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Played a Social Club near Epsom last night. It has to be the hottest gig I've played for a while. The band used to laugh at the little fan I have clipped to my Mic stand but at the end of the night both the singer and guitarist came over and said "where exactly did you get your fan again?" Good job none of us have 80's Rock hair! We played pretty well and have been booked for 2 more gigs this year.

For the second time in as many gigs I had a someone come up to me to say how much they liked my playing. Very flattering of course and I should bank those remarks for all the gigs where nobody seems to notice!

It was the first gig with my new Fender 64 CS Jazz and it was an absolute dream :)

Posted (edited)

What a weekend!!

Bulldog Bash on Friday - Area 81 Stage:
I must say, its a good job that the Hell's Angels don't run a brewery! Most of the guys that we spoke to were sound enough, but the organisation and communication seemed pretty poor, for example the drummer and I had been there for four hours before somebody decided that we needed a vehicle pass to get down to the stage and unload! On to the performance though, not one of our best to be honest. Not bad my any means, but the distraction of poor sound and monitors cutting out intermittantly is never a welcome one. Sold and signed a few CDs though, and got moaned at for giving a free CD to a guy who was reviewing the festival (I guess that's fair though, as I do not feature on the recording it is not mine to give away. Hate being new boy :unsure: )

Here is a clip with highlights from the day. We briefly feature at 27 seconds in!!

Saturday - Boardmasters, Vans Stage:
More like it!! Good festival vibe, great stage organisation and sounded much better! Had John Cornfield on the desk which was nice, he does quite a bit for a few local bands in Cornwall. Played much much better and gradually drew a progressively bigger crowd as we played. Sucks being the first band on at a festival that not many people venture out early but hey ho.

Then straight in the vehicles for a sprint to get onstage at Bridgewater at 16:00. Sat Nav reckoned we would get there at 15:55 after having to take a longe route due to an accident on the A30. Needless to say we didn't make it - car broke down at Exeter! :lol:

Then finally last night at Newquay Walkabout with Fragile Sanity:
I've never seen Newquay so dead on a night in August, but then I guess we were competing with the Olympic closing ceremony, along with ongoing events at Boardmasters. Our regular guitarist (who also plays guitar in EofF) couldn't make this one so we had a dep. He did a good job, band was mostly tight but we dropped a couple of clangers between us! The few that were out were liking it though - and I'd rather play to a small receptive crowd than a big indifferent one.

Edited by D.I. Joe

Jam night at the Barge and Barrel, Tipton. And my first time playing with a band! I was dead excited.
It is a lovely pub with a great atmosphere, so the perfect place for a debut!
We were on next to last as singer couldnt get there till late as he was in a poetry competition. When he arrived he was all grumpy about having had to leave the poetry early. I was determined not to let that get me down tho and went on full of enthusiasm.
It went pretty well! We're not the best band in the world but we played to the best if our ability with no cock ups. I didn't let nerves get the better if me and managed to throw in a few moves! Funnily enough the guitarist tends to just stand there doing nothing much, so I thought I would adopt some rock n roll postures and toss me hair about a bit. Great fun!
A couple of punters said they enjoyed it afterwards and I got a big hug from Drummers Mum (who is probably about same age as me tbh!). So all in all I'm feeling rather pleased with myself :-)


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1345011911' post='1772224']
Oh Seashell, I am so proud of you :D

As we started our band journey around the same time, it makes me feel really happy to know you are getting on so well :De

Thanks Spacechick! It's such a fun journey isn't it? And I can't quite believe I'm doing it!


[quote name='seashell' timestamp='1345009486' post='1772204']
Jam night at the Barge and Barrel, Tipton. And my first time playing with a band! I was dead excited.
It is a lovely pub with a great atmosphere, so the perfect place for a debut!
We were on next to last as singer couldnt get there till late as he was in a poetry competition. When he arrived he was all grumpy about having had to leave the poetry early. I was determined not to let that get me down tho and went on full of enthusiasm.
It went pretty well! We're not the best band in the world but we played to the best if our ability with no cock ups. I didn't let nerves get the better if me and managed to throw in a few moves! Funnily enough the guitarist tends to just stand there doing nothing much, so I thought I would adopt some rock n roll postures and toss me hair about a bit. Great fun!
A couple of punters said they enjoyed it afterwards and I got a big hug from Drummers Mum (who is probably about same age as me tbh!). So all in all I'm feeling rather pleased with myself :-)

Sounds great! Well done, especially cutting some shapes on your first gig! :-)


After getting to the gig car park tonight a little late and wondering why I was first there, I got a call from one of the other band members asking if I was ok. It turned out I had selected the wrong gig from the recent destinations tab on my satnav. I was lucky it was only 18 miles from where I should have been and I got there about 15 minutes before we were due to start. First time in all my years I have done that.


