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Played Dep bass for the Sensational Soul Band last night. Really enjoyed playing classic soul music,normally I am thrashing it out playing and singing classic punk songs,change as good as a rest I suppose. First time played with the guys and no rehearsal,couple of mistakes but not too bad. Drummer was bob on,he really went for it which suites me. Great compliment from him, after the gig he said it was like I had played with em for years!! Feel quite proud. Cant beat that...
May be a few more Soul gigs..

Posted (edited)

Standard Outlaws gig at Plympton Conservative Club. Except that news of our upcoming demise seems to have bought out everyone locally who'd ever heard of us!
Absolutely rammed and a great night!
Edit: played fretless on one track. First time on a fretless in public for nearly 30 years!

Edited by Telebass

My band, Blind Deer played a low key gig at my local crown green bowling club (stop sniggering at the back or I will have to ask you to leave). first gig in absolutely ages so a bit flakey in places but seem to have got away with it. Highlights for me were:
"from the beginning", Greg Lake (he wasn't there, he just wrote it)
"lisbon", trad folk song rearranged
"Desire lines", 16 bar jazzy tune wot I made up
"Dinnis of Wyke" reggaeish song I wrote about the Halifax Gibbet



Played the inaugural Mole Music club at The Avorians, Cobham. Supported The Funkin Skunks after KT66. Immense sound, fun crowd. We declared it our best gig yet. Only once did we find ourselves looking at each other thinking 'how did we agree to finish this song?'


Well my gig In Dunfermline Rock club 'Montys' didnt go to plan. First off, I was expecting delivery of my new purchase of an Ampeg SVT rig which didnt arrive in time so I had to use the house 'crappy combo'
The Sound guy was an houre late, and found out that the PA was fecked. We ended up with stage left working but for stage right we had to turn one of the wedge monitors to face the crowd and turn up the gtrs.
But, we managed. It was full too, not that it takes many to fill it but there was a good vibe and all the bands i chose to join us on the bill were fantastic.
I quite enjoyed it really.


The second run out with the new PA last night at a pub gig , it was a touch nervy to start as the desk seems a bit sensitive and getting the levels right took a bit longer than normal as we had a couple of feedback issues , as soon as we got to grips with that we were off and it was brilliant . not a massive crowd , but we kept the place busy and they seemed to like everything we played.
My tone sounded lush last night with enough bite when I wanted , though lead guitar had a tendency of noodling at lead volumes when a more subtle volume would have kept the sound together better , but nevertheless , another booking in the diary and good night had by all.


Played a semi famous East London pub for the second time last night. Went down a storm first time a few weeks ago, 3 rebooks this year and every 8 weeks for 2015 confirmed by promoter.

Was a bit of a worry when we saw he had the wrong band on the posters for our night and he wasnt interested in contacting the other band in case he had double booked. I had to find them on Facebook and sort everything out - turns out it was the landlords error and they werent aware of it so ended up ok.

Late start and finish - 11 till 2am - and the crowd run out of money/start falling over about 1ish it seems. They stop entry at 12 so it really thins out later.
Security staff did an excellent job of stopping everyone dancing for health and safety reasons (apparently requested by landlord??)
Consequently, we played a 1 hr first set and 1.5 hr second set and started winding down about 1.30 as there were only about 10 people left in there.

Cue landlord raging at us for not playing till closing time. He was really rude and aggressive about it too.

We offered to hop back up and play the remaining 20 mins to the (now 4) remaining punters but he was not interested by now and was being a complete uncooperative arse.
Seemed like he was looking to chip our fee but he payed up in the end. We've never had a reaction like this in 12 years of gigs and we pride ourselves on giving everything at every gig regardless of the venue.

Really p###ed me off and spoilt what had been a good gig until that point.

Spleen vented :-)


We played a local village hall last night, was a bit surprised to find the local WI running the bar! Racketeering old girls! Was a bit worried when the couple of bands prior were doing either acoustic folk or (really good) RnB. We fired in at least twice the volume of anyone else prior, and gave them a right mix from Dr Feelgood to Judas Priest to the Foo's. Put it this way, there had been no dancing before we got going, and by the second set the organisers where clearing tables from the central area to make more room for dancing!

