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Back to back gigs so a tiring weekend. Pub gig on Sat night with main band was a good one but we always seem to go down well at that particular venue. Nice touch was a mate who's a brass (mainly trombone) player came along for a listen and commented how nice the bass sounded so I'll be sticking with my rig which has served me the last 7 or 8 years now. Slight trial by fire yesterday as I took the plunge and joined the house band for a jam / open mic afternoon. Played with the guys before but always difficult to second guess what they are in the mood to play, they know a vast selection of material to a good standard so it's always a learning curve with them, hopefully get less stressful as I pick up some of the songs they do regularly these days (its a couple of years since I stood in for any length of time). Problem was it was unusually quiet which meant we did more sets than usual and I filled in with another band a couple of times too, must have played 5 or 6 sets yesterday.


Been an interesting weekend for me, Friday's gig ended up cancelled, and then Saturday I was playing at a pub in Warrington. Well, Saturday was definitely a hectic day! 3pm brings me a phone call from the drummer telling me that the guitarist has backed out as his other band has been offered a better paid gig, and the singer's also doing it. That left me with two hours to find someone who could dep. Our keys player is strong enough to carry it so vocals were our main focus point.

Anyway, drummer got in touch with agency to let them know what was going on, and the landlord of the pub too. Let's say the landlord wasn't happy. Since he wasn't getting the initial lineup he was promised (we had a male singer depping for a female), he wanted to dock £80 off the pay, but if we were good enough when we played then he would consider raising the price. As I was taking someone on a date last night, I really needed the money, so reluctantly packed the car anyway and set off and got there.

Got setup, first set down with no sound check and we did really well given the circumstances, 'Mercy' was possibly a tad high for poor Dan, but he quickly realised and it went down the octave. No problems there! Lots of people were dancing and having fun, we even did requests too! So first set, no worries at all.

Second set, same game again, lots of people dancing, it was more the funky side of the set where things got even tighter as singer was getting a lot more comfortable with it, and yet again, more requests. About half way in, I tried turning to speak to the singer in between songs and realised I was being restricted, looked around and there was some woman whom I've never met stood there pissing about with the tuners on my bass, putting it horrendously out of tune (new strings too!), to be honest I didn't turn round enough quick enough as personally I'd have liked to have cracked her in the chin with it. My public liability'll cover it! Any way apart from that everything else was fine.

Packed down, before loading the cars we decided to sort the money out. The landlord tried putting his word in, told us in the first half he still wasn't struck and still wanted to dock the pay. Had my MU card on me, managed to agree a figure as to be honest I just wanted to get home by that point, and for the sake of a £30 between 4 of us, it's less than a tenner each.

So yeah, certainly a pub I won't be playing again.


Singer is a replacement for one we've just sh*t canned, I had no idea she was working with the guitarist though. However, guitarist is never coming back and I've made that clear.


We had a blast on Saturday. It was the first one back after the hiatus of the summer. I'm listening back to the rough recording as I type this, really loving my fretless again :)

A photo of the proceedings


Two Terrortones gigs last week.

First a live broadcast session for local internet radio station Trent Sound. Crammed into a tiny room next to the main studio with about the same amount of space as we had at the recent gig in Mr Venom's living room. However they had a great engineer who quickly got us sorted with a good sound, and immediately after the 8 o'clock news we were off playing. Blasted through our 4 songs with plenty of energy and minimal mistakes.

At the end one of the presenters sticks his head round the door to tell us how much he enjoyed the set. "That was fun" says us. "Would you like to do some more?" he asks... So we get to play two more!

Here's a couple of photos of us in action...



Then while Mr Venom is being interviewed (about which cartoon character he's most like to have sex with amongst other things) the police turn up with a complaint about the noise! It seems that our work here is done!

On to Saturday and it's another "Dick Venom Presents..." night with us opening for Lipshock! from Coventry. Another excellent night with the Jam Café packed for our set. I've been using my newly bought Warwick Star bass for the last few gigs, and it looks and sounds fantastic, but it's not as effortless to play as the Gus and I find myself having to concentrate a lot more on what I'm doing which is somewhat cramping my on-stage performance.

