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Just home from tonight's gig in Dunfermline.

Bit of a carry in but managed to blag the guitarists trolley for the PA power amps that I bring as well as my own stuff.

Had a nice big area to play in for a change. no stage but I prefer not to have one as I find that you can interact with the audience. Stages tend to be us and them gigs where we're up here and the crowd are down there.

First song was 'more than words' by Extreme. Not bad, I've had to learn a lot worse. I used my acoustic bass for the first time for this song which sounded good but fed back when I got anywhere near my cab. I would invest in one of those covers that goes over the soundhole but it is oval and I've never seen one that shape before.

What made a big difference tonight is that a few days ago our drummer had the snip so couldn't carry his kit in case he did himself some damage. He brought his Yamaha electronic kit which is one of the good ones but still nowhere near his usual Premier Signia kit.

As a result, everything sounded completely different due to only really being able to hear his drums coming through the PA.

Everything went well and as usual I used the Gold Warmoth.

I actually had a brainwave tonight. I would really like to get a 12 string warmoth bass made but they don't do them so I had this idea about getting a neck made with a paddle headstock and doing the work myself. I only need to find out a way to modify an 8 string bridge to cope with 12 strings as I don't believe that such a thing exists.

Going to change the strings tomorrow as they are beginning to sound really dead but they have been on for 7 months so I can't complain.

Playing tomorrow night with the rock band so I took it a bit easier than normal tonight as the 12 string can take it out of your fingers after a while as I play it fingerstyle.


Delberthot siad:
" I used my acoustic bass for the first time for this song which sounded good but fed back when I got anywhere near my cab. I would invest in one of those covers that goes over the soundhole but it is oval and I've never seen one that shape before."

Crafter BA400? I had one before .. There's a feedback control switch marked "phase". If you push that in it "moves" the feedback frequency to a different one :) Well that's my interpretation of what happens, and sometimes that fixes the problem for a particular room/stage/amp combination


[quote name='WalMan' post='243171' date='Jul 19 2008, 01:48 AM']Good one last night (Friday) and hopefully tonight will be as well. I'm hoping the sound guy will surreptitiously record it so I can have a go at mixing the current twin guitar line up.

Friday at the Crown in LA was good. Only reopened fairly recently, but there was a good responsive crowd there all night.

We started the first set and sound guy was looking confused as he was getting no signal from me, and I was sure I had run the cable. Turned out in the break that I had forgotten to plug it into the MB combo. DOH!! Didn't really matter though. It was on 9 o'clock input and same output with the tone pretty much flat, but I was barely tickling the bass and it was thundering out. That combo is so good. Light, loud, and a great tone that easily holds its own in a classic rock covers outfit. Fitted the PA feed in the break and turned the master down AGAIN, and SG was still muttering at the end that he had been mixing up to me :huh:

A couple of alien abduction moments for each of us, in particular vocalist starting a second verse early over the verse intro (that's the same as the verse anyway - can't remember what now :huh: ). Guitarist, drummer & I just smiled at each other & dropped a line from the verse. I'm sure no one noticed at all :huh:

A couple of encores and some nice compliments after - always help to bring the evening to a merry close, even if we do have to pack away & hump the gear out & home.

Roll on The Fountain in Chichester South Street tonight (19 Jul)[/quote]

Wish I'd been there for that Al ! :huh:

Sounds like a good gig and hopefully The Fountain will have been a good one as well? I would have made it along to The Crown as I'm always keen to see you guys play and it would be nice to see what they've done to the place with the refurb.. But I had a couple of gigs myself; one at The Kings Head in Burgess Hill on Friday and a private party, Saturday night in Hove..

It was my first 2 gigs with the Peavey T-max and I've got to admit, I was worried after Friday's gig because i couldn't get my sound right at all.. :) But I spent a bit of time Saturday afternoon sussing it out and as a result, had a great sound last night! :huh:

Amazing how different using a tube pre-amp is to solid state?


Went well apart from a string issue. lesson learnt. we have a singer issue. the guitarist sings better than the singer and the Landlord of the pub lets us know. he just does not like him. he thinks we are a great band but the singer. no. its just not his opinion, we have had it before. so we are well aware of it. but what to do. anyone fancy having a talk with our singer?


