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Played our first gig last night in my new doom band. We were supporting and my gig started by literally running round Bedford to try and locate a Mic lead which a band in another pub were kind enough to lend on trust. So legged it back, followed by a 15 second line check with my new cab and away we went.

Gig went very well and my new barefaced cab performed fantastically. I've never sweated so much before playing though, or started a gig quite so out if breath!!

Posted (edited)

We played one hour headlining a charity event last night. Things were running behind schedule and we ended up on stage nearly an hour after our allotted time - however they didn't cut us short which was nice. We picked all the best up-beat songs from our repertoire, and I like to say it went very well. Unfortunately not a huge turnout, but a good time was had by all.

I made up for my appalling performance last week, by managing to remember all the songs, and not doing a poor impression of Les Dawson on bass. We were all on top form, despite our guitarist nearly slicing his thumb off at work during the day (he's a butcher by trade).

One of the punters wanted to book us there and then for a 40th party on 30th December at the same venue - we had to decline due to various family commitments.

Thankfully our final gig of 2013 is next Friday. At last a whole Christmas and New Year off work, no gigs and no practice. Hoo-bloody-rah.

Roll on 2014.

Edited by RandomBass

Gig last night was rubbish. It was in a small hotel/pub, an hour and a halfs drive, to play to a pub which had about 10 people in it.... In a particularly small space.

Oh well, hopefully tonight's will be better,


Last Saturday at Charlie's Live Lounge in Exeter. 6 flights of stairs!
Much bad throatness for everyone. Detune a semitone to try and ease vocal pain. Sounded like bad karaoke.
About 15 people there.
Well treated and properly paid, no issues there.
Big one at the Wharf in Tavy this Saturday - hope we're all feeling better!


I played a pub in Crewe Friday night with a folk band. I'm playing drums but it's good fun. However, the gig was not. Smelly pub and a small turnout added up to a cranky front man and a frustrating gig!

Saturday night was such a contrast. This was with my reggae/hip-hop/something band at the big local venue The Sugarmill. It wasn't a huge turnout but from where I was (behind the kit again) all I could see were loads of teenagers jumping around to our music. Such a great feeling. The bassist was playing his relatively new ashdown stack and he's using a lot of the sub octave feature which really suits our band. Ace night!

Posted (edited)

A works band I'm in played the office Xmas party at the Hub here in Edinburgh last Friday (13th) - really nice venue to play with the sound being done by Reddog music - two 18 inch PA subs for the bass to go through :D

Here's a pic - as usual I'm hiding behind something onstage :lol:

[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/jambo63/11419202975/]Blackrockers Xmas bash[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/jambo63/]Jambo63[/url], on Flickr[/url]

Edited by Jambo63

Played a live session (two numbers) for eatmusic.co.uk, a local community radio station, currently internet only, FM coming soon. Used the Alien acosutic for the first time in anger. Was hard work, frankly! I have my electrics down to very very easy playability, so this was definitely an effort. Bronze rounds certainly were a big part of that. Despite all this, it was enjoyable, and a little nerve-racking, playing live on-air!


Knackered today after another private xmas party do last night, this time some NHS employees (bless 'em). Nice people and looked after us (allowed us free access to their buffet and offered to buy the band drinks all night) but the city centre venue is a PITA for loading. No easy parking close to the venue and the party room itself is on the first floor, no lift. I opted to go for a mutistorey a walk away and traipse all my gear in in shifts in the rain (£7 parking). The drummer on arrival with his other half got half on the pavement outside but was still in the way of a tram and had to shift it sharpish. When she came back to pick him up at the end she made a wrong turn into a 'bus only' road (so probably a ticket there) and realising the mistake and trying to do something about it then ended up the wrong way down a one way street just as the police pulled up (might be a second ticket meaning the drummer will end up in deficit for the night's work). After getting all my own gear back to the multistorey then lugged half the PA and ancilliary gear back to the singer's car parked in a disabled only area which was still a good stroll away from the venue. They played it last year and the (different) drummer then incurred 2 parking tickets on the night, i don't know why BL accpeted the gig again. If it comes up next xmas I'll probably be long sacked anyway so it won't be an issue for me. Can't even recall how the gig went it was just a blur, had a dep guitarist in so didn't feel like the real band anyway. Wedding gig on Sat so it'll soon be all forgotten.


