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[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1345986280' post='1783789']
Saturday night in Beeston for the "Not The Glastonbury Festival". The event was held on part of what used to be the old Bartons Bus depot and has been developed into an interesting venue. The event lasts the whole weekend starting on Friday and finishing Sunday evening. Last night was organised by the Nottingham Live web site showcasing what they consider to be some of the up-coming Nottingham bands.

Red Bear (better known as Adam from Captain Dangerous) has to pull out at the last minute due to illness which was a disappointment as he usually performs an interesting set of quirky pop songs. However Practical Lovers were on fine form even if the mix was a little drum-light in places.

Bartons is somewhat out of the way as a venue and I can't help but think the publicity had been a little light, consequently the audiences for the previous night and this night were a little on the sparse side - especially considering the size of the venue. However from the stage when we were playing it was gratifying to see all eyes on Mr Venom and the band as we blasted through another great Terrortone set and even got an encore! I used my big rig for the first time in about 4 years and it sounded great. If it wasn't so big and heavy I'd be using it at every gig.

Here's a few photos of the gig:


F***in' Epic!


Did a nice little 45 minute set last night at the Belgrave in Darwen with none other than Gary Boyle of Isotope fame. Such a great guy with loads of great stories and anecdotes... as a well as being a s*** hot guitarist of course. B)


[quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1346287448' post='1787601']
F***in' Epic!

Thanks 51m0n!

A lot of it is down to a good looking venue, decent lighting and a photographer who knows how to take live band shots without washing everything out with flash - shots taken by others of the same performance don't look half as good.

Also they've been carefully framed so that you don't see the vast acres of empty space in the venue - it's a big 300 capacity space with less than a 100 people in it. :-(

Having said all that it was a great gig - sold a whole load of CDs and T-shirts and the people who come and see us regularly said it was one of the best gigs from a playing PoV.

Posted (edited)

Definitly the right way to shoot a band. I can't believe people use flash at gigs. Pointless and if anything it desstroys the atmosphere.
You gigs always look so exciting. Not many bands seem to make the effort these days. I guess the image fits the music.

I'd love to shoot you guys if you play in my neck of the woods. In fact if anyone is gigging in central london or just outside it I'd be happy to come along and try my hand at gig photography. Free of course.

EDIT: Oops, typo in first word. Corrected.

Edited by dave_bass5

[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1346329859' post='1787914']
I'd love to shoot you guys if you play in my neck of the woods. In fact if anyone is gigging in central london or just outside it I'd be happy to come along and try my hand at gig photography. Free of course.

We have gigs in London coming up in September and October at The Shoreditch and Fiddler's Elbow - check our [url=http://www.reverbnation.com/dickvenom]ReverbNation page[/url]. The Shoreditch one is probably going to move to the 21st though (we're just waiting for confirmation). If you want to come and take photos I'll see about getting you on the guest list.


Nice one. The Shoreditch is within walking distance for me so ill aim for that. Any week days are fine (as things stand at the moment) so ill keep an eye out for date changes. Looking forward to it, although i think ill stick out like a sore thumb lol.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1346329859' post='1787914']
Definitly the right way to shoot a band. I can't believe people use flash at gigs. Pointless and if anything it desstroys the atmosphere.[/quote]

Couldn't agree more; all my best gig shots are without flash, a nice fast lens, probably prime but not essential can really make the stage lights work. Watching the Olympic ceremonies with flashes going off in the Gods & most of them will wonder how come they've got cracking pics of the back of the head of someone sat in front of them.
Not wanting to turn this into an OT topic; this is one of my faves, but Dave always did love having a camera pointed at him. Looking forward to seeing any future BCer gig pics coming up in this topic.

Edited by Big_Stu

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1346335569' post='1787995']
I'm sure you'll be fine appearance wise - apart from a couple of places our audience isn't yet entirely made up of be-quiffed pyschobillies!

I was talking more about the fact that I like to go to gigs naked lol.

Stu, spot on. Another situation where any old camera won't do. I get the feeling those flashes going off are people using their cameras on full auto, rather than purposely.

