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Posted (edited)

Army gig tonight. Guests arrived 1 hour earlier than we were told to arrive. Both us and guests entering via the same small door way. DJ disappeared after turning music on, meaning our sound check was in front of a full marquee with bloody Cher playing over us. Then we get told instead of 2 one hour sets can we just do one and a bit. Lovely, only we now have 4 1/2 hours to kill before we get to play.
We are sitting in a cafe on the base with a load of squadies watching bloody X factor and getting drunk (them and us).

Rock and roll

Edited by dave_bass5

Good night tonight....though I personally felt I played better/more fluidly last night. Mind it's rock covers. What's fluidity got to do with anything?

Rig sounding lovely again. Played the Wal most of the night, but changed to the L2500 for the last few numbers. Wal is great and so easy to play, but is a lot bassier than the L2500, which perhaps cuts a bit better for the classic rock stuff.

Am slowly being talked into joining yet another band (fourth) how the hell I am going to get themj all in sync I have no idea!!! :)


A couple of nights (both sold out!) at The Live Theatre in Newcastle this weekend, to launch the band's new CD.

The Streamliner just gets better and better. I love it so much.

It's a privilege to be able to play original material to crowds like this:



my gig last night went rather well, having put back together a band which broke up last year it was our first time out with the new lineup and it turned out to be a better show than we achieved with the last line up.

was my first gig doing lead vocals and bass so was an experience.

crowd loved it, we loved it, good times


Actually done 7 in 6 days- pit gig!

Cons- MD way out of his depth, can't conduct 4 (does it back to front, but that's the only one he does that way...) very loud keyboard amp doubling many of the parts, unpredictable cues and tempos.

Pros- rest of band top people and cracking players, genuine professionals who have that little bit over the average weekend warrior like me, so great from my point of view to try and cut it, rig turns out to be perfect for this kind of gig again, shaking the floor at low volumes, and one underscore number that was bass solo from start to finish- 32 glorious bars whilst the audience shuffled in their seats!


[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1323552384' post='1464580']
Army gig tonight. Guests arrived 1 hour earlier than we were told to arrive. Both us and guests entering via the same small door way. DJ disappeared after turning music on, meaning our sound check was in front of a full marquee with bloody Cher playing over us. Then we get told instead of 2 one hour sets can we just do one and a bit. Lovely, only we now have 4 1/2 hours to kill before we get to play.
We are sitting in a cafe on the base with a load of squadies watching bloody X factor and getting drunk (them and us).

Rock and roll

HAHA that is ace. A great memory to look back on in years to come :)


Last nights gig was ok. We played well but as I am not enjoying it as much for various politcal reasons at the moment I thought I would just play for me and the best I possibly could. I had been playing around for a few weeks with trying to get a much deeper fuller sound out of my Precision and MarkBass combo so last nights gig was the perfect time to put it in practise. Cut the volume back on the bass from 100% to around 85%, dialled the tone back to a bit more bass and ran the amp flat and I got a lovely deep, thumpy tone. Really focused on my vocals also and got some nice comments after about my bass playing and vocals so all in all a success.

Posted (edited)

Had a lovely gig with Kit Richardson at the Silver Bullet in Finsbury Park last night. Great onstage sound with only a very quick line check. Holds about 100 odd people, full of Arsenal fans when we got there, a few stayed for the music. 15 foot stage with four wedge monitors, two flying and two on the stage, quite immersive and it feels like one is inside the music. Could hear a great balance of all the band including the violins which is rare. Not sure how the young sound guy managed that so quickly and easily. The FoH sound was very good too, very balanced, good volume, nice and clear. Plenty of channels on the desk for the whole band, miced drums, keys and a synth, vocal, two violins, guitar, bass.

