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Even splendidder.

We've just got back from Togfest in Milton Keynes. A really charming little festival, in the idyllic setting of Bradwell Abbey. But most importantly, the crowd seemed to absolutely love it - for the first time ever, we actually sold out of CDs. I think we're all on a bit of a high right now...


Played our home town last night with three other local bands. Was a pretty decent turn out.
I had the choice of cabs to use (either an 8x10 Ashdown or a full Trace Elliot stack). I went with the trace as I've used it before and my god it sounds great with my current set up.
I did have one slight cock up. During a break between songs I was adjusting the eq on my Zoom B9.1ut and without realising turned the whole eq off. Started the next song and I sounded dreadful. Luckily I managed to turn it back on before the end of the song.


Did five gigs last week, and at my age I swore I'd cut down - but the phone/emails keep coming. Anyway, the last one was the Upton Jazz Festival with our 'village project' FiddleBop. Fiddle, two guitars and double bass. We've come up from some disparate starters to a useful folk/jazz outfit. The gig was three hours with just two 15min breaks, but of course we cheated a bit. First two houses were packed to standing room and the third one slightly less but we had great enthusiastic audiences. As in most festivals turnround is a bit fraught with the load-in up a flight of stairs, with punters from the previous band coming down. We borrowed a sound guy to help us out and he earned his keep in the first five minutes alone.

Upton Food and Beer festival was across the river with some great 'heavier' sounds wafting across. Any BCers playing there?


Friday night Naked Bass were at a pub in town we've not done before, we're mostly from East Grinstead and used to do The Crow's Nest exclusively, but since they've halved the number of live music nights they have we've started looking at other venues. Turnout was good, but not quite as busy as we'd hoped, might be some people haven't been paid yet, but we're back on the first of August which I hope will be better.

The "stage area" lead to a slightly odd layout, but seemed to work okay:

[Img]https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-0/10407596_10152451263505589_2507224043062937683_n.jpg" class="ipsImage" />

Saturday was a birthday party for a couple who's wedding we played two years ago, had a dep drummer who we've not used before, but he was great. Due to the layout of the pub, and the hog/lamb roast being on the first set was a bit muted, but by the second set when they had a few more drinks in them the punters loved it. The husband of the birthday girl was up giving it large though and really helped to get people on the dance floor.

Posted (edited)

Slander played the Borough in Darwen last night supported by the very capable 'Horny Goat Band', and it was HOT!

Like, really hot. we had to stop after 5 songs to cool down - the room was unbearable, and the lights were really close to us; the lead guitarist in particular. When we felt sure that none of us were going to expire we set up fans on the stage and continued. Thanks to a really long lead I ended up on the floor messing about with punters (great fun) by way of entertainment.

Also it was very, very loud! In spite of (or maybe because of) the difficulties we all seemed to move everything up a gear, I think to try to compensate for the unscheduled interlude, but whatever the reason we sold some CDs, and everyone had a brilliant night out.

Edited by paul_5

Yes Paul, the Horny Goat Blues Band had a cracker with you boys. Bugger me though it was very warm, it was a great night for us though as it was our first gig out for a while and we really enjoyed it. Great to see Slander out on the road and believe me folks if you like heavy metal loud you will LOVE Slander.


A busy week for me involving a last rehearsal on tues of the full set for our new singer, new P.A bits, new songs etc.
Then a rehearsal on weds for a Marc Riley radio 6 session on Thurs (ooooh get me..: ))for someone I'm playing bass for on a few gigs to promote an LP launch.
Then a P.A hire gig in Manchester for another band playing the Hard Rock Cafe on friday, and finally my own covers bands gig on sat in a pub somewhere in salford, which once the chileans bowed out of the World cup, went down a storm with plenty of dancing and singing along.
The new singer has a nice performance instinct and gets involved with the audience ( he had his arse pinched) and the P.A worked fine though am not convinced I'm getting the best out of it yet.
As you can imagine, a lot of gear was moved, prepped, repaired, shouted at etc.
I then drank rum and watched football and glasto highlights on sunday.


Last night was great, our first wedding of the year at The Copthorne Hotel near Gatwick. It was for one of our dep drummers, I made a few daft mistakes, but I don't think anyone but me noticed - really must up the practice sessions during the week.

It was easily the best gig we've done for ages, a real contrast to the pubs and social clubs, and the reason for that is simple: people were up for it. We had dancers from the first song and the dance floor was never empty all night; people enjoying themselves really feeds-back into your performance and then everyone has a better time :)


Routine pub gig at one of our regular monthly venues. Considering how warm and humid it was in the place we had a surprising number of (mainly female) dancers. Had one (obviously worse for drink) young lady intently looking at my fretting hand from about 6'' away working out how I was playing what I was in some sort of mesmerised trance, quite funny to watch. Even got a positive reaction from a bloke there with his other half who turned out to be an ex bass player himself. Must have lost a couple of pounds in sweat by the end of it but all in all a decent run out for the band.


We played a super hipster pop up market in Wimbledon on Saturday sans drummer.... We were third on in a long line of acts starting at eleven and running into the evening.

PA guy was an hour late, so after a couple of acoustic sets we went on to raptuous applause from both members of the audience....got cut off after four songs to make way for a book reading that had apparentely been scheduled in.

I think things might have got worse later on as when I left the PA guy told me he was going home in ten minutes.


Played a local wine bar that was chokka and rammed full of 10 bob millionaires and TOWIE rejects. Unfortunately the bar owner left the TV running so we were competing against the footy. Despite spirited renditions of Clash, Alarm, Cure, Dexys classics it ws definitely a case of Costa Rica/Netherlands 1: Band 0


[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1404723862' post='2494958']
got cut off after four songs to make way for a book reading that had apparentely been scheduled in.