Posted (edited)

Last night we accepted a last minute invite to play at a folk club. Although they don't usually 'allow' amplified gear, as there was a bass, the organisers agreed to allow us a bass rig and a small P.A. for acoustic guitar and mics.

I don't think i've ever played in such a cultish venue! I swear I could hear them building a wicker man outside whilst we played and I was going to be burned alive for bringing 'the devil's own instrument' into the club! After a lot of other performers singing lilting songs about 'fair maids a cummin' and 'the quickening of the may-fles' and such-like, we got up on stage, turned on all our gear, and gave them what could only be accurately described as 'funked up' folk! :)

Some muttering, some tuts, but a good number of tapping feet (which was great to see).

Afterwards, one of the other folk performers came up and asked about the bass as if it were a new fangled invention that was worked by magic and fire.

All a bit cultish and weird for me I have to say, and despite a really good reception from the audience (how much 'a tra-la-la-ing' can you listen to in one night anyway?) I'm not sure we'll go back.

Besides, I think they've finally finished off the wicker man and it looks ominously empty! :)

Edited by lowdowner

Two weekends, three gigs. I'm knackered.

Last weekend I did two gigs with my second band. The first one was a charity gig for the lead guitarist to raise money for his charity walk up Kilimanjaro. It's an odd pub, with the upstairs room on two levels, divided by wooden uprights with the plaster between them taken out. We've played there before and it's been the same. We're in the slightly higher bit and the crowd stays in the lower bit, so we're looking at them through bars. No-one ever joins us in "our" bit, so it's a bit tough to get a vibe going.

On Sunday we did a short semi-acoustic set supporting a Bon Jovi tribute band. On the back of that we got offered three more gigs, which is a nice way to go out. I've been getting a bit bored of the civilised stuff we play (Eagles, Robbie Williams and whatnot), so I told the band I was leaving. It's three months before the next gig so I promised to help them find a replacement.

Last night was a stonking gig with my main band. We had a dep drummer. He is top-notch, but I understand what's meant by "playing for himself, not the song". He couldn't remember when to end most of the songs (to be fair, he's played our 31-song set twice. It's covers, but we've tweaked most of them), so they all ended with lots of cymbals crashing, rather than our usual sharp endings. We let him have a couple of drum solos to wear him out a little, but trying to keep up with his double-pedal kick drum was fun!

I couldn't hear myself most of the time, but the front of house sound was "immense" apparently.

The crowd loved it, and it was probably our best-ever gig in terms of audience participation. We had to extend some of our songs so the crowd could sing along and we've been asked back, which is nice. It'll be with our new drummer who's still learning our set, so I hope they don't mind/notice.

Oh, and I've never been kissed by so many women after we'd finished! What a shame they were all my age (the wrong side of 50).

Another gig next week for a biker event and the PA will be paid off. Hooray!


Introduced our new rock out bodge up - Rod singing 'All Fired Up' merged with me banging out 'Rebel Yell'. We put in between the metal Elvis 'Paranoid/Burning Love' thing and 'Spirit in the Sky/My Coo Ca Choo' medley with all new and improved swearing.

Gives you an idea of the band ethos !

Set 1 .about 50 mins. Set 2 usually about an hour and 5 but last night it was 1hr 40 because the punters earned it by giving us something back.

Felt like last day of term to me - exciting but my mind was halfway to Greece for a couple of weeks which is where I'm off. If you want to bob round and burgle the gear , it's in the spare bedroom. That's the one with the CCTV camera outside !! The code to switch it off is 6788..........or is it 9. I can never remember. We've had the security guys round twice by mistake. The second time I answered the door to them in a Monkey sleep suit !!!