There were 8 bands on. We were third from last and went on at 9.15pm. We kept about 50 punters there, they seemed to love it! I think we played a blinder, although I made a couple of silly bum notes through taking the odd risk, like a two and a half octave triplet arpeggio that I hadn't played before :) but I really felt the need for those notes and an unrestrained compulsion to do it. It sounded good too, apart from hitting the last note flat :)

We had a dep 2nd violinist, Elona, who had barely heard the songs and had to sight read Kit's crazy scores with loads of expression marks. She was AMAZING! She totally nailed it and said she really enjoyed it. Kate, our regular violinist, really enjoyed playing with her and we are hoping Elona can play with us again.

I think we made some friends last night. Great gig!

Edited by silddx

It was a completely forgettable night. Sound was terrible and i was getting mean looks from the band as it was very boomy. Turns out to be the keyboard players new monitor! The on stage boom meant that there was no distinction in the bass sound and ended up being a pretty miserable gig. Punters enjoyed it though which is the name of the game.


[quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1323608695' post='1464924']
HAHA that is ace. A great memory to look back on in years to come :)

Even more bizarre is that the place we were told we could go and sit in was called the Hub. We all cracked up. I'm sure some of you will get the reason why ;-)

The gig turned out to be ok. I had a very nice, deep tone from the CVP and Ti's, plus i used the BDDI this time. It really does seem to help with the low end, especially on the tini wooden stage.

Shame your not enjoying it as much at the moment. I'm sure it will pass (or sort itself out, one way or another).


[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1323617072' post='1465052'] I think we played a blinder, although I made a couple of silly bum notes through taking the odd risk, like a two and a half octave triplet arpeggio that I hadn't played before :) but I really felt the need for those notes and an unrestrained compulsion to do it. It sounded good too, apart from hitting the last note flat :)[/quote] Think it was a similar problem for me Nige. Second night running with the longterm dep and feeling that the first night had been pretty good and fluid for me I got cocky and got lost at the dusty end a couple of times :) The "bass solo" break I get thrown (and I don't like solos) didn't go quite so well (some semi pentatonic w@nk basically) and the little fill that gets chucked in "Sultans of Swing" I completely missed. DOH!!


On reflection , a blinder - as per the other's comments last night , today , and the punter's reaction .
Though alas , not for me . Made a couple of numpty mistakes , just through my mind wandering . This wasn't helped by the fact that I had very little room to move .
On the plus side , I've gone back to my old heavy cab , and am prefering the sound . Only got to lift from my front door to the car , so the weight is not really an issue .
So all in , a good'n , albeit a mixed bag .


Bit of a sad one really - played the pub that we have been rehearsing in for the last year as the pub's swansong - it has been dying on its ar$e since the Weatherspoons opened down the road and is going to be a doctor's surgery in the New Year. Not a big crowd but those that were there enjoyed themselves and the landlord loved it!


Bit of a mixed one. It was a really good lineup of metal rather than some uncomfortable juxtaposition of different styles you often get, so that was nice, and the other two bands were really good.

I think we played quite well but we had a bit of a disaster with our drummer's snare going kaput about half-way through, which led to a 5 minute break in the set whilst I sent someone to hunt down the other drummer so we could borrow his snare, which he was kind enough to lend us. Cue me having to ad-lib through 5 minutes of silence, told a few jokes, funny story about how one of my mates in the crowd became a minor celebrity in a small Belgian town and did the thank-yous, a little bit of crowd interaction etc by which time we were just about ready to go again.

Just before the last song, I was doing one more round of thank-yous when a guy jumped on stage left and started looking around for something in the corner, so I just automatically added "and thank-you that guy, whoever that is" - as I genuinely didn't see who it was (nor was I particularly happy with someone jumping on stage whilst we were still on but I decided not to make an issue of it). Well, it turned out it was the (stand-in) guitarist from the first band (who was the only member of that band I hadn't met during the evening - all the others were really great guys though), and he took offence at this, came over to the mic and started giving it large about how "these guys might be good but my band's been in 'Classic Rock' etc etc" - clearly got it in his head that I'd meant to be disrespectful and was getting a bit angry. Calmed him down and got him to bugger off so we could finish the set.

