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[quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1367174384' post='2062181']

Awesome gig last night, happy with the general sound, plenty of nice comments. The Schecters really kicked some ass, and soooo happy to have gone back to Ashdown.........trouser flapping power.

Looking good Russ, looking good.


Played a gig/live recording for the BBC last night at the Cock and Magpie in Bewdley. Really really nice venue. Stage was a bit cramped (thank god we don't have a 2nd guitarist as there was just enough space for me on my side). Pretty good turn out considering it wasn't really a gig. Had some photo's taken and we were filmed and said film shall be uploaded to the BBC iPlayer at some point soon...my ugly face is gonna be on the iPlayer....silly BBC.

I shall upload a few live pics as soon as I have them..for now here is a picture of the stage.


PS. We discovered that we can easily fit our whole back line in two small cars.


Two gigs over the weekend, one with each of my bands.

Friday saw Dick Venom & The Terrortones head for London and our first proper gig for both the new drummer and guitarist. Traffic and a general inability to find the venue (and somewhere to park nearby to unload) meant that we missed getting a sound check. Still part of the attraction of this band is that we can just rock up, plug in a play. Which is what we did. A few dodgy moments, but apart from having to re-start a song due to it being at completely the wrong tempo everything went well. I'll be spending today cleaning Mr Venom's green body paint off my stage wear! Got to meet xilddx and have a decent chat. Arrived back home in Nottingham at around 4.30 in the morning...

Then on Saturday I was playing a birthday party with my covers band. They've just expanded the PA and it took rather longer to set up and get working than it should have done. The gig itself went well, plenty of people up and dancing from the first song which makes a change, although due to everything running late the audience had thinned out somewhat by the end. No major cock-ups, and got home at a slightly more sensible time!


Band was an equal split of deps and members, although the only actual members there were the horn section and the drummer. :o
Singist was a last minute addition after an emergency illness problem, and had not rehearsed the stuff at all, she spent the hour or so before the gig with an ipod and a pile of lyrics. It was a wedding, so no messing up allowed.
Amazingly we pulled it off, even the very long complicated medleys and mash-ups that are in the set, terrifying stuff, and never been so relieved to get to the end of each song.
We did the forbidden, and repeated material for the extra set they asked us to do, and even did THAT song (we felt dirty, and every time you play it a puppy dies) but made it through had a full dancefloor and got paid.


Worse than that, we did an extra half hour set of stuff they'd just heard. Nobody cared, they love it.
We probably could have played the same song over and over again for an hour, and they'd have been fine.
Punters eh...


I think I'm now calm enough to relate the story of last Saturday.

This gig is one we've done before - it's the ceilidh band without Mrs Zero, our regular caller, and with another caller. The organisation is the Pink Sou'Westers, a Birmingham-based GLBT group, who I enjoy playing for despite what the Basschat Thought Police think about me.

Got there first, unloaded (I was also doing the PA), set up, soundchecked. Couldn't get the melodeon as loud as I'd have liked through the foldback as it was feeding back (it's got two small external mics on goosenecks fastened to it). Mrs Zero checked the FOH balance which was fine. Played the first set. Melodeon player said in the interval that she couldn't hear things very well. Tried to get a bit more melodeon in the foldback mix through the second set (not helped by her forgetting to turn the sodding thing on for the first dance). We got to the end of the second set, everyone had danced, most of them were dancing the whole evening. Then the melodeon player came over to me and absolutely laid into me. "I couldn't hear the f***ing foldback, I might as well not have f***ing been hear, it was f***ing crap". So I told her that she could supply the PA for the next gig (her and the dulcimer player, husband and wife, have a PA but she wanted me to bring mine). Soon afterwards, Mrs Zero (unaware of the tongue-lashing I'd just had and the criticism of the foldback) told her that the sound was great out front, only to have exactly the same directed at her.

They'd also relayed the news a bit earlier that we've been asked not to go back to a pub that we've rehearsed in for some years. I suspect it's because the last couple of times we've played there on a Sunday whereas we used to rehearse there on a Wednesday, but the melodeon player thought that it was because we were crap. She also had a go at Mrs Zero about my bass playing (as apparently that was what was crap about the rehearsals).

Quite frankly, the woman is an obnoxious cow. Mrs Zero and I will be playing our last gig with them next month and then quitting.


[quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1367412290' post='2065280']
I think I'm now calm enough to relate the story of last Saturday.