Still the bassist from Lipshock! was impressed with it - and that's coming from someone playing a Warwick Buzzard!


Played at Scruffy Murphies in Birmingham last Saturday. We nearly didn't get there due to the breaks on the car decided they didn't want to work properly... Was a bit of a scary drive.
The gig it's self was okay. We hadn't had a band practice in like two weeks and I hadn't picked up my bass since the last practice and owwww. Like 3 mins into the 1st song my right forearm cramped up. Just about finished the song before giving it a quick massage.


Back to one of our more regular venues last night. First set a bit quiet but then the place really filled up for the second and we had a good work out, some nice positive feedback from punters and one guy in the audience offered us an extra £20 if we'd play until midnight. We didn't have the heart to tell him we usually play until almost that time anyway but didn't turn down the extra cash ;)


Great pub gig last night , it was a bit quiet , but some said it was our best performance to date , those that were there were very enthusiastic and it felt very tight all the way through . repeat gig booked , and another from a couple who want us for a party in January. our 'gigs aren't out there' tour completes gig #63 B)


Two gigs this last week...

Thursday at the Tap N Tumbler it's Dick Venom & The Terrortones. Competition from Goose Fair and gigs at both Rock City and The Rescue Rooms just around the corner meant that the audience was a little thin on the ground for the support, Meanstead from London, although they still played a blinder. Bigger stage area meant I had more room the wield the Warwick Star Bass and consequently found it a lot easier to play then at the last two gig at the Jam Café. I don't think the venue were quite ready for Mr Venom cavorting along the bar and handing upside down from various things. All in all a great gig and sold a good number of singles at the end. At midnight it was my birthday and things get pretty messy after that...

Saturday wasn't quite so smooth running. I was back with my covers band, who I'd left earlier in the year because the Terrortones were taking up too much time for me to be in another band. However last weekend I got a panicked call from one of the guitarists, asking me if I was available because their current bass player had damaged his arm and could hardly pick up let alone play his bass. I agreed on the basis that I would pick the set based on the songs that I was most familiar with as wouldn't have time to do more than a quick run through to refresh my memory.

So imagine my surprise when a proposed set list turns up with a good third of the songs being ones I haven't played for at least a year. I fire back an email suggesting some alternatives which I am more familiar with. It is at this point that I discover that their regular singer has a major problem with her voice and won't be playing, and a previous male singer (from before my time in the band) will be doing the vocal duties, hence the much revised set list. So spend a couple of hours re-familiarising myself with a load of songs I've not played for ages. Then the day before the gig I get a call from the guitarist to let me know that the event is a Hawaiian-themed evening and can I wear something appropriate!

On to the gig itself. Setting up they discover that one of the powered monitors is completely dead, and one of the FoH speakers is producing no top end. Finally get a working set up that sounds good enough out front and everyone can just about hear themselves on stage, but the whole thing is extremely protracted and reminded me why I would have probably left, even if my other band hadn't been doing so well. They are all really nice people and the two guitarists and girl singer are exceptionally talented musicians. However as a band they have seemingly no organisational ability. Each time I've seen the PA set up it's like re-inventing the wheel, and there never seems to be any planning in advance. If they want to anything more than a handful or so gigs a year, then they need someone to sort them all out, but I doubt it's ever going to happen.

Still when it finally come to play, it all seemed to go well enough. There were moments when I could have done with putting in a bit more time remembering the songs, but I doubt anyone off-stage noticed.People in the audience danced and applauded.

However the two gigs highlighted why I find Dick Venom & The Terrortones so much more fun. We turn up, set up our instruments play/make some noise, sell some merchandise and get drunk and generally have great time. The PA and lights are done by the venue and TBH so long as we can all hear a little bit of everything we just get on and play rather than worrying over every little detail of the monitor mix, and instead concentrate on putting on a show to make it worth the audience's while to come and see us play.

