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My band played at Troy Bar in Hoxton last night. Unbelievable musicians there the whole night including the house band. The standard was out of this world! We played a few of our own tunes just to promote ourselves. We did quite well apart from out terrible guitarist ruining our songs with a disgusting distortion effect. He was on the way out anyway...


Played at Firebug in Leicester last night with my band Madam Fade.

It was a pretty good gig with a decent audience for a Wednesday night. I don't think we played all that well but the crowd seemed to enjoy it and the promoter, sound tech and other bands all said how much they enjoyed it.

The sound guy insisted on putting a DI box before my amp so all the lovely grittyness was only onstage. Maybe I need to be a bit more confident in asking for what we want.


[quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1348398556' post='1813074']
Damp squib in Leeds getting damper - so we we unleashed our secret weapon halfway through the 2nd set.

Mustang Sally - the tune so collectively hated by us snobby musicians.

3 lookers straight up on stage to be backing singers ......... morphed the ending into Lulu's 'Shout'................... place went mental.

Back into our regular rocking set with our newly found audience still going nuts all the way to the end and screaming for more.

Lesson to be learned , folks.

lesson indeed, we have a couple of song that we collectively/individually hate but the punters like em so we play em.
funnily enough we have just reinstated mustang sally back into our set.

not been on here for yonks, but did have a gig at a pub we've played a few times so expected a good night, though seems everyone round there was skint and by the time we finished the first set there were 4 people in the bar!! and not due to our playing. went fairly well but just saw it as a paid practice.

Got a 40th birthday this saturday which could be interesting, hopefully we may actually get some dancing going on (not us the audience)


[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1348563775' post='1815120']
I think sometimes you get an over-abundance of musicians in the audience, and a majority of them would rather watch you play than dance about.

We were supposed to have a gig on Saturday night in Salford. The headline act was bringing a drum kit and backline but never showed up!! 2 hours drive, 1 hour waiting around, all for nothing. Why would a band do this? I hope it was a f*** up at promoter level rather than fellow musicians screwing us over.

I've had that one before. Was told by the promoter that there'll definately be a bass cab on stage for me to use. Checked with the band, guitarist said they're bringing all their cabs and we can use them. Get to the gig, the headline band have combos for guitar and the only bass amps are the ones the other bands brought (All combos) and my bass head. Ended up DI only on a really crappy set of monitors that night. Thankfully i'm used to not having monitors at all, so it wasn't that much of a challenge.

The headline band were pretty good though (Four Short of a Miracle) as were the openers who i can't remember the name of.



our band played in Eb for the first time last night and every song sounded wrong.but the singer said it made his job so much easier and it really beefed up the sound.oh and the pub was packed so it wasnt to bad


Depped at a wedding tonight on what is officially the furthest I have driven to a gig - 300 mile round trip to Meldrum House, north of Aberdeen. One of these vast country places that when you drive through the gates you've still got another couple of miles before you actually get to the venue. Nice and sunny driving up but horrible rainy flooded driving back

I only got the call for this gig on Thursday and had to learn 16 song but most of them went ok. Just a vocal PA tonight but the Ashdown cab was more than capable for the large marquee we were playing in .

Been thinking about selling the Hartke head but I've hit on a sound that absolutely love. For an active PJ bass, it sounds so much like the Precision tone I had in my head using the same Roto flats that I had on my Thunderbird. Just need to try and get a bit more definition on the E string below the 5th fret and I'm set.

Completely different set to what I'm used to but still managed to fit in a request for Living on a Prayer.

Quality- hopefully get more gigs ahead with this band


Played for the first time at a holiday park last night.....given the time of year we didn't think it would be that busy, but we were pleasantly surprised!

Good set, dancing, plenty plaudits, and we thorougly enjoyed the evening.

Must have done something right anyway as they want us back!


[quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1348499119' post='1814371']
This Saturday's gig was an odd one, we were at a place that had begged us to return, only to be stared at, virtually NO applause, a real negative vibe, I was ready to knock gigging on the head by the end.

Came off stage and everyone was raving about us?!?!?


some audiences are just weird!

It's always strange when that happens. Thurs early set from 6-8 was the very same (Arthur's day ) playing to sober people in the afternoon is messed up.
Came off stage and got 2 new weddings from it a corp function and more dates in the bar ...... Always gets me


5 gigs in 4 days and still one to go tonight, plus doing a wedding fayre in a few hours
Our singer is on maternity leave and the new girl is on fire !! Really great feed back from the weddings lately

Spent an age learning "party rock" did it at the last few gigs and it has cleared the floor really thought it was going to go down well.,,,,, should stick with summer of 69 ;)

Up note got asked to play highway to hell as a first dance, turns out I sing it really well and it's in the wedding set now and is a huge end of night song !

Happy gigging !!


Played my first gig last night for almost 32 Years! (I gave up playing any musical instrument for 31 years).

Went quite well I thought (the odd bum note here and there :D ) but really good feeling getting back into it after all those years. Can't wait for the next one (whenever that will be).


Strange one today. The singer booked us an afternoon/early evening gig near Oxted (4pm-7pm).

I must admit, I was rather dubious and had a feeling we'd either being playing to a group of diners or an empty pub. I was totally wrong. It was a great gig. The place was jumping and we've been invited back again.

I went back to my Genz Benz gear and honestly wonder now why I ever moved away from it. The sound was great and my keyboard player sound how much he liked the tone. I played my Fender CS Jazz plugged straight in to the Streamliner with just a small cut on the high mids and it sounded wonderful :)


Mine last night was an OK one as far as gigs go, good fun but.......it turned out to be extremely therapeutic !!
I found out just as we were packing up that an old band I was in ( I got replaced under pretty sh*t circumstances and was upset about it for a while) were playing literally across the road.
I bobbed my head through the door as you do and they had an audience of five. Bear in mind that I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even them but we'd had a "fairly" packed house with a fab audience who were up fer it.
Did me a world of good I tell ya. What goes around comes back around eventually !!


[quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1349027219' post='1820850']
I'm in Lydbrook.This gig was at The Reckless Engineer in Bristol.Been to the Miners plenty, but oddly never played there.Yet.

Well heres wishing you all the best mate..watch them sheep mind.


[quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1349046785' post='1821191']
It's the boars I have to watch out for.And those bloody deer getting in my garden..

You need one of those big chest freezers in your garage....


played a 40th birthday on saturday night. went really really well (for a change, people up dancing, good reception to most of our set list and got another booking out of it, had a comment from the dj thatthe sound of our band a effin awesome which is always nice to hear.
Also had three ladies join us for mustang sally, must be something going round.


Played the "Horsham Battle Of The Bands 2012 Final" on Saturday evening and...we won!!!
It was a great gig, a good crowd that really got into our music, lots of good comments and the best part, we score the highest on the judges score sheets.


Still recovering from Sunday so a day late really. Our record label has just done a tribute album for Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska (the album he did on a 4trk) and we gigged the album with all the acts. My first gig through a 15w practice amp!!!

An amazing night, loved it

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