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[quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1448618955' post='2916840']
Sunday's gig in a chilly but pleasant venue featuring my one-note per chord bass line.


Not many bass notes but they sounded so right :)

I enjoyed listening.


all went rather well - large party crowd of about 150-200 ish for 50th birthday party held at the players in pavilion kent county cricket ground - loads of space loads of volume - crowd shaking their booty thang and friendly DJ too :D


Saturday night boob fest at popular cocktail bar in centre of town. We've had a residency at this place since 2008 - lots of dancing and partying - gave out a few cards - 2 encores - job done :)

Posted (edited)

Played at Ripley's Out of Town for the first time...odd room with two pool tables dominating the centre and a corner with three sofas!

A chance to debut the new Ashdown stack and all was exactly as expected - a much easier load in/out without the damned combo! Performance was ok - one of our guitarists wasn't at all well and had IV antibiotics that morning. He shouldn't really have played but he manfully soldiered through it with a few lapses but not too bad - certainly not spotted by the punters.

Both sets went down well and I thought we'd escaped with not playing "Whisky in the Jar" until said guitarists started no noodle away the solo! That and 2 other encores, a happy crowd, a happy band and a happy landlady who wants us back and also to play at another venue she owns. Good stuff!

Edited by DaytonaRik

Awful. My amp was cutting in and out during the first few songs, doing the Windows trick of switching it off and on again seemed to sort it the second time, but my confidence was hit for six during the first set.

What was worse though was the small, older, dis-intersted audience of social club members. Had the usual social club volume problem too. Those who stayed to the end said they enjoyed it, but they were small in number. Didn't help that the function room upstairs was booked for a charity function and had another band. Seemed nuts to booke a lively rock and dance/pop band on the same night.

Still, got paid so can't complain too loudly, just need my amp to keep it together until the new year when I'll take it down to Bernie Goodfellow and get him to take a look at it.


Just done my first two gigs ever this week (and only the second/third gigs for the band as a whole). Thursday night was at the Colchester Soundhouse and was great fun. We were amid a line-up of pop-punk bands (with us playing prog/metal) and it went down surprisingly well. We were all a bit stiff given it was our first gig together but by and large a happy occasion and the other bands were really friendly and welcoming.

Then Friday we were supporting Abode in Ipswitch. The gig line-up was more in keeping with our sound and we seemed to go down really well. I think we were all far more relaxed and having fun then too which no dount helped a lot. We've been invited back to play again in the new year so I guess we must have been doing something right! Oh, and here are a couple of piccies from the two nights:

First the Soundhouse on Thrusday:

and then at McGintys in Ipswitch on Friday:


Gigged my new Geddy Lee Jazz on Friday! What a bass. I play in a three-piece funk/rock band and this really cuts through.

...and yes, that's a poodle parlour over the road!



[quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1449433819' post='2923522']
Just done my first two gigs ever this week (and only the second/third gigs for the band as a whole). Thursday night was at the Colchester Soundhouse and was great fun. We were amid a line-up of pop-punk bands (with us playing prog/metal) and it went down surprisingly well. We were all a bit stiff given it was our first gig together but by and large a happy occasion and the other bands were really friendly and welcoming.

Then Friday we were supporting Abode in Ipswitch. The gig line-up was more in keeping with our sound and we seemed to go down really well. I think we were all far more relaxed and having fun then too which no dount helped a lot. We've been invited back to play again in the new year so I guess we must have been doing something right! Oh, and here are a couple of piccies from the two nights:

First the Soundhouse on Thrusday:

and then at McGintys in Ipswitch on Friday:

[quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1449433819' post='2923522']
Just done my first two gigs ever this week (and only the second/third gigs for the band as a whole). Thursday night was at the Colchester Soundhouse and was great fun. We were amid a line-up of pop-punk bands (with us playing prog/metal) and it went down surprisingly well. We were all a bit stiff given it was our first gig together but by and large a happy occasion and the other bands were really friendly and welcoming.

Then Friday we were supporting Abode in Ipswitch. The gig line-up was more in keeping with our sound and we seemed to go down really well. I think we were all far more relaxed and having fun then too which no dount helped a lot. We've been invited back to play again in the new year so I guess we must have been doing something right! Oh, and here are a couple of piccies from the two nights:

First the Soundhouse on Thrusday:

and then at McGintys in Ipswitch on Friday:


If you guys are ever up my way, I'll try and pop along :)

Gig last night was OK. Not great, but working with people that have never had any experience playing live, it's always going to be a bit ropey...