[quote name='KevB' timestamp='1387468281' post='2312349']
Knackered today after another private xmas party do last night, this time some NHS employees (bless 'em). Nice people and looked after us (allowed us free access to their buffet and offered to buy the band drinks all night) but the city centre venue is a PITA for loading. No easy parking close to the venue and the party room itself is on the first floor, no lift. I opted to go for a mutistorey a walk away and traipse all my gear in in shifts in the rain (£7 parking). The drummer on arrival with his other half got half on the pavement outside but was still in the way of a tram and had to shift it sharpish. When she came back to pick him up at the end she made a wrong turn into a 'bus only' road (so probably a ticket there) and realising the mistake and trying to do something about it then ended up the wrong way down a one way street just as the police pulled up (might be a second ticket meaning the drummer will end up in deficit for the night's work). After getting all my own gear back to the multistorey then lugged half the PA and ancilliary gear back to the singer's car parked in a disabled only area which was still a good stroll away from the venue. They played it last year and the (different) drummer then incurred 2 parking tickets on the night, i don't know why BL accpeted the gig again. If it comes up next xmas I'll probably be long sacked anyway so it won't be an issue for me. Can't even recall how the gig went it was just a blur, had a dep guitarist in so didn't feel like the real band anyway. Wedding gig on Sat so it'll soon be all forgotten.

Sounds like a right pain. You're always saying you're going to get sacked, but you keep hanging in there! I don't think they're going to let you go that easily :D


Wedding gig in Chesterfield last night. Band leader says we should be there for 7pm, look at forecast realise there's a nasty weather front moving from north to south so give myself extra time. At one point I could actually see torrential rain being driven uphill as the wind was so strong, surreal.Arrive just before 7pm. Band leader eventually turns up at 7:45, get yourself a decent sat nav ffs. Fortunately I'd found out which wedding it is (there are 2 on in different parts of same hotel) and started loading in gear with the other band members by then. Odd gig, we only got 4 songs into set1 and had to stop for the evening buffet. As I hadn't eaten since 12:30 along with the guitarist i was happy when the organiser invited us to help ourselves to food and also supplied us with drinks all night plus a generous payoff at the end. Not a big wedding so there were never going to be a lot of people dancing but we kept those who were up for it happily entertained. Just got to sort myself out for this afternoon's jam session now then I can have a gig break until NYE which could be 'lively'...


Last gig with my band last night at the Fleece in Skipton. Went down very well and we are playing pretty tight at the moment so nice to go out on a high.

Looking forward to getting up and playing a set with them when they play our wedding in Feb.


Last nights gear, the last one for us this year, was ultimately a bit of a depressing one.

The perfect end to the evening came during the pack down, when I used my head to break the fall of a lighting rig. This resulted in an impressive lump arising from the top of my head, in true Tom & Jerry style :(

The gig the night before was a good un though. :)

P.S. My head hurts.


Our last gig of 2013 was on Friday night. We were all looking forward to it, but it turned out to be just ok. Guitarist having wife problems put a dampener on things from the outset, and not a huge turnout as was expected. People up dancing though, which is always nice.
Had a couple of beers post-gig lock-in for band and bar staff, which was nice.

This the first time for 4 years we've not booked Christmas and New Year gigs, which is such a relief. I can switch off and enjoy it with my family.

Oh well, onwards and upwards in 2014.



Posted (edited)

Played a local WMC with my pop trio last night, on guitar and vocals. On arrival I discovered I had brought a 1-guitar stand instead of a 2-, no straplock strap for my Gibson - and then the lighting tripod broke. Fortunately, my bass-player had brought a double stand but only one bass, there was decent stage lighting anyway, and I had time after the sound-check to nip home for a suitable strap (and I took the lights back with me too).