This gig is one we've done before - it's the ceilidh band without Mrs Zero, our regular caller, and with another caller. The organisation is the Pink Sou'Westers, a Birmingham-based GLBT group, who I enjoy playing for despite what the Basschat Thought Police think about me.

Got there first, unloaded (I was also doing the PA), set up, soundchecked. Couldn't get the melodeon as loud as I'd have liked through the foldback as it was feeding back (it's got two small external mics on goosenecks fastened to it). Mrs Zero checked the FOH balance which was fine. Played the first set. Melodeon player said in the interval that she couldn't hear things very well. Tried to get a bit more melodeon in the foldback mix through the second set (not helped by her forgetting to turn the sodding thing on for the first dance). We got to the end of the second set, everyone had danced, most of them were dancing the whole evening. Then the melodeon player came over to me and absolutely laid into me. "I couldn't hear the f***ing foldback, I might as well not have f***ing been hear, it was f***ing crap". So I told her that she could supply the PA for the next gig (her and the dulcimer player, husband and wife, have a PA but she wanted me to bring mine). Soon afterwards, Mrs Zero (unaware of the tongue-lashing I'd just had and the criticism of the foldback) told her that the sound was great out front, only to have exactly the same directed at her.

They'd also relayed the news a bit earlier that we've been asked not to go back to a pub that we've rehearsed in for some years. I suspect it's because the last couple of times we've played there on a Sunday whereas we used to rehearse there on a Wednesday, but the melodeon player thought that it was because we were crap. She also had a go at Mrs Zero about my bass playing (as apparently that was what was crap about the rehearsals).

Quite frankly, the woman is an obnoxious cow. Mrs Zero and I will be playing our last gig with them next month and then quitting.
By the sound of things you're well off out of it. You need to work with someone like that like a hole in the head.


[quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1367412290' post='2065280']
The organisation is the Pink Sou'Westers, a Birmingham-based GLBT group, who I enjoy playing for despite what the Basschat Thought Police think about me.

Seems an odd thing to say, what's that all about?


[quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1367441536' post='2065811']
Seems an odd thing to say, what's that all about?

They came to the conclusion that I was homophobic because I support gay marriage but I don't think it's wrong for people to be opposed to it. This is a view I share with that well-known homophobe Peter Tatchell. That's why I stay out of Off Topic these days.


[quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1367448569' post='2065960']

They came to the conclusion that I was homophobic because I support gay marriage but I don't think it's wrong for people to be opposed to it. This is a view I share with that well-known homophobe Peter Tatchell. That's why I stay out of Off Topic these days.

Ah, we'll we'll not get into it again here, but thanks for the clarification :-)

Posted (edited)

Just back from a gig in Edenbridge, Kent with my 80s covers band. Awesome gig, really good fun, we played well and the audience really got into it by the end. So much better than last time we played there when I'm pretty sure the band outnumbered the audience. Used my Phil Jones Cub plus PB300 for the first time live, what a brilliant rig, great sound, way loud enough (just over half on the PB300's volume so plenty more on tap) compact and really light. Good night all round :)

Edited by ezbass

went rather well - probably one of the more bizarre and quirky venues you will find - very good host and good crowd - thoroughly recommend



Played my first gig for my new-found blues/rock n roll band on friday and it was quite mixed I have to say!

The band have been having issues with a rythym section recently and so dont have a regular drummer. This made things a bit difficult because I was rather hoping that for a few numbers I could rely on the drummer for cues and stuff. Sadly not. He was an excellent player but only knew about half the songs, so the other half were a dreadful halting mess.

Also it turns out that the singer likes to mix the keys up (it's blues innit so he's comfortable singing in A, G or E...and nothing else!) which meant that I was a bit uncomfortable for a few songs that didn't transpose too easily.

Oh, well! I suppose it went ok and I think I did well. They didn't sack me and they were very complimentary so I guess I was just overreacting due to being a bit nervous! This band gig at least twice a week so it'll be very handy as a bit of income support and the music's great. Learnt loads of great songs for this band and can't wait to get involved with some blues festivals in the summer.

I've realised just how much I love my BB424x; has an awesome P thump with a lovely tightness from the J pup. Comfy neck, not too heavy, looks nice and vintage and sounds great with no twiddling. Very happy!



Bloody excellent thanks, first gig with the full line up with this band, they loved it, support band in encore shocker.
Also support band in "run out of material so didn't play encore" shocker.