The thing that really made it for me was when standing at the bar waiting for a pint the old lady (approx. 70 I reckon) collecting the glasses walked past whistling "Blitzkrieg Bop" to herself, which was the tune we finished up the first set with. I reckon she was re-living a mis-spent time in the 70's and having a thoroughly great time. I suppose that is why I play and want to get out there and do it live. Bring pleasure to the masses, and enjoy doing it. Great stuff. I'd video'ed most of the night will edit up a vid and post on youtube.



Played a gig at the Asylum 2 in Birmingham on Friday night. Was a pretty decent turn out and everyone there really seemed to be enjoying our set.

I have finally started feeling comfortable moving around more while still being confident that I'll be able to play the songs fine


We were supposed to play at the Poachers in Roche, Cornwall, but it has closed. Fortunately, the local social club, the Victory Hall, took on the remaining bookings.
They did a couple of months' business just last night! Cracking gig!

Posted (edited)

Friday with The Terrortones at Santiago in Leeds.

A most peculiar venue and very difficult for bands loading in and out. It's in a shopping arcade and you have to park on double yellow lines outside one the arcade entrances and then carry everything through to the venue, and then up some tricky stairs to the room where the bands play.

Played to a small but enthusiastic crowd. Used my new wireless system to join Mr Venom out in the audience for a couple of songs. Sold some CDs and vinyl and got back to Nottingham at a fairly sensible time.

Edited by BigRedX

Played with Alan Barnes last night. The band sounded great and our little Jazz venue thing had its best night since it started. Pretty much rammed. A jazz gig, rammed! In Felixstowe. On a Sunday. Who'd have thought it!!? :lol: Highlight for me was a version of Days and Wine and Roses each chorus of which alternated between the key of F and Ab. Scary but we got there and it worked surprisingly well. Played some tunes I had never heard before which is always nice.


depped in the classic rock houseband of the [url="http://www.zwick4u.com/zwick_st_pauli/zwick_st_pauli_kontakt_anfahrt_de_692.html"]Zwick St. Pauli @ Reeperbahn, Hamburg/Germany[/url] on fr and sat. friday also was the 1st (public) :yarr: rehearsal but all went really well and we all had lots of fun and got paid, too. :D

Posted (edited)

Last night was a fundraiser gig organised by students at Penelope's club in Sheffield. There was the potential for it to be a real shambles, but thankfully it was really good.
The organiser contact was on the ball with good communications, and really nice. We pulled up in the city centre location to be greeted by a lady who showed us the best parking place, and then had a chap help us in with our gear. A back room was ready with comfy seats and beers, and the soundguy was great.
The place started to fill around 11, and we went on at 11:30 to a great, happy appreciative crowd. The only downside was no monitoring, so i struggled to hear my bass, I had to just know I was playing the right thing. Altogether a really fun night. Roll on next gig!!

Edited by Roland Rock

Played the Teviot underground in Edinburgh last night. Played there a few times now and know I can'r rely on the house bass combo so I bought my new(to me) Ampeg rig. One of the other bassists from support (of which there was 3) asked to use it which i said fine. But after soudcheck we headed out for food and on return 1st band was on and were using my rig without having asked. Peed me right off!
sold a few CD's though what cheered me up.


Played Double Bass and acoustic bass guitar last night,
accompanying singer, songwriter, guitarist Georgia Patterson
and Nigel Hodge on Flute & Sax

We played at Llanhilleth folk club, in the Open Hearth pub Pontypool
The 1st half of the evening was open-mic, and a few people got up & played

It was a good evening, and lots of people seemed to like the sound of my double bass
Although I myself couldn't hear it too well......
It was the 1st time I'd played a proper gig with the duo
having had only 1 rehearsal, and done open mic twice before with Georgia...

All in all, it was very enjoyable :)
Can't wait to play another gig now.....


Third time at a favourite pub in Faringdon this evening. Played the first set as The Wirebirds and the second with Jenny Haan on vocals. She was in great voice and the audience loved her, one chap had come all the way from Milton Keynes with a complete set of Babe Ruth albums for her to sign!


