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First ever Beards gig last night, it's been 23 years in the waiting but we finally did it. A bit anxious at first but there was a great supportive crowd and all the other acts, Joe Oldfield, Alex One and The Peckham Cowboys were awesome. The legendary Montague in New Cross re-opened specially for a one-off charity fund raiser. South London at it's finest.


Wedding in posh hotel last night. The band had the library as the band room so we played a bit of the "upstairs downstairs" innuendo game. Gig was ok - not banging but the cheese board was spectacular. Jugwatch was only at about 5/10 unfortunately - can't win 'em all i guess.

Friday night was a local upmarket bar and was fair to middling. I think we need some new material as i don't think the energy levels are happening as they were and this will start to transmit to the audience if we are not careful.


We did a 40th with a pirate fancy dress theme, it was a great night and everyone was up for it with some fantastic outfits , some of the girls were brilliant, short skirts, frilly tops, thigh boots and top dancing, boy did I drop a few notes :blush:

I had made up for it beforehand though as we had a couple of kit issues which I cabled up a bit different and it worked quite well and they all thought I had saved the day.


Friday. OK I suppose. Those I spoke to seemed to think the sound was good & everything defined & in its place. What I was getting in my IEMs seemed OK but others wee mutering about the sound changing & suddenly & quite drastically part way through.

Came off at the end and the drummer said "why do we bother?" I fear that will be another of the dwindling gigs vetoed by other band members. :( I ought to have been ringing round for gigs for next year and looking for new ones, but quite frankly I feel like I can't be @rsed .... which does rather beg the question "why the hell do I keep adding to my gear roster & not just sell the lot?!?"


Change your drummer !!

Joking aside we had a very negative drummer with us for five years, since he has gone the band has a bew life to it, I was so worried about him leaving and the band falling apart that I never considered that it might save the band.

Anyway 3 great weddings 3 great gigs, sat on the couch tonight and had a beer with the missus !! Simple things in life eh !


Spent Saturday playing double bass for the whirlwind of morris mayhem which is Freaks in the Peaks. Four times a year an assortment of around sixty dancers and musicians descend on a Derbyshire village for the weekend, Saturday morning is a practice so we know what dances we're doing and then we dance out round the local pubs in the afternoon. This weekend was at Youlgrave and great fun it was too. The "band" varies as people drop in or out or have a dance but usually there's at least several squeezeboxes, couple of fiddles, couple of random instruments and some drums at any one time plus, this time, me on bass.

Had problems hearing myself a couple of times (no amps allowed) but the dancers reckoned they could hear it OK so can't have been bad :)

Next meet is January at Hathersage, here's hoping fo good weather.


Posted (edited)

Played the C-Fab Festival in a beautiful farmstead near to Caister in Lincolnshire on Friday. A beautiful part of the world and a lovely chilled music event, one I hope to repeat again. The sound guys were ace, a fella called Snake if memory serves correctly. Not only a good sound tech but very helpful with gear and such. The band played well and the crowd was great. We had one guy doing a drawing of our singer while he danced! One not to be missed for sure if it's on again next year :)


Edited by derrenleepoole

Played at the Wheatsheaf in Oxford last Friday with The Mark Bosley Band. It was a bit of an odd one.
He (Mark) decided that we hadn't quite enough material (new drummer) for the hour so did 2 songs solo to start, then sent me and the drummer to the stands halfway through to do another couple of solo tunes.
We still had 3 songs to do when the compare told us "one more tune!" Weren't best pleased.
He got 2 friends up to sing Tomorrow Never Knows, and whilst being good singers on their own, well, lets say the song might not have been in their key...

I gave him the news on the saturday morning. I just wasn't enjoying it enough and was having no input, the polar opposite of my main band.


Played the Scream Lounge in Croydon on Saturday. A long way from our 'fanbase' Nice venue. The guys there work really very hard to promote the place.
Lots of people to see the Main band who were excellent and annoyingly about 20 years younger than us. We played pretty well.
Good fun and we even had a few people turn up to specifically see us who we didn't know at all but had stumbled across us on the net which was gratifying.
The new song worked well live which was a bonus too.


