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Just played the Rustic Stage at Weyfest.
30 minutes,stripped down semi-acoustic set of country rock to a full room.
Hot and humid,good fun,and was told by the soundman that people loved the sub-bass from my rig!
I think the wooden stage was vibrating!


We did the closing set from nine til after eleven at small festival by the Thames yesterday. It's the third time we've done it, and usually there is a big and enthusiastic crowd, but there were'nt too many willing to stand in the cold to watch us. Pub was packed, most of them were all inside listening! They missed a good show, though, as there was a quality PA with people who knew how to make it work for us, plus decent lighting, dry ice and a pyrotechechnics display in front of the stage, which helped warm us up a little. We all had our coats on for the second set!

I'm sure the playing and sound was better than any of the three we played last weekend, just a shame about the weather. It paid OK as well, I just missed going home with that buzz a good audience gives you. The people that stayed outside to enjoy the show had a good time, just a shame the weather put most people off.


We did a party last night for a friend of rhythm guitar , it was good fun though we learned some cheesy 8o's stuff that I really don't like, Tainted Love :unsure:.
We were due to finish by 11.00 . :D ........except, we had agreed to let the DJ go through the PA , :( , so we stayed another hour before we could pack the lights and PA down .
We did breakdown the backline though so it wasn't a late getaway , but it somehow doesn't feel right when the party is still in full swing and we are packing up, it seems disrespectful, but I guess as the party was done on mates rates, it wasn't an issue.


We had a great gig at a pub we've been playing since we started. Sometimes the crowd get a little too 'boisterous' (there was a fight last time we played there during Two Tribes; very appropriate) but last night was just the right amount of booze coupled with high spirits, fuelled by music. New landlords in attendance and they seemed mightily impressed; more gigs there for sure :D


Good night for us at the Cross Keys in Morley near Leeds

Great venue - proper set up, big stage, good PA and a guy who does a grand job on the desk

And the beer was decent 😄


Posted (edited)

Huge Harley Davidson Rally gig last Saturday. Thousands in attendance even for our 11:00am time slot.

Huge stage,top shelf sound and lights. Plus private green room with food and drink. Big time pay too.

The kind of gig I love.

Were a bar band, however, in the Summer we play our share of fairs and festivals. It's a refreshing change.


Edited by blue

[quote name='blue' timestamp='1441825332' post='2862140']
Huge Harley Davidson Rally gig last Saturday. Thousands in attendance even for our 11:00am time slot.

Huge stage,top shelf sound and lights. Plus private green room with food and drink. Big time pay too.

The kind of gig I love.

Were a bar band, however, in the Summer we play our share of fairs and festivals. It's a refreshing change.


Nice one Blue!!


Played in a small sleazy rock bar where classic rock was the order of the day. No stage and one side of the PA rig refused to work. Regardless, both the band and the crowd really enjoyed the gig. loved it.


[quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1442054969' post='2864084']
Played in a small sleazy rock bar

Could have been worse, you might have been sitting in a sleazy snack bar sucking sickly sausage rolls...


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1441825332' post='2862140']
Huge Harley Davidson Rally gig last Saturday. Thousands in attendance even for our 11:00am time slot.

Huge stage,top shelf sound and lights. Plus private green room with food and drink. Big time pay too.

The kind of gig I love.

Were a bar band, however, in the Summer we play our share of fairs and festivals. It's a refreshing change.



i just googled milwaukee HD and this from 2012 came up - is this the sort of stage?? :o :lol:


Well, not quite Milwaukee Harley Davidson gig, but we did have some local motorbike instructors in at the Duke of Wellington in Shoreham! Great pub - part of the Dark Star brewery (they make some incredible beers if you ever get the chance - the bottles espresso beer is great, and if you like strong stout, try the Imperial, but tread with care it is nearly wine strength)!! We picked the gig up at last minute as the booked band had to drop out, otherwise they are booked up for months ahead.


We were a bit ring rusty after all of us taking time off in August for family holidays and the like so it was a bit daunting facing a working men's club type audience and basically playing from just after 9pm till midnight with a couple of fairly short breaks. It blew the cobwebs off but I was knackered by the time I got home. They want us back next spring but they will have to pay more if they want that sort of coverage again. We also got a more lucrative private party booking from it too which was good. Looking at some of the FB comments it seems the audience graciously overlooked my occasional Les Dawson moments on the PK5 pedals last night :blush:


Awful, terrible. Very posh venue but proved that money can't buy class. Best mans speech staring at his notes "Can't fuc...g read this. Hey can you all shut the fu.k up!" whilst wobbling over the guitartists pedal board. He put his glass of champagne on top of the key players Nord and when the guitarist went to move it the guy got a bit aggressive. Everyone looked embarrased - it was cringe worthy. That set the tone for the evening.