[quote name='silverfoxnik' post='243599' date='Jul 20 2008, 01:44 AM']Wish I'd been there for that Al ! :huh:

Sounds like a good gig and hopefully The Fountain will have been a good one as well? I would have made it along to The Crown as I'm always keen to see you guys play and it would be nice to see what they've done to the place with the refurb.. But I had a couple of gigs myself; one at The Kings Head in Burgess Hill on Friday and a private party, Saturday night in Hove..

It was my first 2 gigs with the Peavey T-max and I've got to admit, I was worried after Friday's gig because i couldn't get my sound right at all.. :) But I spent a bit of time Saturday afternoon sussing it out and as a result, had a great sound last night! :huh:

Amazing how different using a tube pre-amp is to solid state?[/quote]
Nik glad to hear you got to grips with the T Max. I'm sure you had a couple of good nights. I should possibly scope of Burgess Hill, but I suspect it may be a gig too far for the others.

As for The Crown refurb, well you would be hard pushed to tell what the brewery have been up to while it was closed as I can't see much difference - possibly a lick of paint. I suspect it had more to do with the joint tenants falling out at the beginning of the year actually

Just back from Chichester myself after a second set & encores that seemed never ending. The landlord turned the clock behind the bar round and just kept saying "no it's alright you can do another" :huh: We don't mind he's a nice guy & pays well.

A bit quieter than usual to start with tonight, everyone was outside on a nice evening (that's what we told ourselves anyway), but it got going quite nicely as things progressed. If the sign of a hot gig is water consumption then tonight was a hot one as I went through 2.5 litres plus a couple of pints of unleaded Coke.

I think tonight [i]may [/i]have been recorded. The ADAT was in the rack, but I didn't ask at the end of the evening as, if it was, it was being done surreptitiously to keep certain parties happy :huh: Unfortunately if it was I had too many horrible moments, which though not noticed by pretty much all of the crowd I suspect, will mean I shall probably have to cheat & redo bits to get anything out of it.

G&L was sounding lovely again. I put on a new set of strings this morning as last night they were sounding a bit tired (could have just been the venue) and the newer ones seemed to have a bit more tone tonight. It could well have been that last night I didn't use the IEM & tonight I did, but the coating was starting to shed quite a bit on the old Elixirs so it was probably getting on for time.

Got to the end of the night & got chatting to a few people who'd not seen us before.
"Do you do this for a living?" she says.
"Sadly no" I reply.
"Still trying?"
"Probably given up on even that" says I "It's just for enjoyment and to stop me turning up at the office one day with a pump action shotgun" :huh:
"Been together long?"
[Thinks][i]Bu99er!![/i]{/Thinks] & I have to admit that I have been playing with the drummer so long we most certainly started out before any of them were thought of :)

So one more next Friday, then the summer layoff until mid Sept. I believe I may go quietly mad in the meantime!!!


Okay. I'm in pain after tonight's gig.

Began with the 12 but something told me to use the Warmoth for the rest of the night.

Glad I did.

I just went for it too much last night and that coupled with the fact that I haven't done a Fri/Sat gigging in ages has resulted with me having a huge blood blister on my middle finger of my right hand. A smaller blister on my thumb and really sore index and ring fingers.

Me blister's throbbing something terrible.

Wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't been playing long but I've been playing now for 21 years.

Oh well, better recuperate for next weekend's gigs


[quote name='WalMan' post='243616' date='Jul 20 2008, 03:13 AM']Got to the end of the night & got chatting to a few people who'd not seen us before.
"Do you do this for a living?" she says.
"Sadly no" I reply.
"Still trying?"
"Probably given up on even that" says I "It's just for enjoyment and to stop me turning up at the office one day with a pump action shotgun" :)
"Been together long?"
[Thinks][i]Bu99er!![/i]{/Thinks] & I have to admit that I have been playing with the drummer so long we most certainly started out before any of them were thought of :huh:

So one more next Friday, then the summer layoff until mid Sept. I believe I may go quietly mad in the meantime!!![/quote]


Hi Al,

That little edit of your post-gig conversations made me laugh, but it also sounded painfully familiar... Shall we have that pint soon and get some therapy in quickly so you can keep the pump action shotgun at bay?