Strange club - I have played there 3 times with 2 different bands, and people are very reluctant to dance. This could be because it is a long room with seating at one end and a harshly-lit dance-floor up near the stage. [i]Footloose[/i] got people up and [i]Spirit In The Sky[/i] kept them there, but after that we lost them until the encore of [i]All Right Now[/i]. Oh well, we got paid.

Edited by JapanAxe

Sell out gig at the Wharf in Tavistock. Supported by fellow Tavy band Orangutan Wheelbarrow. Huge success, will hopefully put some pics and videos in Gig section!

Posted (edited)

Played my last ever gig with the band I've been with for 13 years yesterday at the local Golf Club's Christmas party, before I retire to go travelling with the good lady.

Brilliant! The guys made it into just the best night ever, changing the words of half of the songs in the second set (when the audience were well oiled) into anything that remotely sounded like or rhymed with "Bob" or "Sue" or "Bob and Sue"! (Sue is our lighting lady as well as having suffered wedded bliss with me for the last 37 years, so will probably be missed as much if not more than me by the band).

Our front man must have told the audience half a dozen times that I was leaving that night, and in turn I was showered with hugs, kisses and adulation (!) from them. I dug my lucky bass players pork pie hat out of retirement, played the Pedulla Sue gave me 12 years ago on our silver wedding and don't think I made a mistake all night, and we all went back to one of the guy's houses for cheese, biscuits and whiskey afterwards. They gave me a big photo blown up onto that canvassy stuff to remember Breeze by, and its now in pride of place in the hallway, just in case any visitors don't believe I was once a 59 year old budding rock star...... Life just doesn't get any better than this, but as one door closes a new door has now opened to our latest phase of life as travellers, something we have wanted to do for ages, and now we are both retired and waiting delivery of our motor home has become a reality. Have to go now as I'm starting to well up writing this. Cheers to everyone here and have a great Christmas.

Edited by bobpalt

[quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1387738344' post='2315108']
Played my last ever gig with the band I've been with for 13 years yesterday at the local Golf Club's Christmas party, before I retire to go travelling with the good lady.

Brilliant! The guys made it into just the best night ever, changing the words of half of the songs in the second set (when the audience were well oiled) into anything that remotely sounded like or rhymed with "Bob" or "Sue" or "Bob and Sue"! (Sue is our lighting lady as well as having suffered wedded bliss with me for the last 37 years, so will probably be missed as much if not more than me by the band).

Our front man must have told the audience half a dozen times that I was leaving that night, and in turn I was showered with hugs, kisses and adulation (!) from them. I dug my lucky bass players pork pie hat out of retirement, played the Pedulla Sue gave me 12 years ago on our silver wedding and don't think I made a mistake all night, and we all went back to one of the guy's houses for cheese, biscuits and whiskey afterwards. They gave me a big photo blown up onto that canvassy stuff to remember Breeze by, and its now in pride of place in the hallway, just in case any visitors don't believe I was once a 59 year old budding rock star...... Life just doesn't get any better than this, but as one door closes a new door has now opened to our latest phase of life as travellers, something we have wanted to do for ages, and now we are both retired and waiting delivery of our motor home has become a reality. Have to go now as I'm starting to well up writing this. Cheers to everyone here and have a great Christmas.
[/quote]i wish you all the best Bob and Sue, hope you have fun.

Posted (edited)

Last gig of the year for The Terrortones on Saturday playing at the Salutation Inn in Nottingham.

Poor organisation on the part of the promoter saw us and the PA engineer at the venue for 6.00 when we'd been asked to arrive, but the headlining band who were providing the drum kit for evening didn't show up until 8.00. Ended up with the briefest of brief sound checks which didn't sound too bad, but my request for a touch more vocals in the front foldback seemed to have been turned into "can you take all the vocals out of the all the monitors"… Our drummer reported after the set that all he had in his drum monitors was Theremin at ear bending volume which resulted in some "interesting" drumming during any section where the Theremin was being played.

