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[quote name='beerdragon' timestamp='1194449265' post='84953']
I must be getting old because I couldn't hear a note I was playing during certain songs and kept thinking I was playing flat.

I would have thought if you could'nt hear what you were playing it meant you were at least in tune with the rest of the band, hit a few wrong notes and they seem to stick out like a sore thumb plus the stares you get from other band members. speaking from personal experience that us. :)

Happens to me a lot especially in small bars. I can be standing right in front of my rig and right behind my stage monitor. Makes for a long frustrating night.



Great gig tonight, to a full pub, an old haunt of mine from years ago in the middle of town , we played a 50 minute first set with a bit of improv as we had them dancing from the second song so we adjusted to jam a couple of daft ones , it worked well .
the first set was over by 10.20 and the LL suggested going back on at 11ish but we don't like the hanging around , if we are there we may as well play, so we were back on it at 10.40 and nailed it till midnight with everyone bouncing nearly all the way through.
blooded 2 new ones , Boys are back in town and Dont stop beleiving , they both worked a treat even if they could do with a couple more run throughs .
Sound wise we still have a bit of a loudness war with lead guitar , and while it was far too loud on stage , reports from the rear of the pub was it was a great sound overall , so hey , maybe he is right , but I still think it is too loud :lol:


Looks like our bandleader 'had a word' with the dep gtr during the half time interval on Fri night (see post #4938) and worked his magic. He got a txt from dep on Sat aft saying 'after last night's fiasco I've decided not to dep for you again'. Leaving us with 5hrs to find a replacement. On a Saturday ffs! So in the end last night we ended up winging it as a 3 piece, though in fact a gtr player from one of the drummer's old bands was there and stepped in for the last 4 songs of set 1 which was nice of him. Got through it, though me and drummer worked our nadgers off filling out the sound. I noticed at the end of the night I was paid by bandleader what I would get normally if we were a 4 piece yet I thought the venue paid a fixed fee irrespective of band size. Past caring, already handed in my notice.


First proper gig with the new line up. Worst on stage sound I've ever had! All I could hear was drums and vocals. Asked many times for more gtr and bass but ended up with less?!?!
Also ran thru the worst sounding cab (some mark bass crap)

Cab was actually really nice. Thanks to Muzz again for letting me use it


Oh forgot to say, was supposed to be doing backing vocals, but as soon as the microphone was turned up to any level fed back majorly, so I couldn't. Wasn't totally disappointed!


Last night was our second gig at a pub in York - we're a covers band. Our audience was mainly friends and friends of friends which helped make it a pretty special occasion. We were pretty nervous but we relaxed as the night progressed and ended up feeling exhausted but having had a great time!

Earlier, I had decided to give the Thunderbird its first outing in anger have messed about with the bridge to lower the action. Classic "you shouldn't do this", especially as the Bird clearly needs some expertise greater than mine to fettle it properly! Anyway, despite some playability issues up beyond the 12th fret on the G, it sounded completely awesome!

Also very nice to have got 2 gigs off the back of last night's show :)

Posted (edited)

Saturday, Brofest 3 at Northumbria Uni. On at 4.00pm just as The Toon were kicking off the second half, a mile away.
It could have been more packed at that time. Spookily it filled up big style about 6pm long after we had finished.
So, bass duties for Troyen a short lived early 80's NWOBHM band We have sold a couple of hundred on the recently released 9 track CD, but we really could not have expected the response. Simply amazing and humbling. Photos/auto's with people from North and South America, Europe and Israel.
I played like a clown but it really didn't matter.
Fabulous gig for us.

Edited by karlfer

Had my FIRST EVER GIG last weekend and absolutely loved it. Only stuffed up once, totally forgot which song we were in the middle of, a bit of a "special" moment. Found my way back after a second or two. Laughs from lead guitarist. Crowd was ace, about 50 or so, no heckling, and some dancing / clapping along. Great stuff as we are doing originals and it was the first time thu had been heard.

Venue was 13th Note in Glasgow. Sound guy was easy to talk to and apparently we sounded good out front.

Found I could hear myself quite well on stage using my amp as monitor... That was my biggest fear before hand.

Next gig in late spring/ summer. We have new songs brewing.

Support came from the excellent Dark Arts and The Minionz.


Had my FIRST EVER GIG last weekend and absolutely loved it. Only stuffed up once, totally forgot which song we were in the middle of, a bit of a "special" moment. Found my way back after a second or two. Laughs from lead guitarist. Crowd was ace, about 50 or so, no heckling, and some dancing / clapping along. Great stuff as we are doing originals and it was the first time thu had been heard.

Venue was 13th Note in Glasgow. Sound guy was easy to talk to and apparently we sounded good out front.

Found I could hear myself quite well on stage using my amp as monitor... That was my biggest fear before hand.

Next gig in late spring/ summer. We have new songs brewing.

Support came from the excellent Dark Arts and The Minionz.


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1425171055' post='2704772']

I think your band has a nice likable look. However, I wish you had worn a black shirt.

