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Stonking gig last night. A lovely girl of about 20 ish came on stage and started dancing with me :). She was grinding behind me then she got on her knees and started to do a hero worship thing at me bowing to the floor hands outstretched. Made my night.

Thursdays gig was a great outdoor gig on Poole quay - big yachts, fireworks, BBQs - great family evening.

Two great gigs in a row = happy boy.


[quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1376141461' post='2170161']
She was grinding behind me then she got on her knees and.......................

I wondered if I was on the wrong forum for a moment...............😉


[quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1376152966' post='2170332']
I wondered if I was on the wrong forum for a moment...............
hehe i thought i was at the wrong gig. Outrageous and there are pics out there somewhere. Love to see them.


One of the best crowds we've played to last night. Not the biggest but certainly the most responsive.

We sold a couple of CD's before we played to people who had never heard us before and they didn't try to return them after our set so it must have been ok :)


Attended a local Country Music Festival with my band having been promised a slot even tho' I knew all the slots had bands booked into them. Was asked by the organiser if I'd sit in with another scratch band for a few songs between acts, and when I expressed concern that I might not know the songs he said not to worry he'd play himself ad he's a bass player. When the time came he told me I'm on after all and I didn't have time to worry, just got my bass out and went on stage. Did 6 or 7 oldies, Chuck Berry type standards and at the end the drummer and the lead guitarist both asked for my phone number. I knew that aftershave was good...........
Rather chuffed.


We played at a private party in a barn that stunk to high heavens of horse sh*t (there were horses in it 6 hours before) The stage was a shaky affair set up on pallets. The wiring was very shoddy. My bass amp kept clipping and cutting out. Still dont know what was causing it. Eventually, I had to just plug straight into the desk and hope that I could hear the PA. I hated the sound but everyone seemed to be happy and we handed out loads of cards. A good night after a lot of problems, so all in all , a success :P


[quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1375203271' post='2158111']
Just back from 7 nights on the trot in Wayne's Bar, Nice...

Geez.... hot, sweaty, mental! :gas: :party:

Anyone know that gig?

Yes I know Waynes Bar!! One of my bands did a couple of one week stints there 3 years ago. Mental sums it up nicely. The gigs were so much fun, and the drinking that followed was legendary! On the second week we were there the air con in the pit had packed up, I have never, ever, played in heat like it. Most of the band at some point nearly passed out, no lie. All in all, fond memories. I did hear that they weren't using British bands any more. That's obviously not true so maybe I'll get back there someday.


[size=4][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Just got back from playing a dep gig at Boomtown - amazing festival![/font][/size]
[size=4]Played on the Friday at about 10pm and the tent was packed from about 2 songs in.[/size]
[size=4]About 1500-2000 people, easily the biggest gig I've done. On-stage sound was a bit dodgy and the[/size]
[size=4]over-exuberant singer [/size][size=4]kept backing me into the smoke machine (not much room with 13 on stage!)[/size]
[size=4]but it was amazing fun.[/size]

[size=4]We then got invited to play a tequila bar the next night at 5am! This was a tiiiiiiny place and we were killing it but 3[/size][size=4] songs in security pulled the [/size]
power as the music license stopped at 4am. Undeterred we just did the rest of the set barber shop style with everyone just singing their instrument's
parts - went down a storm!

Utterly utterly ruined now though. :)[size=4] [/size]


[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1375009087' post='2155628']
nothing but bum notes from me!! :o good job it was a beer festival so nobody hardly cared one single jot but always nice to see quite a few peeps up and shaking their groove thang about

FOH guys even commented on how good the overall sound was (one of them a bass player too) - FOH excellent desk and sound (ASTRA i think it was to give them a plug)

I know you had problems, Steve but out front the sound was good. I did think at one point we had under-specced the P.A... as they were going to bring down twice that
rig..so 16kw, but only for the seperation.
Your sound was much better than the night before so maybe you just had better sounds to work with... or you paid the crew in beer.