Upsides, I think I engaged with the crowd the best of any of the frontmen (although the others were stronger vocally tbf), and I think we played pretty well. The other bands were great and it was a good choice of lineup I'd say. Downsides, the above two incidents spoilt things a bit (they're all I can really remember at the moment) and I was told afterwards that the vocals were way too low.


Personally, I think you were very patient, and your drummer was very lucky he got a loaner, because that was your gig hanging by a snare drum.
Tell him to bring a spare next time.
Also, anyone jumping up on a stage a band is performing on, and f***ing about during their set, deserves a smack,because disrupting another bands set because they left a tuner, condoms, wine gums onstage is the act of a twat.
Which he obviously was anyway and confirmed by the reference to Classic Rock.
Go with Zen, Grasshopper.


[sup]Don't know if it counts as a 'gig' as such (but I got paid for it) but it was first stint this year as stand in at a jam session as a house band member for me yesterday. The main guy (guitar/vox) was struggling with his voice so i ended up pulling out various songs I'd sung lead on in the past, some from quite a while ago and i could barely remember the words. It all seemed to go down OK despite a lower than usual turn out (which meant I ended up playing more sets than usual). Landlord seemed happy enough, just tick it off as job done, until next week when I'll get all sweaty palmed at obscure stuff I don't know being chucked at me to jam along to once again!.[/sup]

Posted (edited)

I had an awful gig last night :( Appalling monitor sound onstage matched by an appalling sound coming out of my own amp, horrible miscellaneous noises all around that everyone else heard as well, couldn't hear anyone, played like a d*ckhead, got totally flustered in the 2nd number and would have improved things by just leaving the stage, picked up a bit towards the end but how depressing! I reckon that stage was haunted, old theatres and all that...

And then to cap it all my guitarist decided to talk loudly all the way through the (really good) main act continually criticising them and their songwriting with one of their gfs sitting to his right and the promoter sitting to my immediate left, both of whom heard every word of his endless unstoppable monologue. The bit where he decided to sing the chorus to Walking On Sunshine over a really nice song that wasn't even vaguely similar was the point at which I wanted a satellite to crash through the ceiling on to my head and end it all I think.

Thinking of growing a beard and changing my name, or maybe just reinventing myself as a bhodran player?


Edited by ficelles

I should post about our last one even if it was a bit painful.
After playing to a packed to the rafters Half Moon we do a charity gig in what looks like a phone shop to about 15 people.
Happy Jack very kindly supplied the PA and did sound man duties. Levels were lovely and he got us sounding great.
It was odd. Like rehearsing with a few people in the corner. Our singer lost his voice a couple of songs in. We made little fluffs here and there that we haven't dione before and we didn't play all that well in truth. It just felt so odd. The few that were there seemed to enjoy it so it can't have been all bad I suppose.
On the plus side. We learnt a few things we need to brush up on. The two new songs work live. It was nice to have HJ doing the sound (and making us turn down) as he doesn't swear at us as much as TC our usual PA nman who was away. We know that we'll avoid this place as a venue in the future too!

Only one gig booked at the moment and that's for March next year. I should really get on and get some more sorted but it's the only thing about being in this band that I really dislike doing. If anyone wants to promote us.........


Played the late, late shift at whistlebinkies in edinburgh. Load in at 11.45 pm, start at 12.30, play til closing time at 2.45 :)

Really good crowd reaction, loads of dancing going on. Loads of foreign studenty types realy enjoying their reggae and rocksteady, joined by some quality selection of locals! Who knew so many people are out so late on a school night, awesome. Going to work this morning wasn't very rock n roll though, i tell you :)

Played the aerodyne P which is still the easiest bass to play i've ever used! Sound from the amp was a bit pants, more midrangy than I like midrangy and quite distorted, but it's the house amp (ashdown mag 300 + mag 410) so can't complain too much. I actually think it was the foldbacks that were distorting on the low notes, but hey ho, I could hear myself ok. I presume it was a lot better off stage, as a couple of fellow bass players in the audience didn't particularly comment on it.