[quote name='Galilee' post='239898' date='Jul 15 2008, 11:58 AM']At this point I'd usually say 'get completely pi55ed and get your willy out', but I suppose that's inappropriate.[/quote]
Well considering I don't have one.... can I get someone elses out? :)


Another two gigs this week. Its been hell at work so the opportunity to escape the borderline psychopathic client was very welcome. As I left the office Friday lunchtime he was trying to call me from Dubai over some work that they (yet again) asked for at short notice for Sunday. I had set up cover for me as I had told everyone I wasn't going to be around on Friday afternoon. So we will see what the aftermath is going to be like on Monday. Everyone seems to be running away from this project at high speed. I expected this guy was either trying to bully me to "work 110% over the weekend if necessary" (which I'm already working as it is, only its not for him) or trying emotional blackmail (the I'm-relying-on-you-Steve-don't-let-me-down bit).

Anyways. Friday's gig was at the Trafalgar pub in Greenwich. Steve Turner from Kylie's Fever band was depping with us again on keys and its always a pleasure to gig with him. The event was a wedding with a very young crowd, I'd say 80% were in their twenties. Lots of fun, some very creative and over enthusiastic dancing etc but it was all a bit of a laugh. We had a very early load in at 1:30pm followed by 2 hours to set up and we were on at 8:15 for 9pm. We've NEVER done a gig with speeches that finished on time. Apparently the bride had already seen us play at one of our first gigs for a friend of hers! The food was a tab at the bar and I indulged myself in the house special - a whitebait dinner. (Although UK whitebait is another name for sprats, in NZ whitebait is basically elvers which are much, much smaller and easier to eat).

Last nights gig was at Ansty Hall near Coventry and again Steve T was filling in. Nice modern venue, easy load in and park up close to the stage, helpful staff and a black tie theme. So we got the tuxes out! Only when I got mine out I realised I'd left my shirt studs back at home!!! Cue: search for gaffa tape which (horrors) didn't work very well! (At last, something that gaffa tape won't stick to!) So I went to hotel reception and they found me a few safety pins which more or less did the trick.

The food was a hog roast which was OK but more of a snack than anything.

The crowd were in their 30's and 40's and the bar was pay as you go, so noone was really out to get trollied (although there was one memorable exception - a short, plump, fake tanned, rough looking lady with a blonde crew cut in her late 40's who had looked determined to push the boat out all evening. Her husband, who also had a matching platinum blonde hair cut and fake tan ended up helping her to walk back to their room, she was nearly paralytic at the end of the night!)

All in all we played three sets of 45 min and the dance floor never really got filled until the last set. Generally, we were well recieved but they were a bit tepid compared to other crowds.


[quote name='Sarah5string' post='243692' date='Jul 20 2008, 11:07 AM']Well considering I don't have one.... can I get someone elses out? :huh:[/quote]

Here you go



Went down well, and the Trace sounded good. Why is there always a notice board behind us, every bloody place we play? We had some rather nice young ladies up and dancing, which is always good for bunch of old farts to oggle at. Crap accoustics though, it was some kind of conference room, private party etc, but it was a good night.

[quote name='silverfoxnik' post='243684' date='Jul 20 2008, 10:54 AM']:)

Hi Al,

That little edit of your post-gig conversations made me laugh, but it also sounded painfully familiar... Shall we have that pint soon and get some therapy in quickly so you can keep the pump action shotgun at bay?



[quote name='Merton' post='242670' date='Jul 18 2008, 01:14 PM']Tomorrow we have 2 hours to set up and soundcheck before the meal, then we get to prop up the bar and eat food for 3 hours before the first dance :)[/quote]

Famous last words. We turn up with the dancefloor int he area we were suposed to be setting up in. 45 mins later they have finally moved it under one of the dinner tables and we can set up.

I was also told that the afternoon drinks reception before the meal was in the hotel garden "at the other end of the building to where you're setting up." Try right outside the f**king window!! So soundcheck was a little shorter than normal...

But other than that the whole thing went swimmingly well and everyone loved us :huh:

[quote name='steantval' post='243010' date='Jul 18 2008, 07:45 PM']Went to Nottingham Arena last night to see

Thunder, Whitesnake, Def Leppard.