Gig last night with my main band was excellent. Best gig I've ever done, tons of smiles all round and some new contacts. Was awesome.

Video from last night too:



Brilliant. Depping with a Stones covers band. Dressed up like a full-on Rock Chick and managed to convince everyone I knew what I was doing. Fingers virtually bleeding after Sympathy for the Devil.
Loved it! :-)


Despite scrappy playing from me, a singer recovering from bronchitis who did a sterling job and the odd electronic malfunction the gig rocked. The venue was full, the crowd really got into it and the sound was solid.


Great gig last night at Rayleigh Mill. Second outing for my new classic rock covers band The Wayward Sons - we played a support slot for a soul band with whom we share drummer and keys. Slightly wavery start but once we warmed up the place was 'rocking'. I think we blew the soul band away, to be honest :)


Superb gig on the end of Bournemouth pier. Actually allowed to drive up the pier and park right at the end. Stunning views, great hospitality, excellent crowd and were well fed and watered. Result.


Mixed feelings for me. It was my last gig with the covers band I've been playing with since January. In the Spring I'm off to France to try to make some money letting out my holiday home there and the band have found a replacement for me already!

No idea whether I'll be able to find anyone to play with in France and I'm afraid I'm going to get very rusty.


It's always a bit rough (I not so affectionately refer to it as the bear pit) but while off loading our kit from the pub into the cars on Saturday it was all kicking off around us. A couple of empty riot vans were our only protection. Carrying a load of cabs though a brawl is not something I'd recommend- It was nothing like the scene from Only Fools & Horses with Del and his Capri Ghia.

Posted (edited)

Well, Water for Dogs returned to our annual self-organised silliness at the Queens Head in Belper on Saturday evening. This year we were ably supported by Miss Robyn Johnson who is a singer songwriter with one of those voices that you know is just waiting to be in the right place at the right time for everything to take off for her. She played a great set of her own material and then we went on...

we decided that we were going to use my full lighting rig and debut our new laser. I had run some test programs on the lights and laser and knew how we could run things using footswitch triggers. Everything groovy. We open our set with a stage blacked out barring the laser scanning a single wide angle beam through smoke above us and the matching t-shirts we were wearing with LED graphic equalisers on them (cheap but funny). Halfway through the first track we hit the louder more full-on section, I hit the floor switch for the lights, stage lighting goes on, everybody cheers...and Richards double decker keyboard stand collapses. Not in a toppling over way but in a Wiley Coyote drops-straight-down-leaving-his-hands-still-playing kind of way.


"We'll be back in a couple of minutes..."

We were. People helped, they held stuff, re-connected stuff, plied us with beer and within 5 minutes were back up and running with miraculously no damage other than a bent connector. After that everything went great. Much dancing from the off, great reception for our new tracks, couple of CD sales (including one that needed signing???) and an introduction to another festival and a music journalisty type. All good.

Evidence of cheesy t-shirt (and growing of second chin)

Edited by Chris Sharman

Well - our first "lemon" of a gig. TBH We'd played the venue before and I wasn't convinced about a return - my fears proved to be valid! First set went down reasonably well but the 2nd set turned out to be a paid rehearsal. Hey ho...such is life!


Had a blinder on Saturday, it doubled as the drummists 50th party , so we had a very decent audience on top of the very healthy amount of locals . they like us in the pub anyway and this is our normal christmas party . We had 3 new songs in the set and they went down really well, and after the gig we went on to the drummists house for an after show party , great weekend overall .


Had a great night on Saturday. From song 3 in the first set the dance space was populated. Our first Christmas song (Slade's Merry Christmas Everybody) seemed to turn into a big co-ordinated dance and then the last song went down a storm - I'd printed off lyrics for all to join in Fairytale of New York so we had a huge sing-a-long.

The extra lighting was lovely but the attempt to have some smoke in set 2 brought the organiser up to say that a couple of people had asthma and didn't want the smoke. So that was the end of that - just got enough out to create a haze effect.

This was a penultimate gig the band, so just NYE to go.

A bit of video from an action cam on my headstock - sorry about the sound quality - the tiny mic in the cam is just not up to it:


This weekend we had our first two full gigs with our new drummer, and I have to say that they went superbly. Saturday night was at a venue in High Wycombe that we've played at before. In the past it's been a fairly small crowd, and this time was no different. Finally got home at half past one.