Posted (edited)

Played at a local club last night. Start up delayed as food was still being served and wondered if we would have time to play the agreed amount of time before residents nearby started complaining (as they had done at the last gig there apparently). Was also worried that we might be too loud (our drummer unfortunately only has two volumes - loud and mute). First set was a bit odd as quite a lot of people were outside (where apparently we sounded like a loud hi-fi), but as the evening cooled they started to come in. By the time we got halfway through the second set, everyone was in and they all seemed to be dancing. It was one of those nights where you really feed off the energy from the audience. Somehow we even managed to turn a couple of errors into extensions to the songs. Finished the set including the 'usual' encore and turned off the gear to much applause & cheering. Outside having a cigarette and it became apparent that we weren't going to be able to leave without doing something else, so we popped back in for a bonus performance. Still left them wanting more - and no complaints from nearby residents.

Edit: First time I'd used my Gramma at a gig too. Not sure it was essential last night, but bass sound was exceptionally tight and defined.

Edited by jonsmith

Terrifying! Arrived to be confronted by a grotty venue empty but for two full on NF neo nazis, wearing neo nazi badges, spiderwebs tattoo'd on their heads, bomber jackets and cherry red boots the works.
No more than twenty people all night, looked like the set of shameless, don't think they appreciated our rocked up covers of pop classics much.
Swindon just doesn't get what we do at all!!
Fine everywhere else, but Swindon just seemed befuddled by the whole 'rocked up pop' thing.


[quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1346601172' post='1791051']
Terrifying! Arrived to be confronted by a grotty venue empty but for two full on NF neo nazis, wearing neo nazi badges, spiderwebs tattoo'd on their heads, bomber jackets and cherry red boots the works.
No more than twenty people all night, looked like the set of shameless, don't think they appreciated our rocked up covers of pop classics much.
Swindon just doesn't get what we do at all!!
Fine everywhere else, but Swindon just seemed befuddled by the whole 'rocked up pop' thing.

God - that sounds far worse than my (frankly middle-class) crisis on thursday! Still, at least you got out without the threat of being burned alive! :)


It was a great dance and party fest at a local cocktail bar near the sea front. Lots of dancing from the off and some loverly ladies shaking much booty. Its one of the best gigs in town and was absolutely packed all night. We have been doing the gig regularly for about 4 years now and it just gets better and better. Groovy times...


Great gig last night in Ghwdihw in Cardiff. Crowd were well up for it helped by the fact that we started the set with 2 breakdancers dressed in gold robot costumes doing their thing to 'They call me MISTER Tibbs'!
After everyone went crazy and the place was bouncing. :) O

Only slight downside was I didn't take my home-made 'gramma pad' due to the fact that I'd seen loads of bands there and the bass always sounded fine. Soundchecked and it was booming all over the place so it was a quick bike ride back to the house and back just in time to pop it under the amp before we started. Lesson learned!

Posted (edited)

Weird... even by our standards...

Asked to play (along with a coupe of other bands) a secret party for a friend's 30th birthday which had all been organised by Mr Venom's house-mate. We had spent all Saturday recording songs for our next single until Mr Venom had to leave for his evening bar job...

At 10.15 on Sunday morning I got a text from him saying that we'd be playing at 9.15 and that the "surprise" would be around 7.30. Come 4.30 in the afternoon I still haven't heard any more so I phone Mr Venom to see if he wants to share a taxi to the venue. Call goes straight to voice mail. I phone again about an hour later and this time it won't even connect. Then get a call from our drummer asking if I know what is going on since neither him or our guitarist can get in contact with Mr Venom.

Arrange to meet at the venue just after 7.00 and then once the guest of honour has arrived we'll nip round to our rehearsal space to pick up the gear. So at 8.30 the three of us are assembled with our instruments and the first band of the evening have just started playing. Still no sign of Mr Venom. His housemate lends us her keys and the guitarist and me jump into a taxi to see if he's at home...

After much hammering on the front door and hearing vague signs of "life" inside we're just about to use our keys to get in when the door is opened by a very dishevelled Mr Venom still drunk and having been to 2 house parties and only got home a couple of hours earlier, and who thinks the gig is still a day away... Once we've convinced him that no the gig is tonight and we're due on stage in less than half an hour things start moving. We manhandle him into his panties, basque, cowboy boots and fur coat and bundle him into a taxi looking every inch the wasted rock star...