I especially went to see Thunder and Whitesnake, but Def Leppard stole the show with a great set and stage setup/lighting.

The bass player in Leppard had the most awesome bass sound I have ever witnessed, stacks of Ashdown cabs each side of the stage.

The bottom end coming out of the PA made your stomach rumble and made the old trouser legs flap.[/quote]

Oh yeah :huh:

Saw Lep and Snake at Wembley last month and it was awesome. Sav's sound is indeed huge, he's finally sorted it out after years of weedy nothingness coming out of the PA!!


[quote name='OldGit' post='242591' date='Jul 18 2008, 12:10 PM']"Did we really need 2 hours? Could we play CD's through the PA whilst we setup and sound check? Could we come in before the reception to setup up and then hang around for 5 hours before playing..."[/quote]
Haha..that's so true. Nice to know everybody has to put up with the same nonsense. :)

I had to skip my gig this week as I'm still hobbling around after doing my knee in. A dep got £100 instead of me. Need to get fighting fit again as I could do with topping up my GAS fund.


First jazz gig with my Stagg EUB on Friday evening at a golf club in Coulsdon. I was very pleased with how it went and stayed on the upright for most of the evening. The one exception turned out to be the tune I mucked up most as I forgot that I had retuned my six string (DAGFBbEb) and so started in the wrong key. Doubly embarrassing as it was a tune I wrote although I think we covered it up pretty well so most of the audience probably passed it off as some more of that modern jazz stuff...



Saturday night was a 40th birthday party for a friend of Greg, our lead singer. Greg had offered to do this gig for free before I even joined the band, so I can't complain. And the birthday boy paid for the PA hire, so we weren't out of pocket.

We were playing in the corner of the garden, and hardly anyone was watching us - most of the guests were inside the warm house, listening to the stereo. I switched to a fretted bass after 9:30pm because it was getting dark and we didn't have much illumination on stage.

The gig went fine, but when there's barely anybody watching, and one of the neighbours' neighbours' neighbours' neighbours comes round halfway through to complain about the noise, it puts a bit of a dampener on things. It's infuriating to know that 95% of the people there wouldn't have cared if we hadn't been there. Still, I try to throw myself into the gig anyway, and do all my moody introspection the next morning.



A strange weekend for us - played a tiny pub in Chorley on Friday, it was smaller than my living room. Had about 25 punters and it was standing room only. We expected a sh*tty night but hey ho, it was a chance to try out my new cab. It turned out to be an excellent gig, great atmosphere and we went down really well.

Saturday night promised to be a stonker and we were all looking forward to it. It was a 50th birthday bash for two bikers (twins) and it was at British Aerospace in Preston - it was a large room with about 300 people in it. We had to hire a big PA / soundman.

The day started badly - the PA man turned up on Saturday afternoon and began wheeling his gear in through the front of the club only to have some psycho bitch from hell chewing his nuts for not using the rear entrance and accusing us of damaging their new tiles (which alledgedly cost £40,000 - yuh). Our singer jumped in and basically told her to f*ck off and get back in the kitchen when her husband heard the row and came striding out - they had to be seperated. Lovely.

The sound was dreadful - the bass was there but no defintion and I wished I'd just backlined it but that would have made for an unbalanced sound on stage. Towards the end of the second set, there was some awful low frequency feedback that was really bothering me but nobody else surprisingly. Apparently, it couldn't be heard out front and the punters loved us.

The rest of the band camped in the field with all the bikers but I went home sulking thinking my new cab was kaput.


[quote name='niceguyhomer' post='244304' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:44 AM']The rest of the band camped in the field with all the bikers but I went home sulking thinking my new cab was kaput.[/quote]

I assume that you have since checked it and found it to be in full working order?



[quote name='stylonpilson' post='244314' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:56 AM']I assume that you have since checked it and found it to be in full working order?


It sounds fine at bedroom volume but I won't get chance to put some serious welly through it until Saturday. The other lads think it was a monitor issue - I hope so.


[quote name='niceguyhomer' post='244328' date='Jul 21 2008, 11:14 AM']It sounds fine at bedroom volume but I won't get chance to put some serious welly through it until Saturday. The other lads think it was a monitor issue - I hope so.[/quote]

If you can find a way to test it before the next gig, then that would be a good idea. Partly because you may find that the same monitor issue arises again, in which case you still won't know whether it's busted or not. And if it explodes next time you crank the volume, you want to have a little bit of time left to obtain a replacement!