Sunday night was at another venue that we've played at a couple of times before. First time was packed, second was totally empty - last night was packed again! Great sound, good crowd, sold our last few CDs - time to get another run done.

Nothing in the calendar now until February, hopefully that gives us time to work some new songs into our set.



Awesome! Our last gig of the year and it was in a fantastic 'real' boozer called The Solent Inn in Ryde on the IOW. Great atmosphere, great crowd and the band hardly missed a beat. Roll-on 2016!

Posted (edited)

Had a brilliant one on Saturday - our last gig before Christmas in a really packed bar, really hot and sweaty and loud, and with some festive beers flowing.

It was definitely one of those 'string killer' gigs tho, when you sweat so much that the bass is all smudgy and smeared afterwards and the strings are just dull thunks. And finished with the obligatory "Merry Xmas Everybody" Slade jobbie.

Even had people getting their photos taken with us afterwards, tho we are a bit too wet and slimy to hug by that point.

A most excellent vibe tho. A proper gig!

Edited by bassbiscuits
Posted (edited)

From the other week:

[i]I WANT TO SING A COUPLE OF SONGS WITH YOU.[/i]' Quite tall, very drunk young lad says to me.
His eyes are not focussing on me properly and he is slurring his words. Trouble.
I tell him that we aren't insured for that and if he hurts himself onstage, the insurance claim could close the pub.

He wobbles uncertainly again after having too many first ever legal pints.
Goes away and wobbles round in a semi-comical manner on the so-called dance floor.
He is cross-eyed drunk.
We watch him staggering around while we play and fret that the PA speakers might be coming off their stands shortly.

20 minutes later, between songs, he comes up and walks over to my microphone again.
By this time he is in such a bad way that his mate see it and they come to take him back into the audience.
Too late.
He isn't having any of it.
Neither am I and I say so, but he still goes to grab my microphone.
Down he falls.
Over my monitor.
Onto my mic stand.
Knees straight down into my floor pedals.

My microphone stand is now threatening to hit £2000 worth of Rickenbacker bass on a stand, so I square up to him with a custom-built bass still hanging round my neck, pushing both him and the dangerously falling microphone stand back. He crawls all over my work area and I resist the severe temptation to kick the f*** out of him. A couple of his mates pick him up and drag him off.
My basses are luckily unharmed.
My mic stand needs setting up again.
My pedals are all disconnected from the power supply and ripped out of place from where they have been fixed on my pedal board.
I feel murderous.

A bit of getting down on my knees and re-patching cables and fixing my mic stand for five minutes and then we do the much-practiced [i]'smile and carry on as if nothing has happened' [/i]act. We do what are now certainly going to be the last two songs and then we pack up. The drunken lad is shepherded out of the pub by what is probably his Mum and so he misses them.

The lad's dad comes over when we are done. He apologises. [i]'No harm done'[/i], he says. I scare him by pointing out that I had told his son repeatedly to keep back from the stage and that a new Rickenbacker bass would set his son back £2000. I valued the custom built bass I had on at £3000, just to terrify him. I said he would have needed another student loan after he had paid me up.
[i]'But it's his 18th and he was just having fun' [/i]says his dad slinking off, relieved that his waste of sperm hasn't actually broken precious things. He has no idea at all.

The lad's mate then comes over and apologises profusely for him, saying [i]we should come and watch the lad's band[/i].
I suddenly picture stage invasions with crossbows, but say nothing.
[i]You must have done the same thing when you were his age?[/i] (Says his mate). I am almost speechless.
No. I never ever made a prat of myself by falling into another band's gear. That was not something that I have ever wanted to do. Your mate may be just 18 and a good lad etc, but I take a dim view of some drunken **** nearly doing about £5000 worth of damage.

His mate is taken aback by my somewhat annoyed tone.
No-one seems to get the fact that this clown was a danger to us and the people around him.
He kindly offers to buy me a drink which I politely decline.
I just want to go home.

The next person who invades my stage will wake up in hospital with surgeons wondering how to get my boot out of his arse.

Edited by 12stringbassist

[quote name='seashell' timestamp='1444374341' post='2882589']
He said 'I loved that Song you did last night 'The Weight'. I'd never heard it before so I went home and googled it. Found out it was by The Band. Never heard of them before, so I found some more of their stuff. It's great, isn't it?'

I hope more young people discover more of the great bands and material from my generation.


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