Still on the whole the gig went well. Plenty of positive comments and a decent number of T-shirts and singles sold. No-one seemed to notice that the last song was a bit more chaotic than it should have been! Mr Venom went exploring the ceiling beams (with a boost up from a kind member of the audience) and the venue despite being very unhappy with the promoters want us to come back for another gig next year. Ended up at Mr Venom's house along with selected fans and other sundry hangers on talking crap at 6.00 in the morning…

A fine way to spend the last Saturday before christmas.

Edited by BigRedX

[quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1387737494' post='2315092']
Sell out gig at the Wharf in Tavistock. Supported by fellow Tavy band Orangutan Wheelbarrow. Huge success, will hopefully put some pics and videos in Gig section!

Excellent, good to hear. Nothing quite like a huge success, is there? I'm envious because I was hoping our last gig of 2013 would have been similar. But it wasn't.


[quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1387739978' post='2315129']

Excellent, good to hear. Nothing quite like a huge success, is there? I'm envious because I was hoping our last gig of 2013 would have been similar. But it wasn't.
Rats, sorry to hear that. Onward and upwards for 2014!


[quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1387738344' post='2315108']
Played my last ever gig with the band I've been with for 13 years yesterday at the local Golf Club's Christmas party, before I retire to go travelling with the good lady.

Brilliant! The guys made it into just the best night ever, changing the words of half of the songs in the second set (when the audience were well oiled) into anything that remotely sounded like or rhymed with "Bob" or "Sue" or "Bob and Sue"! (Sue is our lighting lady as well as having suffered wedded bliss with me for the last 37 years, so will probably be missed as much if not more than me by the band).

Our front man must have told the audience half a dozen times that I was leaving that night, and in turn I was showered with hugs, kisses and adulation (!) from them. I dug my lucky bass players pork pie hat out of retirement, played the Pedulla Sue gave me 12 years ago on our silver wedding and don't think I made a mistake all night, and we all went back to one of the guy's houses for cheese, biscuits and whiskey afterwards. They gave me a big photo blown up onto that canvassy stuff to remember Breeze by, and its now in pride of place in the hallway, just in case any visitors don't believe I was once a 59 year old budding rock star...... Life just doesn't get any better than this, but as one door closes a new door has now opened to our latest phase of life as travellers, something we have wanted to do for ages, and now we are both retired and waiting delivery of our motor home has become a reality. Have to go now as I'm starting to well up writing this. Cheers to everyone here and have a great Christmas.

Beautiful story. Hope you have many years and miles of travelling ahead of you.


[quote name='bobpalt' timestamp='1387738344' post='2315108']
Played my last ever gig with the band I've been with for 13 years yesterday at the local Golf Club's Christmas party, before I retire to go travelling with the good lady.

Brilliant! The guys made it into just the best night ever, changing the words of half of the songs in the second set (when the audience were well oiled) into anything that remotely sounded like or rhymed with "Bob" or "Sue" or "Bob and Sue"! (Sue is our lighting lady as well as having suffered wedded bliss with me for the last 37 years, so will probably be missed as much if not more than me by the band).

Our front man must have told the audience half a dozen times that I was leaving that night, and in turn I was showered with hugs, kisses and adulation (!) from them. I dug my lucky bass players pork pie hat out of retirement, played the Pedulla Sue gave me 12 years ago on our silver wedding and don't think I made a mistake all night, and we all went back to one of the guy's houses for cheese, biscuits and whiskey afterwards. They gave me a big photo blown up onto that canvassy stuff to remember Breeze by, and its now in pride of place in the hallway, just in case any visitors don't believe I was once a 59 year old budding rock star...... Life just doesn't get any better than this, but as one door closes a new door has now opened to our latest phase of life as travellers, something we have wanted to do for ages, and now we are both retired and waiting delivery of our motor home has become a reality. Have to go now as I'm starting to well up writing this. Cheers to everyone here and have a great Christmas.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post Bob. Great to hear that your last gig with the band went so well.
Sincerely hope you both enjoy your next phase.

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