Another gig, another drummer. Asking the band leader what his plans were for future gigs and who would play them I've figured out that by the time I hit double figures with this lot I will have played with FOUR different drummers and THREE different guitarists. And none of them ever seem to rehearse. No wonder it never sounds as tight as it should. Ah well, just collect the cash and drive home...


[quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1367757752' post='2069089']
I always thought in big venues, you could never hear yourself properly anyway. At least in my experience. Ive always found big stages to be a nightmare, there is always something you are not hearing properly

There had been some problem on the stage, so we were restricted to playing on the bit in front of the curtain. A wide and very shallow stage isn't conducive to good foldback anyway.


Last weekend I played a couple of gigs. The first was a party, fancy dress with a Carry On theme, although I don't remember there being a penguin in any of the Carry On films (I'm probably wrong). One bloke was dressed as a gorilla in a bikini. The gorilla suit must have been hot because later in the night he was wearing just the mask and the bikini. One of many sights that night!


Friday night, just calmed down :blink:
Bikers pub, good bank holiday forecast, bikers gone, 35 peeps in.
Drummer (main backing vocals) lost voice
Lighting rig, refused point blank to work, despite plug, socket, fuse changes.
Tiny stage, my elbow against pillar all night, now black and blue.
Half inch square lump of paint taken out of my Yamaha by aforementioned pillar
D string broke 4th number in
Muppet guitarist started Freebird with a D instead of G.
And all for fun :blink:


Open air gig & late afternoon, but the sound was good on stage anyway.

Seemed to go pretty well, though I did manage to fluff an ending & a couple of other bits, but noone died & had someone come up after & compliment me on the bass ... which was nice. Assorted small children looking a tad bemused at prog in the afternoon.

My back held out for the gig - it's amazing how a bit of adrenaline makes the lower back spasms go away. Back with a vengance today, and I shall be REALLY pi55ed off if it escalates so I can't make the Beard gig tomorrow :(

Good punky band.


It was a fun night with five acts on, us being the penultimate. I brought the Streamliner 900 and the '69er for everyone to use. Whether it was a five string Yamaha, a Jazz, a Precision, or my Ergon, they all sounded superb - very happy.
The other acts were all great and the crowd were well up for it.
We had a power cut two thirds of the way into the fourth song, and no one noticed; they just cheered as if the song had ended normally! Thankfully we were re-electricitized with the flick of a switch.
We handed out lollipops to everyone for our last song (called Lollipop) and great fun was had all round. a brilliant night.


Tonight was my penultimate gig with Not a Jukebox and the night I was formally telling the band I was leaving having joined Ultimate Floyd.

Following advice, I decided to tell the band after the set.... We were doing one set, another band the second set as it was a charity gig.

So, I went on stage and had a blast :D Really enjoyed myself, knowing this was the second to last time I would play the material. Also had hubby and 2 friends of ours supporting me.

Hubby's friend (who recently bought a bass after being inspired by me!) went to the loo at one point, and apparently all you could hear on the loo was my bass and it rocked! LOL!

The band were very understanding when I said I was leaving and understood why. I have one last gig with them a week Sunday and then I leave.

After breaking the news I got completely bladdered whilst the other band was on.... Ray, the bassist in the other band, was sh*t hot and watching him I learned a lot :D

OH has now put me to bed!!!!! It was sad telling the band I was leaving, yet I know I'm doing the right thing for my playing..... Even the drummer in the other band said I was making the right move!!!

It means I can focus on Ultmate Floyd (follow us on twitter and Facebook see my sig ;) ) yet enjoy my swan song in just over a week!!


Glad you enjoyed yourself Debs,I hope Phil did too (ooo look at me ,sounds like I know you both ;) )

Seriously though you both deserve some "me time" and what can be better than having a blast on the bass!
Thinking of you


[quote name='Raymondo' timestamp='1368237064' post='2074860']
Glad you enjoyed yourself Debs,I hope Phil did too (ooo look at me ,sounds like I know you both ;) )

Seriously though you both deserve some "me time" and what can be better than having a blast on the bass!
Thinking of you

We both had a lot of fun, Ray.

You are right, just what we needed.

Although I have just been woken up by the kitten and have one heck of a hangover, so have a can of Pepsi and have taken two tablets and have come back to bed warning myself of the dangers of drinking too much!!! Very very rare I get pissed nowadays!!


Debs, so glad your last gig went well. On to better things now - yay! :-)
Hope you're not suffering too much today. Those furry alarm clocks can't understand when you need to sleep in! :-)

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