Played my 1st gig in around 15 years tonight and it was like coming home. We ripped up a storm in Mill Hill for the National Chopper Club. It was the first time we'd played (with me) and after only 3 rehearsals. We did 2 hours, in which time I did loads of f***-ups, not that any of it mattered.
I was dead happy to be rocking obbm cables, the pedals I'd bought on forum advice, the BC bought SVT pro II and Purple Chili cab with the Eminence driver I'd put in myself. And of course the cool as f*** Coronado. We had lights and a sound guy too, not that the monitors mattered as the drummist is so loud.
We even got an encore, and the organiser asked for Blues in A, as the Singist plays the gob-harp. It was grand to be messing on with A,E and D while a bunch of real McCoy Bikers grooved their thang. Priceless.

From tonight we've hopefully got a couple more gigs for the NCC, so I'm made up as my life's passion is a dead-heat between bass and bikes. But the next step is to practice so we all finish the songs at the same place :)


Hmm... beautiful day, rammed pub for a party and we aired 4 new tracks ( 1 an original ) after
minimal prep, and went down very well.
But.. I think we are entering a crucial time and we have lost the 'chemistry' that made us so strong...


Played a rare pub gig with the function band at a pub called The Swan in Wantage Oxon. We have just taken on a new keys player so wanted a no pressure outing to put him through his paces. He was ace and we all gelled immediately. Pub got busier and busier as the night went on and people danced from first note til last. Sound guy asked if we could play there every week lol. A success I reckon.


we played a brilliant gig last night , a new venue to us , a small village pub that was small , we had to wait for the diners to finish before we could load in and didnt start till gone 10.00 . but boy did they want to party , we had dancing from the first number and I joined them at one point :rolleyes: ( wireless is your friend ) , the dancers were right in our faces and it was superb , a great spirit all round and a guaranteed spot on the summer festival that they put on in a marquee behind the pub .


Last night we played at an Open Mic at a venue in Brum where we hadn't played before. The end result was a successful and fun night, but bear with me if I have a bit of a rant first.

We had been told it's a popular venue so get there early to put your name on the list. Drummer and I duly turned up early. Organiser seemed a nice friendly chap, put our name down for the opening slot and told us we could do 3 songs. Singer and Guitar turned up shortly afterwards and we told them what the situation was. We had about 1/2 hour to wait until it all started.

During this time, Guitar started saying 'I think we should do 4 songs, if they're giving us 15 mins we can easily do 4, who's going to die if we break the rules?' etc etc. The others seemed to be agreeing with him. I begged to differ and got a bit stroppy. Replied along the lines of
'We are total noobs to this venue, we have no idea what the house rules are, how laid back or otherwise everyone is. We have been given the opening slot and we don't want to get up and make a bad impression by breaking their rules and thinking we can do what we like.... blah blah.. professionalism... reputation.... reliability etc etc' Ending up with 'I am not prepared to do 4 songs unless one of you goes up to the bloke and asks if we can and he agrees'. No one seemed willing to go up and ask him. I do feel like 'the Mum' of the band sometimes. :rolleyes:

The bloke told us he would call us up at about 8.30. Time arrives and Guitar gets straight up on stage and starts setting up his pedals - without even an 'OK if I set me pedals up now, mate?' Bloke looks at him a bit quizzickly, but then gets up and announces us (afer re-iterating to us that we were to do 3 songs!)

Anway, after this initially awkward start to the evening things improved considerably. They were a very friendly crowd and we went down really well. I think this was partially because we were the only full band in that night, the rest being solo performers and duos. At the end of the evening the bloke asked us to fill in a contact sheet and encouraged us to come back again, which I thought was a good sign.

Drummer and I stayed to the bitter end and watched all the other acts which was also quite fun. It included a few kids singing Show Tunes and a pair of goths doing acoustic covers of gothy stuff which they kept forgetting half way through. Hilarious, in a nice way. And then it turned out it was the birthday of one of the regulars so everyone got cake! :gas:

So all in all a very good night.

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