A fairly eventful wedding gig on saturday.
There were last minute requests from the bride which we hadn't played for a while so we were counting on the soundcheck to run these through. As a result we'd requested the PA and engineer get there for midday and explained the reasons why. We were due to be 'quiet' by 3pm as the room was being used for the initial arrival of the gride and broom. Sadly it was a company that we hadn't used before...
1pm came and went before they arrived, then spent 2 hours goofing around without actually switching the thing on. We eventually started soundcheck at 2.50pm!!
The sound was horrendous. A real echo chamber of a room, 15m cubed. The sound went everywhere and there bass had to be backed riiiiight off. Normally we'd be counting on the foldback to counteract this but the desk they'd brough only had a single mix and they were scared to turn it up in case it fedback. So... we did the whole gig 'deaf'. I spent the whole time with my eyes on the drummer's snare hand and played everything staccato and muted. Horrible.

The crowd made it all worth while though. They loved it and even the curious bride choices went down a storm. Mr Brightside started a Conga around the room and our singer went and joined in (I love radio mics).


[quote name='Sarah5string' post='239763' date='Jul 15 2008, 09:26 AM']I've never gigged before so needless to say am really excited. Any pre gig tips would be appreciated![/quote]
Best of luck...

Organisation-wise, make a list of everything you need to take. Instruments, leads, extension cables, clothes, plectrums, clothes, old set of strings as spare, spare battery, tuner, instrument stand, towel, etc etc. Give yourself plenty of time before setting out to the gig and plenty of time after you've arrived (ie. get there nice and early). Get everything on your list ready to load into the car, and when the time comes, load up and go. If you're going down the M6, make sure there haven't been any accidents in the last half hour.

Setup - if you're working with a venue sound engineer, be nice to them. If he wants you to play a few bars, don't do a whole song. Soundcheck with the loudest and quietest bits that you do.

Playing-wise - relax as much as you can. Remember you're playing to the audience so have a look at them now and again - the odds are that very few of them are axe murderers, and quite a lot of them may even be friendly. Don't have dead mic time - if you've got gaps between songs, someone should be speaking to the audience then.

And have fun.


[quote name='tauzero' post='244453' date='Jul 21 2008, 02:40 PM']Remember you're playing to the audience so have a look at them now and again[/quote]

Sarah, the girls in my band always make a point of checking out the boy-totty. :)

Posted (edited)

Friday we played Rockers, Glasgow.
Dodgy start. While unpacking the gear, we discover that our drummer who packed the van in Aberdeen had forgotten to take our rhythm guitarist axe. Luckily Matt (rhythm guitarist) had been held up at his graduation and was still on his way down so was able to nip into Dundee and borrow one from a mate of a mate of a mate.
I had hoped to let loose my new LMII for the first time but was pleasantly surprised to discover that the house rig was an EBS HD350 perched up high on a 410 + 115 Ashdown (MIE) ABM stack. It took me seconds to scoop out the mids and find my sound before soundcheck. There was a Behringer rack tuner sitting on the amp lighting up the face too. I'd left my increasingly redundant gt6-b (find I'm just using it as a tuner these days) at home and borrowed a Boss Tu-2 instead but despite what I'd read about the Behringer I decided to give it a try. Never again! We are tuned to Eb and nip down a tone for a couple of songs further into our set. During the sound check the Bleh-ringer had problems locking onto my Eb but I persisted and it told me I was in tune... although I didn't feel in absolute perfect tune (it's pretty hard to harmonic check with a drummer thrashing about his kit and the lead guitar shredding his life away to the half dozen punters curiously watching the band set up) and kept rechecking but it came back with a constant reading so I left it. Soundcheck was awesome the sound guy knew his sh*t and was a pleasure too.
The band on before us (didn't catch the name) were brilliant. Old boys (I hasten to add that some members of my band quipped that considering my advanced years I should be up with them too - ha bloody ha) blasting their way through a set comprising blues, classic rock and widdely widdely style covers. The singer even cracked a ball crushing Chris Cornell when they did a Audioslave number.
We stepped up for our bit, I checked to see if I was in tune again as my S.U.B. must have "acclimatised" by that time and the bloody Bleh-ringer couldn't track my E string at all. So a quick couple of harmonics and I just chanced it. We did two 45 minute sets to a packed house who happily stuck around for our 2nd half but weirdly disappeared immediately after we stopped. There was a Doors tribute playing at the same time next door somewhere and we'd spoken to some locals beforehand that couldn't decide if they'd watch the Doors or us. We won! The only hiccup in an almost faultless set was that towards the end in the middle of the extended solo in "Alive" my straplock slipped though the hole in my strap and I had to finish the song on my knees playing my bass like an upright. I didn't drop a note and was ready for lots of pats on the back but due to the fact that I jump about like a mad thing anyway and often play passages with my bass 2 inches off the floor, most folk just though it was just part of the act. Sheesh! With us being an unknown entity in Glasgow we accepted a £150 wage but after the gig the manager insisted that we come back but we'd take the door next time. That's us with a foot in the door in Glasgow now. Result! Anyway back to the hostel and partied with some locals til 4-5am.