Should have insisted on hanging around to provide suitable soundtrack backing for the reading, all improv B)


[quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1404734739' post='2495144']
Despite spirited renditions of Clash, Alarm, Cure, Dexys classics it ws definitely a case of Costa Rica/Netherlands 1: Band 0
Two of our regular venues are very sports oriented pubs (big screens everywhere) but at least they turn off whichever screen is closest to the band setup when we play. We've had a lot of overlap during WC but by going on at 10pm and playing till after midnight we've avoided too much clashing. What's tended to happen is that the guys watch the match and all their w.a.g's come to watch us and have a boogie. We haven't complained ;)


[quote name='KevB' timestamp='1404739562' post='2495225']
Should have insisted on hanging around to provide suitable soundtrack backing for the reading, all improv B)

I think it was a reading of a kids book one of the stall holders had written and was therefore promoting....

We did ask to finish the set after the reading but we were unceremoniously jettisoned in favour of some guy from the voice with a fashionable haircut...


Two contrasting gigs over the weekend.

First was the launch party for Dick Venom & The Terrortones new EP [url=http://terrortones.bandcamp.com]"The MonsterPussy Sessions"[/url] at the Running Horse in Nottingham.


We opened our set with help from Cherry doing fire eating and body burning along with Mr Venom...


Thanks to the other bands Prime and the Moonshine Stalkers who helped get the audience warmed up. I think a great evening was had by all of the good sized crowd into the main room at the venue.

The following night we were at the Vintage Rock Bar in Doncaster a place we've played a couple of time before to enthusiastic audiences. This time it was dead. The support band played to us and their singer's parents. They then pack up and left the venue empty. We were just considering if it was even worth playing when a bunch of people who'd seen us supporting The Rezillos the previous month turned up. So we went on to an audience of 5… However by the end of the set we'd got another 10 or so people in through the door and everyone who came in to see what was going on stayed until the end. Considering the size of the audience we sold a surpassing amount of merch and so it was all worthwhile in the end.

Coming up Beerache and a tour supporting Boppin' B...


not technically last night but Sat, and it'll take a biggy to beat my gig on sat!!!

All started pretty normally - lovely castle hotel venue near home for a nice 40th.
Massive blag with a sound limiter in the room (which was a massive 'great hall' with stone vaulted ceiling. Nightmare for our engineer as the venue hadn't even tried to help the sound by reducing some hard surfaces....ah well)
Anyways, we set up, sorted the levels in soundcheck and didn't once trip the limiter, though we close on a few occasions with some big chords and harms.

As we finished, there was a bit of aggro outside - turned out a lady had tripped, fallen, smacked her heard on the stone steps and was unconscious.
I ran out (I'm a first aider) to see if I could help.
Got rid of the drunk "are you ok" shouty type people and was left with hotel staff and the injured lady's daughter (who was sober thankfully)
Anyway, we rang an ambulance - she was drifting in and out of consciousness and trying to sit up, we got her sorted and off to A&E.

Her (rather attractive) daughter then thanked me for helping etc and asked for my number so let me know how her mum was the next day. No problem there I thought.

Get home to a few txt messages off her saying cheers etc, she asks if I'm single and fancy a drink sometime, I politely decline and explain I'm married etc
She then tells me to check out her twitter page and to follow her - I do and it turns out she is a FULL ON PORN ACTRESS!!!
I kid ye not..........
and yes, she's in videos on websites, the works..........


[quote name='KevB' timestamp='1404747310' post='2495346']
Love the woman on standby with the fire blanket, rock'n'roll health & safety :D

TBH I was surprised that they let us do any of the fire stuff inside. The full-on fire breathing took place in the smoker's area out back. And yes the fire blanket is necessary, as last time she managed to set fire to her hair...


[quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1404748253' post='2495363']
not technically last night but Sat, and it'll take a biggy to beat my gig on sat!!!

All started pretty normally - lovely castle hotel venue near home for a nice 40th.
Massive blag with a sound limiter in the room (which was a massive 'great hall' with stone vaulted ceiling. Nightmare for our engineer as the venue hadn't even tried to help the sound by reducing some hard surfaces....ah well)
Anyways, we set up, sorted the levels in soundcheck and didn't once trip the limiter, though we close on a few occasions with some big chords and harms.

As we finished, there was a bit of aggro outside - turned out a lady had tripped, fallen, smacked her heard on the stone steps and was unconscious.
I ran out (I'm a first aider) to see if I could help.
Got rid of the drunk "are you ok" shouty type people and was left with hotel staff and the injured lady's daughter (who was sober thankfully)
Anyway, we rang an ambulance - she was drifting in and out of consciousness and trying to sit up, we got her sorted and off to A&E.

Her (rather attractive) daughter then thanked me for helping etc and asked for my number so let me know how her mum was the next day. No problem there I thought.

Get home to a few txt messages off her saying cheers etc, she asks if I'm single and fancy a drink sometime, I politely decline and explain I'm married etc
She then tells me to check out her twitter page and to follow her - I do and it turns out she is a FULL ON PORN ACTRESS!!!
I kid ye not..........
and yes, she's in videos on websites, the works..........
[/quote]did you tell her you was only the bass player tho?


[quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1404748253' post='2495363']

Her (rather attractive) daughter then thanked me for helping etc and asked for my number so let me know how her mum was the next day. No problem there I thought.

Get home to a few txt messages off her saying cheers etc, she asks if I'm single and fancy a drink sometime, I politely decline and explain I'm married etc
She then tells me to check out her twitter page and to follow her - I do and it turns out she is a FULL ON PORN ACTRESS!!!
I kid ye not..........
and yes, she's in videos on websites, the works..........

*cough*name?*cough* ;) :lol:

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