled out a few days before as the singer had to go into hospital. When we arrived at the venue, we got told that the stand in support act has also just pulled out :) So it was just up to us. The thing that was weird about this gig is basically the punters come in for a meal and listen to the bands as they drink and dine. So a bit odd to be playing whilst everyone is sitting at tables. However, it worked out great and we went down brilliantly. Big applauce from the diners and I think they just enjoyed listening to great music. Cracking little venue and really enjoyed it.


Dick Venom & The Terrortones at the Nottingham Waterfront Festival.

On at just after 9.00 in the upstairs room. We'd been filming "live" scenes for our video earlier so we were still feeling a bit knackered when we loaded in. However to moment we hit the stage we were completely re-energised and played a blinder. Massive audience who looked like they were enjoying it too and sold a whole box of our brand new single. Only low spots were finding out the Mr Venom had yet again managed to lose the power supply for the Theremin so he had to mime playing it and make the appropriate noises into the microphone! Also the speakers provided for the bass rig were pretty inefficient and I had to turn my amp up to half volume (instead of just over 1/4 like I normally do) in order to hear myself on stage. Apart from that though it was a fantastic gig to play.


On Friday I had a pretty good first gig with projectAURA at The Ruby Lounge. Had less than a week to learn a full set as their previous bassist left at short notice, so didn't go as smoothly for me as other gigs have, and the venue was pretty dead too, but all things considered I'm pleased with how it went, and also happy to be gigging again!


The Chequers, Old Harlow, Essex.

Packed up following last nights gig, feeling really deflated and miserable .

Not that we played badly, mostly it was pretty good, but on the whole a very uninterested audience. :)


Really fun gig at Lock 42 in Leicester, smallish audience so I leapt/fell off the stage to dance around for the last song. Nice comments after from people who hadn't seen us before as well as people who had.

I got really into the music despite the small, polite crowd, this feeling right now is why I play music.

Totally wired. :)


Not long got back from a gig in a pub in Sherwood Nottingham. Nice big venue but not that many in, well it was a Thursday! This was the first gig with our new drummer and although a bit nervous he settled in very well. A couple of tracks seemed a bit too quick, but overall not bad at all and we went down well enough. one or two boo boo's but that's expected from very few rehearsals I guess. One thing though, last night only confirms that my bass amp will have to go, sounds brill but too damn heavy! Now looking forward to playing this Sunday. I hope I can get a new bass cab by then has my new Tecamp Puma arrived today! :)

Posted (edited)

Last minute stand in with a rock covers band at a venue just round the corner from my house (at a push I could have carried the current rig round there)

Nice venue, PA, lights and we can only hope that it takes off and manages to keep going as it is a little out of town.

Took my radio system, which I haven't used for a while now. Got it all set up and then founf that I was on the same frequency as one of the guitarists radios :D , so back in the case it went and leads were used.

Drummer was also standing in, but this time had played with them before and knew the set so we were a lot tighter than the time before with the drummer who knew/had played about three songs in the set...ever :P

The rig was sounding awesome. It sort of puts me in mind of the cat in the Kia Picanto ad, when the dog barks at it and the cat roars causing the dog to whimper & run. :)

Markbass LM Tube & Barefaced SuperTwelve T sat on a Gramma Pad with the G&L L2500's into the front via a Boss tuner and EBS Octabass, with the EBS Chorus in the loop. Effects hardly used. Tone pretty much flat. This unassuming rig sits to the side of the stage next to a Marshal Valvestate stack, yet fire it up and it ROARS!! Beautiful sound. Good solid, but not wooly bass fundamental, but with the mids punching through and a nice sheen at the top end. Solid as a rock down to the low B.

Got some nice compliments on the sound and all through the night the band leader kept coming over when it wasn't his lead break and wallowing in the thunder :)

Other than possibly getting a BF Midget T for smaller gigs that is pretty much me GAS free now. I LOVE IT!!!

Crappy camera phone recording [url="https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=2117548173036"]HERE[/url] - Well the bass was cutting through OK :lol: Shame about the playing :lol:

Edited by WalMan

Covers gig at a private birthday party. First set was fine, few tricky moments but blagged well. Great response to Spirit in the Sky.

Went back on stage for the second set and realised that our singer was pi55ed. Struggled through, brought on our excellent sound guy to help sing a couple of tunes. Embarassing.


Wedding near Tidworth Marquee job, They had sorted everything we asked for, stage for band and a good size Geny no electrical problems + food n drink.

First Gig we've had in August due to holidays and we played very well as if we had not had the break

First time in a Marquee this year so used my 4 x 12" for first time this year also

First time i had to use the Landing lights on my Shuker 5 string in anger so pleased with that and it justified the investment.

First time the Wife (singer) has broken anything. Twisted her ankle packing away and has broken a bone in her foot. So next weeks gig she will be doing a Jessie J. Oh what joy. It was all going so well. :)


nightmare :) first time back in the car after I passed my test 3 years ago.. stalled about a million times on the way but got there in the end.

halfway through first set, singer walks up to the mic and says "someone's left their headlights on in the carpark.. who's the owner of the registration plate GP*****?"... of course after the second letter i had to facepalm as i realised it was me! round of applause from the crowd there!

Posted (edited)

I just wanted to report what a cracking gig on Sunday for our band In For The Kill.
A strange start time of 6pm? finished for 8pm. It does have it's merits though! getting home, gear away, bathed and downstairs with a drink at 10pm that's almost unheard of!
The set list was the same as we did last Thursday just slightly switched around because we've had no rehearsal in-between.
I got there early, it's a small pub, small stage, and there were just 4 people in when I arrived. I was very dubious that anyone would turn up as we were playing that early and given it is a Bank Holiday.
I got set up and the geezer behind the bar said "the place usually gets filled up with folk by about 5.30" I thought yeah right! By 5pm, there were still around 4 people in, but he was right! by the time we went on at 6pm, there were loads in and it was pretty full as we started playing into the first set. Our new drummer Bill played well again, and our guitarist Sacko played his arse off. We went down brill, got an encore, they wanted more but we hadn't done any more songs! and we were told to be done by 8pm anyway.
Bonus? yep, we got £50 more money than they said they were gonna pay us and we got re-booked for January 22nd...result! a good time was had by all. I have to say they were a friendly bunch in the place as well, it was a real pleasure to play to such an appreciative audience....spot on! :) We could use more gigs like that! :)

Edited by clarkpegasus4001

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