some pics of the night thanks to the awesome Mr. [url="http://www.bebo.com/Profile.jsp?MemberId=4503245432"]Nutty P[/url]

Saturday. Our convoy made a tentative drive back over to the east coast. A welcome return to one of our favourite venues - Eskmills bowling club in Musselburgh. Not because of the venue itself (because it's sh*te) but because of the people. Dav, Robert and Fudge came to see us in Edinburgh last year and loved it so much they organised a gig for us in their home town. We had such a great time with them last time and the WAGs really looked after us and seeing as we were at the same end of the country we told them we'd to do it for nowt this time.
Simple set up. Our backline plus vocal and kick drum PA. Great sound as always with this setup with the added clarity of my new Little Mark. This time we chose a slightly longer 2 hour set plus a break in the middle again. Alex our lead guitar did an impromptu acoustic tapping set (just 3 songs) before we went on when he saw the Takamine that the guy who did a few Zakk Wylde acoustic numbers as a support had been playing. The support guy did his set through a wee Marshall acoustic amp but when Alex stepped up I put him through the PA. Needles to say he had us like putty in his nimble hands.
Our set wasn't as seamless as the previous night. Half way through the the first part we tripped the fuse box which subsequently set off all the alarms. The locals took it well and we all had a big laugh about it. A grumpy caretaker took his time rectifying the problem but we set off again and re-did the song that tripped the fuse at the end of the first half as it had been a request. Then in the second half, Matt (the guy who's guitar had been forgotten) snapped a D sting on the borrowed guitar, he played on to the end of the song but obviously need a couple of minutes to re-string. We had thought about doing a wee unplugged section during the half time break (just an excuse for Murray our vocalist to get his hands on the Takamine - with drums and bass accompaniment) but we didn't bother with it in the end but now would have been a good time to chuck it in the set to fill the dead air time while Matt got his sh*t together. There was a mad rush to set it up while Matt changed his string. The second Murray sat his arse on the seat with acoustic guitar in hand Matt started tuning up. We all pissed ourselves at that. I was kind of relieved that we didn't manage the unplugged as the Takamine was still in concert pitch and Murray can't tune a guitar to save his life so I'd have to transpose everything on the fly, still hungover and a couple of beers in to this night. Later Matt stepped on his lead and wrenched it out of the guitar and to round things off near the end his strap fell off the button. Luckily it was a fairly mellow song so I was able to finger tap my bass line with my left hand and put his strap back on for him with my right while he played on too. By the end of the night the punters were standing on the seats screaming their lungs out. They had a whip round and took £150 which we weren't allowed to refuse. Back to Roberts pad (where tents had been set up for us) for a boozy garden party until 7am (don't worry the neighbours were there too). Oh yes and at some point Nemo (forgetful drummer) got his head shaved.

After some kip Nemo did his usual early shoot in the van and some of the others made their way up the road to Blair Drummond Safari park while Alex and I hung out with the guys for a bit before making the long trek back up to Aberdeen. Absolutely wicked time thanks guys you are the best. My LMII did just as I expected - I love it.
Right where's the Aspirin?

Edited by Ou7shined

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