October Jam Night at the Dog an Bollock. Our singer was on holiday, but Drums and Guitar decided we should go ahead anyway and do instrumental versions of a couple of our original songs. I had inner misgivings about this as we aren't the most accomplished of musicians and I wondered if this would cruelly expose our flaws. But then I thought 'in for penny...' and went along with enthusiasm.

Well I needn't have worried - we went down rather well. Now, although I am a rubbish bass player I am a massive show off and luvvie. So when Guitar said to me 'do you want to announce us then, Shell? ' I was on the mic in a flash! :D

I had noticed while at the bar earlier there were some Welsh lads in who were on a narrowboat holiday and had moored up near the pub. One of our songs is called 'Rourke's Drift' so I announced it along the lines of ' We haven't got a singer tonight so we could do with some help from some Boys from the Valleys. This one's called Rourke's Drift and you'll just have to imagine the brave Welsh soldiers seeing off the enemy with their singing... ' That got them on side straight away!

Afterwards a gentleman of a certain age shook me warmly by the hand and kissed me on the cheek. But whether or nto that had anything to do with my bass playing, I shall never know... :ph34r:


Great gig last night - did about a 45 minute set as 'the featured band' and played/sang well - seemed to click with the lead guitarist at last :) Two people came up afterwards and said I should do more vocals as my voice was 'great'... (though that might not have pleased our vocalist) the crowd was relaxed and happy and whooped and clapped after each track.

Quite a buzz really :)


Bit of an odd one. Playing to a super-trendy crowd in a coffee shop in Dalston as part of a 'happening' (there was also a fashion show and art illustrations on display). One of our two singers had the lurgy so we had to choose songs carefully so as not to damage her voice and cut our set to 30 mins from 45. Played well under the circumstances and got a good reaction. Best of all, it was the first outing for my newly-acquired Kolstein travel bass which acquitted itself really well (I amplified it through a Realist pickup and a Phil Jones Briefcase combo with no preamp). Now where is the wax for my moustache and where did I leave my Plus Four trousers? Yes, people really look like that in Dalston ....

Posted (edited)

Sorry to miss the above :rolleyes: , but a treat was had by one and all when me and the Bones went to see the Terror Tones.

Appypollyloggies for the crap pic, but here is our very own BRX starring as 'Rex St.Clair' ripping it up something wicked..

Great Stuff!

Edited by Billy Apple

Last not was a weird one. A 3 set affair at the The Old Ford near Aldershot. There were people in the pub, but not too many, and the England match was on - although they didn't seem to be paying too much attention to it. The audience response was lacklustre to say the least, and was my first gig in the year I have been with the band that no-one danced. But when we played the last song they were cheering for an encore. Go figure.


Great night and great crowd, played on for an extra hour as it was so much fun! Place was jumpin and we got another 2 weddings from it.

Big into their old school rock so we played lots of thin lizzy acdc queen Metallica. Enjoyed that one hope tonight is as much fun then I am off for a weeks holidays :)


Another good one for Dick Venom & The Terrortones. Weirdsville at The Fiddler's Elbow in Camden.

Headliners THe Jackets had to pull out of the gig due to their drummer being refused entry into the UK, which meant that it was just us and The Felines. However that allowed us to go on a bit later when the pub had filled up. A couple of the songs didn't go quite as planned, but nothing too noticeable and got a good reaction from the crowd. Mr Venom was all over the venue as usual although that did result in some mic lead problems later in the the set. I think we'll need to be looking into wireless adaptors for his mic. Sold plenty of CDs and other merch and met Basschat's Billy Apple.

Wierdsville video'd the gig...


Stayed to watch the Felines who were excellent, although disappointed that Jackets were unable to play. Got home at 3.30. Tired but happy.


A totally sureal gig tonight .............it was the drummers workmates 40th b/day bash and we were booked for it ......
but as it turned out it was a surprise b/day party for me . still buzzzing what a night , we played really well , I got to scream a few words and I will need a few drinks to c hill out ,, party on


[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1350146322' post='1835180']
Another good one for Dick Venom & The Terrortones. Weirdsville at The Fiddler's Elbow in Camden.

Headliners THe Jackets had to pull out of the gig due to their drummer being refused entry into the UK, which meant that it was just us and The Felines. However that allowed us to go on a bit later when the pub had filled up. A couple of the songs didn't go quite as planned, but nothing too noticeable and got a good reaction from the crowd. Mr Venom was all over the venue as usual although that did result in some mic lead problems later in the the set. I think we'll need to be looking into wireless adaptors for his mic. Sold plenty of CDs and other merch and met Basschat's Billy Apple.

