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Another fun night of prog @ The Holbrook Club along with hAND, but some [b][u][i]REALLY[/i][/u][/b] wierd gremlins.

MIDI cable between the bass pedals & keyboard came loose during the first set. All the cables were neat & tight to start with and I was hardly rocking the keyboard like Jon Lord or Keith Emerson

Then at the end of the second set for no obvious reason between the end of Day for Night & Roundabout the second stage input gain pot on the Streamliner got turned from 12 o'clock to off. So the bass went and I could not see why in the panic of wondering WTF!!!? That pot is relatively inaccessible to accidental adjustment and nothing else changed so HOW THE #### DID THAT HAPPEN!? Spent most of Roundabout trying to work out what had happened & ended up plugginf the amp DI XLR into the Wal, which got something going, though I could not hear what I was playing an nbothing was coming through the monitors :(


Last night started interestingly, some of you may remember me saying that our singer broke both his wrists a couple of weeks ago and so I'd be driving the trailer containing the PA for the next couple of months. Well, went to pick him up last night and he couldn't find his keys, so we went off to pick up the trailer and then had to break into it; this involved taking a hack saw to the anti-theft device (similar to the one below), took about 15 minutes with the saw to get through the metal but got there in the end.

[Img]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y175/Ghost_Upon_The_Stage/box-lock_zpshfr52ko3.jpeg" class="ipsImage" />

When we got to the venue and started setting up we found that one of the PA amps had lost some of the screws and the front panel was hanging off, causing the amp to malfunction. Another 15-20 minutes surgery with a screwdriver and gaffer tape got it working.

As a result we started almost an hour later than they wanted us to, but to be honest, that probably worked out for the best, as if we'd startes at half 8 like they'd wanted we'd have had a very muted reaction to the first set. As it was, first set was a bit hit and miss, but had the song choices better suited to the predominantly older social club audience for the second set and had a pretty good reaponse.

We finished at midnight and by the time we'd packed up, returned the trailer and got home, it was half 2 before I got to bed, just in time to be woken up by the kids at 6......


We took things into our own hands a bit last night and though we started later than we used to (which new management prefer) we took a shorter break in the middle and finished closer to when we would normally finish rather than play half the second set to a half empty venue, worked out much better. Its a sports pub so was playing most of the first set alongside the CL final being shown on various screens. The lads watched the match whilst their other halves danced in front of us ;) The singer had badgered us all that he wanted to try a new song and as it was one I'd done many times before with other people said it's be no problem. He then made the most utter shambles of it completely forgetting virtually all the lyrics (and there aren't many and not complicated!). Even phoned me today to apologise, bless him.


A great gig last night , and somewhat of a surprise.
There are a few venues we would like to have a crack at, that book through an agency , so we gave our details for consideration not expecting too much.
Well we have been offered loads of gigs !! but explained we werent up for filling the diary as we are not short of gigs ourselves and the gigs offered always clashed , but a short notice one came up last night in Holywell which we took , and it was brilliant, we had the place bouncing.
The sound seemed spot on, song choice nailed it and the landlords comment , was that we would definately be asked back B)
Always a bonus , so now we hope to be getting onto wanted list of this agency , maybe the rates might pick up if the feedback works our way . :rolleyes:


Good gig at The Ship in Mevagissey. It's one of the few gigs I wear ear plugs because we pretty much play in a box there, and I'd be bloody deaf afterwards if I didn't. Another bonus is that I get to hear the tasty hi-hat moves that the drummer does, which I would normally miss in the confusion....


Awesome gig on SAturday noght at The Worlds End!

Details [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/236310-mister-super-juice-at-the-worlds-end-24-05-2014/page__view__findpost__p__2460924"]here[/url]...


Did a piano trio gig with Jason Rebello who has toured with Jeff Beck and replaced Kenny Kirkland in Sting's band. I have played with some great pianists in my time but .... OMFG!!!


Played a beer festival in Walthamstow on Sunday... never played outside before, couldn't see the display on my tuner properly... although that could possibly be more related to the free beer tokens as opposed to the bright sunlight....


[quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1400406601' post='2453476']The other two bands were excellent as well - I heartily recommend checking out Bouquet of Dead Crows ([url="http://bouquetofdeadcrows.bandcamp.com/"]http://bouquetofdead...s.bandcamp.com/[/url]) and Radar ([url="http://amazingtunes.com/radar1/"]http://amazingtunes.com/radar1/[/url])

They are mate - though that pic on BoDC's bandcamp page is very disturbing! Good noises from both bands.


Played a gig at Unplug in Birmingham on Sunday. I've played there before and the stage is horrible. Very small and there's a support pillar right in front of where I stand.

First time using my new bass loud and my god she is loud. Had a few technical issues mid set with the pa and as a result we over ran our 30 min slot by about 3 mins at which point the promoter had a go at our guitarist.. Which promted us to pack up and leave


Pretty good, thanks. A much better turn-out than our last attempt to do a mid-week at the New Cross Inn, and some really good bands on the bill.

Onstage sound wasn't great - from talking to the others afterwards, I think I was the only one who could hear everybody else (well, apart from my own BVs, so I dread to think how they sounded...). But in spite of that, we played pretty well. And just like last time, I made the mistake of sticking around at the end for "just one more" pint and having a rather awkward journey home. Going to need to put some more coffee on soon, methinks.