I am getting good feedback about the festival so your struggles were worth it.


Pretty sh*t. Headlined an all day metal fest at the RoadHouse in Birmingham. Played in front of about 15 people. Guitarist broke a string mid way thru the 1st song (which gave me and the drummer time to play some random jazz...we're a metal band...got some funny looks) , His back up guitar kept going out of tune. He had a broken cable which kept crackling and cutting out.

Sound was amazing, I used my Ashdown head thru a 4x10 Mark Bass cab....my god that thing pushes air.

We had some really positive feedback, several comparisons to Alter Bridge and Metallica which is always a good thing.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1376329171' post='2172238']
I know you had problems, Steve but out front the sound was good. I did think at one point we had under-specced the P.A... as they were going to bring down twice that
rig..so 16kw, but only for the seperation.
Your sound was much better than the night before so maybe you just had better sounds to work with... or you paid the crew in beer.

I am getting good feedback about the festival so your struggles were worth it.

thanks John - it was heat/humidity combined with me doing a lousy job of the intonation which i fixed the next day

i thought the PA sounded fine although all i could hear on stage was my rig because of the extra cab haha but to be fair it did sound like the oasis boys had asked the sound guys to crank the volume as the hike in volume from us to them was really noticeable

and for those BCers who have not seen JTUKs band live they do an absolutlely awesome cover of 5:15 :D

Edited by steve-bbb

played at Rebellion last night. hopefully it sounded better FOH than onstage.

nothing to do with the engineers, who were helpful and professional, just very limited changeover times between bands, so soundchecking was limited to say the least, and i had a Marshall stack between me and the Ampeg fridge, so hearing myself or the bass drum was difficult.

however, it was a complete blast and a huge load of fun; playing next to a butt-naked frontman who takes all the attention away from any of one's own mistakes kind of relieved any pre-gig nerves !

in summary : a winner.


Thought the Jazz sound was great Steve, meant to say that on the day. Not sure where I was getting it all from as was prety close to the stage
but a big rig on that stage works best anyway, IMO.
The Status was good as well... just my ears go to a great sounding jazz always, these days

I asked for bass in my mon but they were a bit shy about that... and I wasnt that concerned as the stage sound was good...once we got the
gtr panned over. It caused a few probs without it... ho hum..!!!

Hopefully they liked us all to repeat it next year ...

Thanks for the 5:15 plug....we had 'fooled again' lined up at the end but didn't have the time. It is one of our best numbers.. I think.


[quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1376331799' post='2172315']
played at Rebellion last night. hopefully it sounded better FOH than onstage.

nothing to do with the engineers, who were helpful and professional, just very limited changeover times between bands, so soundchecking was limited to say the least, and i had a Marshall stack between me and the Ampeg fridge, so hearing myself or the bass drum was difficult.

however, it was a complete blast and a huge load of fun; playing next to a butt-naked frontman who takes all the attention away from any of one's own mistakes kind of relieved any pre-gig nerves !

in summary : a winner.

So which butt-naked fronted band do you play with?

Posted (edited)

I played on the Hidden Stage at the Boomtown Festival yesterday with Musical Youth and had a fantastic gig. I gave a rare outing to my Alembic Series II 5 stringer.
I got yet another dodgy Ampeg bass rig. I know they are great amps but I must have been given the duff ones. Every gig so far that has provided a backline that is ampeg, there has been something wrong with either the amp or the cabs.
In future I'm gonna be taking my Mesa boogie head with me then at best, there is a decent cab and at worst, I can at least give the sound guy a DI from the back of the Boogie head with my sound.


Edited by jazzyvee
Posted (edited)

[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376332402' post='2172333']
So which butt-naked fronted band do you play with?

last night it was HeWhoCannotBeNamed.

err, i'll leave you to google images. :D

edit: i should add .. we were his backing band for this gig, and hopefully it'll happen again in the future.