Also after expenses, it turns out that the Terrortones gig was better paid!


Last night was a short notice gig in Reigate at a venue we've not been at before, The Red Cross inn. When we arrived, I thought it was going to be awful, stage was elevated in a balcony style and tucked away and most of the people there didn't look like they were up for a band.

However, couple of dancers from the first number and the punters up for it all night, ended up playing four or five encores at the end. Should have a repeat booking from there, unfortunately they only deal through a booking agent, I do struggle to see the value an agent adds to either end of the deal.


A couple of photos from Thursday's Dick Venom & The Terrortones gig:



More on our Facebook page for those who are interested.


Last Wednesday we played the 12 Bar in Denmark Street as part of the Fallen Leaves monthly residency.
We were on last at 11:15pm which is late for us on a school night. Got there at 8:30 and found a hens teeth free parking space in Soho which saved wasting £35 on the NCP. Missed the first band but then caught Super Minx 70 and the Fallen Leaves who were both great. Rob from the Leaves was the guitarist with Subway Sect (who old punks should remember). He certainly has his own playing style.
Anyway. The first gig in forever were we've had no sound check. Just a quick line test. The Ashdown Mag combo sat waiting for me was a little off putting but I set everything flat and put my sansamp in front of it and it sounded fine. Our drummer did really well with the usual Quality Street tins masquerading as a house kit and the guitarist got lucky as they had a slightlty older version of his Laney valve combo so he felt at home. The stage is small. Very small. We ended up playing each others instruments by accident a couple of times. We played a pretty storming set I think to a reasonable (especially for the time of night) crowd. It turned out we had a crew turn up all the way from Ruislip who are 'fans'! Scary I never really believe we've got any. We also sold a few CD's to people who hung around and today we got a message from one of audience who hadn't seen us before saying it was a 'truly mesmerising gig'! We hadn't met the chap runs the nights. He caught us on the way out. He said he doesn't usually watch the bands but came in and stayed for our set. He wants us back on some future Friday and Saturday gigs. So all in all a top nights work.


Run Leia Run played the Grosvenor in Stockwell last night. Our first outing there and they head us headlining. In true headline act style-ee we managed to be an hour late for our soundcheck (work and South London Traffic got in the way as well as the guitarist doubling back when he realised he'd left the oven at home :lol:).

Never mind, the promoter was pleased to see us and explained that one of the support bands had jumped in to do theirs. He sorted out our beer vouchers and we set about using them :)

Nice quick sound check. Said what we wanted in our monitors, played a song, I wanted less guitar in my monitor and wished I'd brought my own rig instead of using the house back-line. A quick verse and chorus. Job done.

Back to using the beer vouchers while we did the meet and greet with friends who'd made the trek to come and see us. Missed the first band while we were doing this, but caught the second band, Manilow. A quick trip to the bar to exchange the last of the vouchers then it was set up time.

Straight into the set and our guitarist breaks a string (no he hadn't brought another guitar). Cue scrambling around for a spare string, fit it, tune up and bash on. Realised the singer had been supplementing his beer vouchers with cash bought spirits leading to a more boisterous performance than usual. Finished the set, including a couple of barely rehearsed new ones which went ok. Called on to do a couple of encores, so a couple of slightly ragged covers were performed.

The good news is that restringing the guitar and the singer's antics hadn't phased the promoter at all and he wants us to go back again soon :)


Out proggy gigging last night and it went pretty well. Couple of slight fluffs, but I'll bet no one noticed. Good reaction at the end considering that it was actually for a birthday party with the usual attendant ancients and babies that entails.

Took both amps. Used the TC BH250 again and the Wal all night. Lovely.