[quote name='razze06' timestamp='1324047152' post='1470244']
Played the late, late shift at whistlebinkies in edinburgh. Load in at 11.45 pm, start at 12.30, play til closing time at 2.45 :)

Really good crowd reaction, loads of dancing going on. Loads of foreign studenty types realy enjoying their reggae and rocksteady, joined by some quality selection of locals! Who knew so many people are out so late on a school night, awesome. Going to work this morning wasn't very rock n roll though, i tell you :)

Played the aerodyne P which is still the easiest bass to play i've ever used! Sound from the amp was a bit pants, more midrangy than I like midrangy and quite distorted, but it's the house amp (ashdown mag 300 + mag 410) so can't complain too much. I actually think it was the foldbacks that were distorting on the low notes, but hey ho, I could hear myself ok. I presume it was a lot better off stage, as a couple of fellow bass players in the audience didn't particularly comment on it.

My band did the same shift last week and I really enjoyed it. I don't think it's the amp, I think it's the cab, as even at pretty low volumes the sound is naff and even when I used my TC Electronic amp the sound didn't improve. I suspect if the cab was on the ground instead of on beer crates the sound would improve but of course that might make it difficult for the engineer to get a good bass sound out front due to bass frequencies travelling through the stage. Paul the usual engineer tends to put a lot of bass through the PA which is what I tend to listen to and I keep the amp volume very low on stage.


[quote name='gjones' timestamp='1324047921' post='1470261']
My band did the same shift last week and I really enjoyed it. I don't think it's the amp, I think it's the cab, as even at pretty low volumes the sound is naff and even when I used my TC Electronic amp the sound didn't improve. I suspect if the cab was on the ground instead of on beer crates the sound would improve but of course that might make it difficult for the engineer to get a good bass sound out front due to bass frequencies travelling through the stage. Paul the usual engineer tends to put a lot of bass through the PA which is what I tend to listen to and I keep the amp volume very low on stage.

Yep, stopped twiddling the controls on the amp almost immediately and got on with it. The sound out front was probably ok, judging from what I heard from the previous band. I hear what you're saying about the cab though. When I went on to set up I found that the previous guy had the volume on at full, and gain at 60%. Clearly doesn't believe in foldback monitors :)


[size=4][sub][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=6][size=5][size=4]Great gig last night. Was at the Water Rats in King's Cross in London playing at the local hospital's staff Christmas party. Maybe 150 people in all getting very drunk. A short set of originals went well, and then the place erupted when Elvis took to the stage and we backed him for a half a dozen 50's rock and rollers. The guy (who works at the hospital) does it semi-pro and he's excellent - the crowd loved him. A quick break then a dozen covers - all real cliched stuff (Mustang Sally, SCOM - which got a big cheer as we started it - Stones etc) but the crowd were up and dancing. Then more mayhem when Elvis came back on (in a red glitterly jumpsuit with cape!) for a 'Vegas' set. Finished up with a couple of Christmas songs (It's Chriiiiiiiiiiistmas!). It got a bit ragged to towards the end (we were on stage for over nearly hours and tiredness and a couple too many beers came into the equation - but not guilty, your honour) but it was a real fun evening and I'd do it all again tonight if I could.[/size][/size][/size][/font][/sub][/size]


Played The Wheatsheaf in Leighton Buzzard last night, with my punk covers band The Daves.

This was the first gig with our new drummer, who has been in the band since Sept, when we reformed. We all made a few mistakes, as all of us had not played 40+ high speed songs in an evening since the band split, but on the whole, it went very well. Very pleased with New-Dave, he played well.

The audience were very receptive, and were singing along and dancing, so we`re very glad that we decided to reform. For any of you that are local to Leighton Buzzard and haven`t yet played The Wheatsheaf check it out - it`s a great little venue, and they really love their music there.


[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1324173081' post='1471564']
Totty city... never seen so many short SHORT skirts, high heels and the legs to go with it...

I have to go and lie down.

You know the rules John, pics or it didn't happen :-)

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