Edited by phil.i.stein
Posted (edited)

[quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1376331799' post='2172315']
played at Rebellion last night. hopefully it sounded better FOH than onstage.

nothing to do with the engineers, who were helpful and professional, just very limited changeover times between bands, so soundchecking was limited to say the least, and i had a Marshall stack between me and the Ampeg fridge, so hearing myself or the bass drum was difficult.

however, it was a complete blast and a huge load of fun; playing next to a butt-naked frontman who takes all the attention away from any of one's own mistakes kind of relieved any pre-gig nerves !

in summary : a winner.
[/quote]whats your band called Phil. If you dont mind me asking?... Don't worry, just noticed the above.

Edited by rogerstodge

[quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1376339189' post='2172543']
whats your band called Phil. If you dont mind me asking?... Don't worry, just noticed the above.

DESTROY DC, available on all the usual commercial social media we need to use.

i've just edited my sig to show.(i'm not usually one for self-promotion, but times dictate measures, and i'm a contradictory animal, like the rest of the rat-race.)


Posted (edited)

[quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1376332658' post='2172341']
I played on the Hidden Stage at the Boomtown Festival yesterday with Musical Youth and had a fantastic gig. I gave a rare outing to my Alembic Series II 5 stringer.
I got yet another dodgy Ampeg bass rig. I know they are great amps but I must have been given the duff ones. Every gig so far that has provided a backline that is ampeg, there has been something wrong with either the amp or the cabs.
In future I'm gonna be taking my Mesa boogie head with me then at best, there is a decent cab and at worst, I can at least give the sound guy a DI from the back of the Boogie head with my sound.


yeh, i have a similar thing with ampeg rigs.(i'm not a fan of house gear)

whenever i turn up to a gig, someone before me has maxxed out every dial on the thing and renders it useless. i usually start by turning the input gain down, and everything else to 'noon' position and start to tweak to taste from there on in.

telling the guitarist with the marshall stack to drop some of the bass out of their e.q. tends to help.

onstage volume competition does no good for anyone.

Edited by phil.i.stein

[quote name='ratman' timestamp='1376240957' post='2171201']
Yes I know Waynes Bar!! One of my bands did a couple of one week stints there 3 years ago. Mental sums it up nicely. The gigs were so much fun, and the drinking that followed was legendary! On the second week we were there the air con in the pit had packed up, I have never, ever, played in heat like it. Most of the band at some point nearly passed out, no lie. All in all, fond memories. I did hear that they weren't using British bands any more. That's obviously not true so maybe I'll get back there someday.

Yeah!... Last time I did this gig was Oct... this was July, I nearly passed out myself!.... Sam [i](was he working there back then?)[/i] told us it peeked at 45 degrees in the pit once!... F.Hot! ....A lotta fun but not much of an earner. :)


Hired in gear tends to get a beating and altho iconic in a lot of ways, Ampeg is probably not the most suitable
for the cause... IMO.
The only amp you really want to see is the SVT but valve servicing makes it a top $ amp for hire
and the rest of the hybrid range is not too spectacular anyway. Not any worse than standard fare
but not your dream rig.
The cabs get the real pounding though and I guess it depends on the budget that these events have
depends what gear you use.

Unless you know...or are prepared to wing it... you can always take your own. Which is what you should do if
you are anyway picky about these things.


Another fun Black Country jam night. And in a fantastic example of Basschat community support we had a visit from our very own KevB! :-)
I did have to cope with a drunken bum capering about under my nose during our set
No, not Kev, lol! But singer's mad uncle who had been 'celebrating' since before he arrived :-)

I played several bum notes and went a bit arhythmical at times, but Kev very kindly pretended not to notice. :-)


The capering drunk was distracting me ;) On the whole a very commendable performance from what I heard but I wasn't there to pass any judgement, just take in the evening. Shame there wasn't much genuine 'jamming' going on or I might have been able to give everyone a laugh with my 'playing'. My ears were ringing like nobody's business when I got in the car!

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