Stage was smaller than I remember from last time and the bass pit was incredibly tight with the bass, amp/cab, bass pedals, mike stand and guitar on a separate stand


First one for over a month . Spent an hour in the day updating the pedalboard with recently bought George L plugs and cables , only to find no signal through them - no idea what I've done wrong , as followed the instructions . Gonna bin the cable as all cut to size , and start again . Put all my old patch leads in and OK . Also the new Bright Onion dual looper I got in June , but used for the first time last night , was dead through the loops . So I started the gig with a right cob on , put the pedal board back to old - that's about £120 I've just spunked down the drain . Not happy - still gig was good though he he


[quote name='clauster' timestamp='1381496562' post='2239874']
Run Leia Run played the Grosvenor in Stockwell last night. Our first outing there and they head us headlining. In true headline act style-ee we managed to be an hour late for our soundcheck (work and South London Traffic got in the way as well as the guitarist doubling back when he realised he'd left the oven at home :lol:).


I'd love to know how your guitarist uses an oven live! :blink: :lol:


Really good for a first outing. Played acoustic and a fat jazzer for two hours (yes, guitars) Everything from Jessie J and Pink to Sinatra and Edith Piaf. A smallish music venue with restaurant. I don't usually like playing to people who are eating but credit to them, they were very attentive and appreciative and we had to do two encores. Just me a girl singer. I say girl, she's fifty :lol:

Getting a return booking there and have our second gig in two weeks so should be able to iron out all the little glitches in the set. Mainly my glitches as I'd had to learn the 37 number set list in 10 days. Had just the one major car crash, on the easiest song on the list. Typical. :rolleyes: Good fun though.


I had my first two gigs with the new band this weekend (one Friday, one Saturday). I managed one practice with them before the gigs so I was far from tight, plenty of cock ups, but overall the gigs went well. Playing Iron Maiden songs is awesome!

The band has been going twenty something years, and I'm 24, so it's awesome to be in a band with such a lot of experience to learn from. It's also very weird to be the one that isn't doing all the showing off! The last band I was in, everyone but was the sort to stand in one spot looking bored. In the new band, the two guitarists and the singer are awesome at showing off, posing and the like, so there's me now standing at the back feeling a bit of a lemon. Also doesn't help I'm a good 6 inches taller than the rest of them...!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='allighatt0r' timestamp='1381699279' post='2242659']
I had my first two gigs with the new band this weekend (one Friday, one Saturday). I managed one practice with them before the gigs so I was far from tight, plenty of cock ups, but overall the gigs went well. Playing Iron Maiden songs is awesome!

The band has been going twenty something years, and I'm 24, so it's awesome to be in a band with such a lot of experience to learn from. It's also very weird to be the one that isn't doing all the showing off! The last band I was in, everyone but was the sort to stand in one spot looking bored. In the new band, the two guitarists and the singer are awesome at showing off, posing and the like, so there's me now standing at the back feeling a bit of a lemon. Also doesn't help I'm a good 6 inches taller than the rest of them...!
You must be Roxoff's new bassplayer then . Say hello to John . How was The Flintknappers then?

Edited by E sharp

[quote name='E sharp' timestamp='1381699398' post='2242666']
You must be Roxoff's new bassplayer then . Say hello to John . How was The Flintknappers then?

Yep, it's awesome! The Flintknappers was alright actually, I depped there for another band a couple of months back and it was a bit rubbish, but it was fairly good last night, as good as can be expected from Brandon!


Gig 2 for the w/e over. 4-7 in The Swan Woolston.

Sound guy tells me in the break that the bass is too loud as he only has the kick, vocals & guitar in the PA and can't get anything over the bass (which for me was sounding luverley). Everyone else seemed to think the overall sound was great. Ah well

Fist gig with this band in a while. Down a guitarist and with the dep drummer (who did a sterling job). A few extra songs in including some that have been out of the set getting on two years now. Nobody died. The audience were well up for it and we had fun. HUZZAH!!

White Punks on Dope to end the first set. On a wing and a prayer as the drummer had an old recorded version, no r/h and it was one of the songs we haven't played in a while that normally has harmony guitars at the end. Went really well all things considered. It is a bit of a showstopper.

Took the digital recorder and for some reason best known to itself it stopped 40 mins into the first set so missed WPOD :angry: but was quite happy for the whole of the second set, including the met raffle. Curse it.

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