Went pretty well, even if I didn't play at it!
The guys got a local bassist in to dep for me while I was at the mother in laws 70th.
Went along for the last half hour and 2 of the last 6 songs I don't think he actually played one note the same as the rest of the band! He blagged it well though, turned down on the ones he wasn't sure of and just done his own thing!
Punch up and a broken window in the door at the end apparently B)


Just in from playing Caerphilly Workingmens Hall.... A gorgeous old theatre opposite the castle.

Venue hadn't advertised as much as promised so it was a disappointing crowd, but they were enthusiastic and we went down well.

One guy had flown down from Scotland to see us, as is a huge Floyd fan and likes to see as many tribute bands as he can!! He said he thought we were one of the best which was flattering! He was besotted with Steph, one of our backing singers, but then she does do a blinder on Great Gig in the Sky :P

One minor tech hitch on Wish You Were Here, when no sound came out of the guitar during my guitar solo!!! No idea why, we'd sound checked it and it was working perfectly then!

Had a brilliant time though. You just can't beat the buzz of playing to an appreciative audience!!

Oh and I decided to try something new and wear a dress!!!!

Just finished a hot chocolate and climbed into bed.... I'm so rock and roll me.


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1401579973' post='2465041']
Oh and I decided to try something new and wear a dress!!!!

Must try this :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

Some of the audience liked us. I didn't like us. New bass worked OK, but like all P-basses I struggle to hear what I'm playing.

Edited by alyctes

[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1401579973' post='2465041']

Oh and I decided to try something new and wear a dress!!!!


Glad the gig went well Debs. Funnily enough I wore a dress for the first time at our last Open Mic. I felt really good, so am going to repeat the exercise.
Gotta be the right sort of dress though, or I'll end up looking like Mrs Merton on Bass.!


[quote name='seashell' timestamp='1401605022' post='2465087']

Glad the gig went well Debs. Funnily enough I wore a dress for the first time at our last Open Mic. I felt really good, so am going to repeat the exercise.
Gotta be the right sort of dress though, or I'll end up looking like Mrs Merton on Bass.!

Mine was a black dress with big white bursts of like a star light on them, it did look fairly rock and roll (even though OH hated it!), I have now renamed it "my gigging dress". It was actually quite loose and relaxing!

Our guitarist, bless him, said I looked really hot.... Seeing a woman in a dress holding and playing a great big bass :lol:


[quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1401607471' post='2465094']

Mine was a black dress with big white bursts of like a star light on them, it did look fairly rock and roll (even though OH hated it!), I have now renamed it "my gigging dress". It was actually quite loose and relaxing!

Our guitarist, bless him, said I looked really hot.... Seeing a woman in a dress holding and playing a great big bass :lol:

Pics please!
Mines purple with a sort of lace up bodice. Works well with black leggings and ankle boots. Also destined to be my 'gigging dress', lol :D


Our gig on Friday was weird. Played at a biker pub we have been to a couple of times before, maximum number in the audience was five! The place was deserted long before we finished. It was rather embarrassing to have a singer of Jenny Haan's stature singing to an empty room! But we still got paid and enjoyed playing, just no gig buzz afterwards. Jenny will be singing with Babe Ruth at Summerfest in Milwaukee later this month, so we have an fairly empty calender until she gets back. At least she's have an enthusiastic audience there!


Not one of our best last night.

Second number in and the venues sound limiter did its job. Bloody hateful things.
We discovered that it was very sensitive to G chords, so spent the night worrying with every approaching G.

I made a few mistakes, caused by being too tired, watching the limiter and being on auto pilot. :(

Having said all that, the audience loved us and were up and dancing from track one, set one and we have more bookings. :)

Posted (edited)

Wedding out in the countryside near Lifton, Devon. Enjoyable gig, appreciative crowd. Not that far from home, which was fortunate, as I forgot to pack my amp head! First time I've ever forgotten a show - stopping piece of kit. Frantic round trip through the lanes, and all was well. Drummer used some fancy new Roland toys to enhance his kit through the equally new PA speakers, and the guitarist produced a new MIM HSS Strat out of nowhere!
Good gig, and the hog roast was sublime...

Edited by Telebass

Yet another gig in the declining club scene for me. Had a great night with those who were there (including the awesome cap who was raving alone on the dance floor to EVERY song!) but it's not anywhere near as well-attended as it used to be. They even called off the bingo because not enough people wanted to get involved!


Played the Golden Fleece in Stamford on Friday. Just before we started the drummer said "oh there's the bass player from my old band - he's brilliant" and proceeded to trot out all the reasons for this dude's brilliance.

Oh great. So, no pressure then.

Got through the first number okay but then we went into All Right Now. Got to the bass riff before the guitar solo and had a complete melt down. Just two bars but those two bars were very, very bad.

Over the last three years I must have played that song a thousand times and never had a problem. Now, when I'm trying to prove to the drummer that I'm not the ham fisted buffoon he thinks i am.....

Played my best ever for the rest of the gig but somehow.....


Had a pretty good one at a local social club last night. We've played there lots of times but normally in the function room. Last night they wanted us in the main bar, as we'd agreed to time our sets around the boxing. The 'stage' is a long, narrow area which is deeper at one end, so we had to play in a line with drummer on the end as that's the only part deep enough for the kit, which felt really odd! Good crowd though, was a bit concerned some of the younger ones might get a bit too rowdy after the fight but all was fine, good atmosphere. Highlight for me the 60yr old bloke who shouted "f***ing brilliant" at the top of his voice after every number of the second set! Really starting to get used to the feel of the Bongo now too, and got a drunken compliment about it last night "ere mate, that black guitar is cool as f**k"!

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