Into the venue, a couple of shots of tequilla, and onto the stage... and it goes pretty well, apart from the fact the Mr Venom keeps unplugging his microphone and then struggling to plug it back in again. It's not as tight as we'd like, but considering the circumstances it's pretty damn good. The audience appear to be having fun. Mr Venom sings "Love Me Tendons" to the birthday boy. And then we're off in search of somewhere that will sell us more alcohol at coming up to midnight on a Sunday in Nottingham. Find a weird club that is not only open but heaving with people and the DJ is playing "Sympathy for the Devil" as we walk in...

A surreal ending to a weird evening. It's all still in full swing when I leave at 2.00 in the morning... fun times.

Edited by BigRedX

We Played the 200 club in Newport on Friday...this has re opened relatively recently from what I can gather so is still trying to get established. We had a small but appreciative crowd (80 or so by the end of the night) who went for it more and more as the night went on. It was mainly made up of Musos/bands and promoters as Merthyr rock was on and they had all piled back. So in the end not a big earner but a great night...Can highly recommend this venue..the sound man, Dan, is one of the best we have come across..I mini-disked the first half of the set and out of the player the mix was nearly spot on..not many Sound guys get the Muse thing and always over egg the guitar etc.. Ash the owner is a great guy...

If your in the area I suggest you check it out...worth it.


[quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1346601172' post='1791051']
Terrifying! Arrived to be confronted by a grotty venue empty but for two full on NF neo nazis, wearing neo nazi badges, spiderwebs tattoo'd on their heads, bomber jackets and cherry red boots the works.
No more than twenty people all night, looked like the set of shameless, don't think they appreciated our rocked up covers of pop classics much.
Swindon just doesn't get what we do at all!!
Fine everywhere else, but Swindon just seemed befuddled by the whole 'rocked up pop' thing.

Which venue in Swindon...being localish I always like a review!!


Closed the main Brewery stage at the Faversham Hop Festival...too many bands I wanted to get round to see and too many venues but an excellent weekend, very well run and rammed..
The town must have sold gazillions and the local bars must have had about 10 xmas worth of takings..minimum..!! I never saw one not full all weekend


Horsham Festival of Sound, Carfax Stage. 15 minute changeovers & 45 minute sets, but amazinly they all seemed to work & run to time.

Took my rig, but if we get to do it again may not bother as the Behringer rig was actually sounding pretty good :o

Being prog we managed to clear the place - well not quite - but it seemed to go pretty well, if in a blur. Everything seemed reeeeealyy fast, but actually looking back at bits of video about so far it was about right. Set timed to perfection

Chatted to one BC'er. Finished off the night watching Mainly Madness who had the crowd bopping.


OMG I have just discovered that someone has put our gig of 14 Aug on to Youtube, Nothing would induce me to post the link.
However I have learned two thing from this. 1) I was too quiet. My own fault for wimping out and turning the volume down because I was too scared I might be heard! and 2) I was too static. In my head I thought I was moving about a bit and looking quite interesting. But alas I was just standing there looking like a speccy twit.

So at I will try to learn from this and improve for next time. Which is next week (gulp!) :o

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately in these days of social media there's little you can do about the proliferation of YouTube videos of your bands live performances. If they are really bad maybe a polite message to whoever posted them might work.* If you are playing songs that you wrote yourself join the PRS and get them logged. It'll only be pennies, but you can at least be compensated in some way.

Don't necessarily worry about the lack of bass. Unless it was professionally shot and sound mixed, your average cam-corder, and even less, phone camera is unlikely to have captured your sound with any precision.

However these videos are great for helping refine your on-stage presence and nipping any irritating mannerisms in the bud. Take full advantage of that and look forward to your next gig.

* you could get heavy-handed and try complaining to YouTube to get the video taken down but IME it's simply not worth the bother and you may also alienate your fan base.

Edited by BigRedX

[quote name='Dudgeman' timestamp='1346665934' post='1791580']

Which venue in Swindon...being localish I always like a review!!

It's 'famous' and they serve 'ale' and it's a bit like a big 'house'

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