[quote name='goingdownslow' timestamp='1345340303' post='1776501']
After getting to the gig car park tonight a little late and wondering why I was first there, I got a call from one of the other band members asking if I was ok. It turned out I had selected the wrong gig from the recent destinations tab on my satnav. I was lucky it was only 18 miles from where I should have been and I got there about 15 minutes before we were due to start. First time in all my years I have done that.
[/quote]i've never done that, i'm far too intelligent, i just turned up one night at the wrong rehearsal rooms, unloaded all my gear then another band started bringing their stuff in, how stoopid did i look..


Played a pub near Pontypool last night. Appreciative crowd and may replace the August bank holiday Karaoke with us! Singer flat a lot of the time unfortunately (subject of a separate thread in gen discussion). Tried out my newly scored 60's RI Jazz which 'honked' like a good'un! Search for a new front person is on!



Just played a small festival. It was on a bandstand with a kind of amphitheatre setup, really cool. Our most popular song is called 'Lollopop' and our little group of hardcore fans had all brought massive lollipops to wave about during the song! Corny but funny at the same time.
Good short set, sunny day, lovely atmosphere.


Strange one on Friday in a new pub for us in Woking. I think the weather conspired against us as there were lots of people sitting outside. The area we were asked to set up in was a bit out of the way too, but to be fair there wasn't anywhere else that would have given us enough room.

We had a few people dancing by the end of the first set right through the second set and one drunk punter who kept asking us if we knew any heavy Blues. It's only my 3rd of 4th gig with the new band, but managed to get a really nice groove going with the Drummer who is really rather good.

Lots of nice compliments at the end and I used my fretless P Bass for a few numbers and the band seemed more than happy.

Nest gig is on 7th September back at the Row Barge, so should be a good night :)


Had a wedding last night which was a dream.

We didn't start until 9pm (it's usually 8) because the meals ran on and the venue took their time turning the room around for us then at the break the groom paid us. I took the envelope and divided the money between us - only to find that we'd been overpaid a considerable amount. I took it back to the groom and told him that we'd been overpaid and to that he asked if we could play til one. I told him that we're only contracted til 12 and were only expecting to play til 12 and would rather give him back the money he'd overpaid us. To that he told us it'd be totally fine to play til 12 and to keep the money. I literally hugged him.

Oh, and our usual drummer wasn't there. We had a dep in who was a DREAM. His feel was just in the pocket at all times.

Great gig, great wedding, great people, great dep, great over-payment. Nice!


[quote name='AndyBob09' timestamp='1345404186' post='1777176']
Had a wedding last night which was a dream.

We didn't start until 9pm (it's usually 8) because the meals ran on and the venue took their time turning the room around for us then at the break the groom paid us. I took the envelope and divided the money between us - only to find that we'd been overpaid a considerable amount. I took it back to the groom and told him that we'd been overpaid and to that he asked if we could play til one. I told him that we're only contracted til 12 and were only expecting to play til 12 and would rather give him back the money he'd overpaid us. To that he told us it'd be totally fine to play til 12 and to keep the money. I literally hugged him.

Oh, and our usual drummer wasn't there. We had a dep in who was a DREAM. His feel was just in the pocket at all times.

Great gig, great wedding, great people, great dep, great over-payment. Nice!

And you didn't wake up at the end?! I wish all weddings were like that! :D (maybe minus the dep drummer...)


Not good

Depped for a band , main guitarists black star amp went down (brand new) after 2 songs, I lost the confidence without him as couldn't hear properly the vocals either, after messing around they got him plugged into the desk so he lost his effects and it wasn't the same , played a few more songs before our slot was over but the fun free feeling we had during the first 2 songs was lost

Nice sunny day out watching the other bands though


[quote name='LemonCello' timestamp='1345392008' post='1776984']
Played a pub near Pontypool last night. Appreciative crowd and may replace the August bank holiday Karaoke with us! Singer flat a lot of the time unfortunately (subject of a separate thread in gen discussion). Tried out my newly scored 60's RI Jazz which 'honked' like a good'un! Search for a new front person is on!


Hog and Hosper,perchance?


Saturday night - semi local gig with a catch up band playing mid 50s to mid 60s rock'n'roll.
Hot, bloody hot - the place was packed and we went down well.
Guitard had continuous sweat drips falling off the end of his nose, one of which I was hoping would land on a string and boing out a bum note to go with some of his Chinese chords - alas, it didn't happen.
House Of The Rising Sun was demanded and played. It ended up as a better singalong than Mustangs Alley. :rolleyes:
Landlord booked us back for two more gigs for more cash - we couldn't have been that bad? :blink:


Saturday night in Beeston for the "Not The Glastonbury Festival". The event was held on part of what used to be the old Bartons Bus depot and has been developed into an interesting venue. The event lasts the whole weekend starting on Friday and finishing Sunday evening. Last night was organised by the Nottingham Live web site showcasing what they consider to be some of the up-coming Nottingham bands.