Wierdsville video'd the gig...


Stayed to watch the Felines who were excellent, although disappointed that Jackets were unable to play. Got home at 3.30. Tired but happy.

That's wickid Mike! Great band, and the leather pants look ace :D


First time friends from work had come to see us, and I had got us the gig as well so I was feeling the pressure a bit before we started. Things went really well, lot of good comments from people afterwards (including the venue owner), only wish more people had been there.

Posted (edited)

I'm a week late, but its been a busy/rough week!
Last weekend we played the 'Heaven and Hell' festival in Gloucester and I was apprehensive at best! It's a metal festival full of lots of big scary men in black leather jackets with huge hair and bands that go 'bakadabakadabakadabakada RAAAAAAAAARR DESTROY!!!'

That sorta thing.

We play sort of green day ish punky versions of things like the spice girls, Bonnie Tyler etc! That and we aren't top drawer. I'm the guitarist/vocalist and suck at both! I still have the lyrics in a music stand handy. (We do have three hours of stuff though to be fair!)
Knowing I was surrounded by talented widdly metal guitarists and all those technical drummers Etc was a tad intimidating to me 'n my power chords!
(I did get to plug my momark 800 into an 8x10 though. (Our bassist uses my amp) sounded great.)

We utterly rocked the place! People swarmed in to see us and sang along so loud! Arms aloft, lighters lit in 'stay' (Shakespeare's sister) screams for more. We got the single biggest crowd and response of the event apparently! So many nice words after too. Some People had come just for us which amazes me!!

A very cool pic of the bassist too. And you may recognise my t shirt from a BC thread too!

Edited by gafbass02
Posted (edited)

Midnight Hour played its first gig last night. Was at The Ten Bells (my local). Many of the regulars were there who may not have been normal Saturday night drinkers but they turned up to see what we were like. 3 households in my street were represented. Large numbers of family & friends of other band members were present.

Everybody had a good time, I could see that from where I was standing (or perched on my tall stool which I do to save my back). Lots of huge grins, expressions of being hghly impressed, and offers of drinks followed afterwards. One regular wanted our contact details so he could recommend us to a venue he knows in a nearby small towm, and another who runs the local private car hire and spends a lot of his time ferrying corporate bigwigs between airports and their homes or business premises wanted a pile of business cards so he could recommend us for corporate functions.

Not everything was played the way I thought it should, but we still enjoyed ourselves, and I would like to think we will soon be ready for the weddings & functions market that we're aiming at.

Edit: I'm pleased that Shell had a good gig. She's been a bit doubtful about her own abilities but seems to be getting with it. Our cats wouldn't get on (Roobi doesn't get on with [i]anyone[/i]) but it's always nice to have the same colour scheme in common ;)

Edited by musophilr

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1350146322' post='1835180']
Another good one for Dick Venom & The Terrortones. Weirdsville at The Fiddler's Elbow in Camden.

Headliners THe Jackets had to pull out of the gig due to their drummer being refused entry into the UK, which meant that it was just us and The Felines. However that allowed us to go on a bit later when the pub had filled up. A couple of the songs didn't go quite as planned, but nothing too noticeable and got a good reaction from the crowd. Mr Venom was all over the venue as usual although that did result in some mic lead problems later in the the set. I think we'll need to be looking into wireless adaptors for his mic. Sold plenty of CDs and other merch and met Basschat's Billy Apple.

Wierdsville video'd the gig...


Stayed to watch the Felines who were excellent, although disappointed that Jackets were unable to play. Got home at 3.30. Tired but happy.

An excellent gig, Mike. To all BC'ers, if you've not caught Dick Venom yet, put them to the top of your list to go see. You'll have a rockin' good time :)



First gig with the Classic 50s Precision.....[i]unbelievable[/i] tone. I started on a P bass 30 years ago, and due to various circumstances I find myself with just a P bass once again. I'm now wondering why I ever bothered with any of the other countless basses I've had inbetween?!? The band were furious that (due to money issues) I'd moved the expensive basses on. Then they heard this Precision, and made me swear on oath to never sell it.

Great gig, great crowd, top notch all round.

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