We played to 10 men, two women and a dog last night, plus the bar staff of course.
It is a regular for us , but the races were on yesterday and lots of the locals go to town all day on the sauce , it wasn't all down though, we brought 40% of the pubs clientele with us , and the most of the other regulars said they wouldn't have been out if it hadn't been us on, add in to that the fact that one of the women there enjoyed dancing , to the point that she put on a show for everyone else , we were then described as the support act :lol: .

We blooded 2 new ones that were requests from our last visit , but we hadn't had a chance to rehearse them together , so a silent run through before the start, a couple of cheat sheets and we nailed them , nothing complex , but its great when it comes together like that .


Much better last night, charity fund raiser for a friend. Played well, people danced, couple of free drinks and got paid expenses.Even got propositioned by a lovely woman which I politely declined. So all in all a great night :-)


Not last night, but this afternoon.
I recently joined an originals-only folk/punk band called 5 Hils Out.
We played today at an open day at the Rolls Royce factory in Derby.
The PA and sound support was done by the team who work on company events so all was good.
It was the first proper run out for my recently bought Barefaced Midget T. I played my Fender Jazz 5 string through an
LMIII and it sounded good. However, it was temporary wooden staging and I forgot my Gramma pad. Doh.....
It was an unpaid gig, but we were handsomely wined and dined (a band member works there) and we made some good contacts for future work. Plus an excellent tour of an amazing manufacturing and repair site for aero engines.


Saturday, I had two gigs. One at the launch of the new WBA fan Zone with reggae band Musical Youth Stu Hartland from the Twang and the other was a blues, Rock n Roll, Reggae band gig in the evening.


[quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1442143463' post='2864612']
Awful, terrible. Very posh venue but proved that money can't buy class. Best mans speech staring at his notes "Can't fuc...g read this. Hey can you all shut the fu.k up!" whilst wobbling over the guitartists pedal board. He put his glass of champagne on top of the key players Nord and when the guitarist went to move it the guy got a bit aggressive. Everyone looked embarrased - it was cringe worthy. That set the tone for the evening.

I remember a very posh wedding years ago, when my wife had her floristry shop. I was delivering very expensive boxed 'thank you' bouquets, to be stored for later, and the reception was just starting, with drinks. One of the ushers was shouting down the length of the bar , "Oi Dave! What do you want to drink you old c**t'?" He was surrounded by people with children at the time, but I suspect had been on the pop before the wedding, and was oblivious. I spoke to the hotelier the following day, and that was just the start. He wasn't alone in getting sauced quickly. She'd had to shut the bar and call the plod by 10 p.m., and this was a privately owned 4 star hotel. As you say, loads of cash, but no class.


Wigan Diggers festival on Saturday. We played really well, best for ages and the crowd loved it!

Same band on Sunday at a small pub. Great beer and food, good money, but I played awfully. Apparently no-one else noticed, and we did go down well, but I hated every minute.


Band played good but for me, hated it.

Been a heavy few days. Thursday, live band recording at France Bleu radio, Saturday, wedding anniversary gig, home at 2.30 am Sunday morning, up at 7.00 am, 70km drive to sound-check and play at 11.30 am. Leave there at 13.00, 230km drive to afternoon / evening gig and then 160km drive home.

It's not fun anymore.


First double bass gig in three months. Only managed half the gig and now have a blister on my r/h index finger. One more double bass gig in the diary and one more electric and then I retire (not really, just no-one seems to want to book me anymore so the only gigs I get are the ones I arrange).


Played in a David Bowie tribute band for a friends wedding. Really enjoyed it even though the nerves (not played live in since last April) got to me at a couple of points, as well as not being able to feel my fingers after the 2nd song due to the cold and having to switch to pick instead.
This was the best photo I've found of the gig. Bloody singers hogging all the lens space!


[quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1442220879' post='2865157']
First double bass gig in three months. Only managed half the gig and now have a blister on my r/h index finger. One more double bass gig in the diary and one more electric and then I retire (not really, just no-one seems to want to book me anymore so the only gigs I get are the ones I arrange).

'twas a good evening though.
Thanks again.

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