Red Bear (better known as Adam from Captain Dangerous) has to pull out at the last minute due to illness which was a disappointment as he usually performs an interesting set of quirky pop songs. However Practical Lovers were on fine form even if the mix was a little drum-light in places.

Bartons is somewhat out of the way as a venue and I can't help but think the publicity had been a little light, consequently the audiences for the previous night and this night were a little on the sparse side - especially considering the size of the venue. However from the stage when we were playing it was gratifying to see all eyes on Mr Venom and the band as we blasted through another great Terrortone set and even got an encore! I used my big rig for the first time in about 4 years and it sounded great. If it wasn't so big and heavy I'd be using it at every gig.

Here's a few photos of the gig:






[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1345986280' post='1783789']
Saturday night in Beeston for the "Not The Glastonbury Festival". The event was held on part of what used to be the old Bartons Bus depot and has been developed into an interesting venue. The event lasts the whole weekend starting on Friday and finishing Sunday evening. Last night was organised by the Nottingham Live web site showcasing what they consider to be some of the up-coming Nottingham bands.

Red Bear (better known as Adam from Captain Dangerous) has to pull out at the last minute due to illness which was a disappointment as he usually performs an interesting set of quirky pop songs. However Practical Lovers were on fine form even if the mix was a little drum-light in places.

Bartons is somewhat out of the way as a venue and I can't help but think the publicity had been a little light, consequently the audiences for the previous night and this night were a little on the sparse side - especially considering the size of the venue. However from the stage when we were playing it was gratifying to see all eyes on Mr Venom and the band as we blasted through another great Terrortone set and even got an encore! I used my big rig for the first time in about 4 years and it sounded great. If it wasn't so big and heavy I'd be using it at every gig.
Here's a few photos of the gig:




[/quote]great pics mate


First gig with the new originals band Madam Fade. First gig doing lead vocals. Gig was all of 5 minutes down the road at Sound House in Leicester where I've played before and has really good sound and lights techs.

Bit of pre gig drama when the jack socket on my main bass decided to die on me a couple of days before the gig, didn't have the inclination or skill to replace it myself so gave it to the local music shop and they fixed it no bother for cheap. Didn't help the nerves.

Decent audience for a first gig and from the stage it looked like mostly people we'd brought. Band played ok, a few mistakes on my part but our excellent drummer saved the day by skipping beats a couple of times to catch me up. We seemed to go down well but it was a pretty biased audience so I'm taking the audience reaction with a pinch or two of salt. Lovely comments from the venue manager about having good stage presence which I was really nervous about not showing.

A couple of the other bands playing were excellent and we got on really well with one of them and hopefully will keep in touch with them.

A good night, roll on the next one.


[quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1345986904' post='1783796']
great pics mate

Thanks! A good photographer and a proper stage with decent lighting go a long way to help.


Both the bands I play with had gigs today at two venues for the Hertford 2012 Musical Mystery Tour, so a pretty hectic day but great fun and some good feedback, which is always nice.

Unfortunately, it's given us a bit of a problem. Our usual drummer was on holiday so we found a dep (which one of the bands had used once before) and he transformed both bands. I've not played such an enjoyable gig for ages. Hmm.


Played at a Beer Festival in Carnoustie at the weekend up past Dundee. Wasn't sure how busy it would be, but was absolutely rammed!

Very positive feedback from owner and punters alike....and some guy was watching me like a hawk while playing Plug In Baby...and then came up to me and complimented me on it (which was nice).

Free booze, bed for the night and cooked breakfast thrown in.....mustn't grumble.

All in all.......much fabness.

Posted (edited)

We Played The Derby Square Stage at Liverpool's Mathew Street festival on Sunday. Still can't quite believe it...10,000 in front of us...Stunning weather and the crowd rocked and sang along with gusto to every song.
It was simply amazing and I still don't quite believe it happened. I don't think I will ever be in that position again but would love to thank every one in Liverpool for their warm welcome and the total friendliness shown by everyone we met...Can we come back next year please..?

Oh the photo only shows less than a third of the width of the crowd and they go all the way back to the town hall in the distance...it was epic.


Edited by Dudgeman
Posted (edited)

our Friday gig was interesting.
Our first time as a four-piece; Mr Guitar forgot how one song went so we did one of them twice, Mrs Vox screwed up all our hard work (hehe) by forgetting all the cues, Mr Drums decided to accelerate during one of the fast songs... oh yeah, and that indolent tosser on the bass disgraced himself by swearing at some of the punters, silly boy.

Half the audience left. Some of them came back :)

The landlord loved us :D

Edited by alyctes

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