We do all wear black shirts if it's a classy gig but this was just a more laid back local pub gig - I need to go get myself one of those sh*te shirts for casual occasions :D


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1425171055' post='2704772']

I think your band has a nice likable look. However, I wish you had worn a black shirt.

We do all wear black shirts if it's a classy gig but this was just a more laid back local pub gig - I need to go get myself one of those sh*te shirts for casual occasions :D

Posted (edited)

[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1425369554' post='2706514']
We do all wear black shirts if it's a classy gig but this was just a more laid back local pub gig - I need to go get myself one of those sh*te shirts for casual occasions :D

Not a big deal at all.

Gig threads is a weird personal thing. My band has never discussed what we wear to gigs, nobody shows up looking like a bum, so it really isn't an issue. Me, I obsess on it, I usually have several outfits laid out on my bed to chose from. I've been working my 70s look for about 45 years now. And it ain't working at all. :D


Edited by blue

[quote name='blue' timestamp='1425619115' post='2709095']
Not a big deal at all.

Gig threads is a weird personal thing. My band has never discussed what we wear to gigs, nobody shows up looking like a bum, so it really isn't an issue. Me, I obsess on it, I usually have several outfits laid out on my bed to chose from. I've been working my 70s look for about 45 years now. And it ain't working at all. :D


our band only discuss really if its a big pay corporate do or wedding or something similar - otherwise we just wear whatever - ive even played a 50th birthday party forgetting to put my smart shoes on and unintentionally wearing my crocs and nobody even noticed :lol:


[quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1425369554' post='2706514']
We do all wear black shirts if it's a classy gig but this was just a more laid back local pub gig - I need to go get myself one of those sh*te shirts for casual occasions :D

not that you can see it much , but in my current avatar you see the shoulder of a particularily well named sh*teshirt :D . though for modesty and family parties I do rebadge the shirts ( I have 2 :blush: )

Rhythm and drums have suitable lairy shirts when needed , singist really can't get past subtle shirts , though he thinks they are loud , and lead guitar won't dress far from the status quo :lol:


[quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1425671273' post='2709671']lead guitar won't dress far from the status quo :lol:[/quote]

You mean all denim? nowt wrong with that...

Posted (edited)

[quote name='blue' timestamp='1425171295' post='2704773']
Again, love the stage look of your band. You guys look like a band not punters. Cool venue too.

Thanks! I think black suits me more the older I get... ;)

Here's a blurry phone pic from a Cowboy Hat and That Fuzzbox Voodoo gig (my other band) at Rhythm factory on March 4th:

I couldn't hear a thing as the PA was WAY too loud... paradoxically.
Hope & Anchor on the 18th, Proud Camden on the 29th and Alley Cat on the 30th... maybe it will fall into place after more gigs...

Edited by discreet

Open mic night last night in a swishy new bar. Drinks ridiculously expensive, skeleton house band of keys, guitar and drums.

They wanted a bass player for I wish, so muggins gets up. "I must play all the time" keyboard player started it off (playing the little known Michael Schumacher version) surprised we didn't get a speeding ticket. Awful. Guest vocalist couldn't fit the words in. In addition, the guitarist that got up with us needed a SatNav to find where he should have been on the fingerboard.

Don't know why I put myself in these situations :lol:

The Mrs sang a nice smooth and funky version of Sunny though, so not a total loss. At least it was a night out.


Played as a threesome at the regular open mic night at The Queen's Head in Brixton last Tuesday.
We were fourth on a set of ten acts - three songs each is the rule.

Nailed it, if I say so myself...


We did a support for 'Dirty Vertibrae' this eveing.. Throughly enjoyabale all-round. B)



Last night was the first outing of the year for the cielidh band, playing a private party at a church hall 10 minutes drive away.
About 70 people all up and dancing from the off. We were working with a new caller who looks like he might be a real gem.
I took my Yamaha Bex and Roland cube 100, which was plenty sufficient for the venue and volumes we play at.
A good payer and free bar and food. 😜


There have been plenty of posts about bass players struggling to be heard above two 'enthusiastic' guitarists, but spare a thought for the lead guitarist in a band with an 'enthusiastic' rhythm guitarist. This was me last night as I stood in with a 5-piece rock/indie/punk covers band after just 2 rehearsals covering their whole set just once! I generally prefer to be the only electric guitarist, but this band has a very distinct lead/rhythm split.

The main challenge was the fact that they play a lot of the songs very much in their own way - [i]Times Like These[/i] with no 7/4 sections anyone? The other was in the use of my fairly comprehensive pedalboard. I found I had to employ some kind of gain effect all the time - I couldn't just turn up my amp, otherwise my solos came out too loud. Anyway it went pretty well and it was a good payer.


Fantastic gig to a packed house at the Bierhaus in Stadia Norwich last night. Dance floor was rammed with punters singing along from the first number. Really was the kind of gig that reminds you why you do it all.
It was a bit of a nervy one for me as Mrs Painy is due to give birth in less than a week and a half but proved to be more than worth it when 3 of the punters each put up an extra £200 for us to play Comfortably numb again!!!
So a great gig with a responsive crowd, a £600 tip and my other half didn't go into Labour while was there. All in all not a bad night for us :D

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